
Poetry Reading List

Conrad Aiken
Margaret Atwood
W. H.  Auden
Elizabeth Bishop
Rupert Brooke
Gwendolyn Brooks  
Rita Dove
Paul Lawrence Dunbar
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Alan Ginsburg
Nikki Giovanni
Donald Hall
Thomas Hardy
Robert  Hayden
Seamus  Heaney
A.E. Houseman
Ted Hughes
Langston Hughes
Randall Jarrell
Philip Larkin
D. H.  Lawrence
Marianne Moore
Pablo Neruda
Wilfred Owen
Sylvia Plath
Edgar Allen Poe
Rainer Marie Rilke
Christina Rossetti
Anne Sexton
Karl Shapiro
Wallace Stevens
Allen Tate
Dylan Thomas
John Updike
Derek Walcott
Richard Wilbur
William C. Williams
William Wordsworth
W. B.  Yeats

You are not limited to the poets on the list!  Check out this web site: 

[cut/pasted with gratitude from Ms. Cotten's AP site:]