
Monday, September 26, 2011

September 26

JOURNAL TOPIC: ["Indecision" by Eagle Eye Cherry; "King Without a Crown" by Matisyahu]
Hamlet wrestles with difficult decisions and problems by talking them through. Based on what you've read so far, how do you think Hamlet will be influenced by such elements as his family, where he lives, emotion, and the differences between Hamlet's inner world of thoughts/feelings and the outer world that surrounds him? Feel free to apply your own experiences on these topics.

1. Journal
2. Vocabulary
3. Intro to Hamlet

1. Research Hamlet online and answer the following questions (with citations for any website you consult and/or quote) in comments to this post: 1)What is the play about? 2)Why is interpreting the play such a challenge? Why doesn't everyone agree on what it means?


  1. Hamlet is about revenge and moral values. Hamlet must decide whether too avenge his father's death or let God take care of it.
    I checked multiple websites but I couldn't find much controversy over the interpretation of the play the only debatable information I found was that many people argue Hamlet did actually slip into insanity at certain points, while others believe he was only acting insane and convinced himself that he was going mad.

  2. 1) The story is about a schizophrenic Danish prince.
    2) People wil argue over virtually anything that can be interpreted in different ways. Also the author's dead.

  3. 1)Hamlet is a revenge-tragedy that tells the story of how a young prince Hamlet of Denmark takes revenge against his uncle Claudias, for murdering old king Hamlet(Hamlets father), by killing him.

    2)Hamlet is such a challenge to interpret because there are 3 differnt versions of the play, neither of which are verified to be the true original copy intended by Shakespeare. Also, each version contains lines or whole sections that aren't in either of the other two versions.Not everyone agrees on what Hamlet means because he was so hesitant and thoughtful throughout the play especially at the point when he's about to kill his uncle. Other points of controversy whether or not Hamlet ever went insane.


    Per 3

  4. 1. Hamlet is about Prince Hamlet and how his father’s ghost comes to him and tells him that Claudius poisoned him so Prince Hamlet seeks revenge. While doing this he brings madness upon all of his family and friends.
    2. The main problem with interpreting Hamlet is the words he uses and the order he puts them in. People can not come to an agreement on what Hamlet means because over time the words he uses have changed meaning and the structure of the sentences have changed so different people look at it different ways.


    Kristen Frias

  5. 1. The play is about how Prince Hamlet takes revenge on his uncle, Claudius, for murdering the old King Hamlet. He does this by takeing the throne of his father, King Hamlet, and marries his own mother.
    (Went to Google and typed in"What is Hamlet about", then clicked on the link for Wikipedia)

    2. The play is so hard to interpret because of the style that Shakespear uses. It is complex and rich in meaning which we don't see very often in todays plays.

    3. I think that know one can agree on the topic of what Hamlet is really supposed to mean. Their are so many different ideas and opinions that can be developed from the play that it is impossible to come to a consensus.
    (Went to Google and typed in "What is the meaning of Hamlet", then clicked on the link that said"Their are many meanings for Hamlet by Shakespear")

    A.J. Franklin
    Period 2

  6. 1.) The play Hamlet is about a Prince (Hamlet) who mourns both his father's death and his mother, Queen Gertrude's remarriage to Claudius. The ghost of Hamlet's father appears to him and tells him that Claudius has poisoned him. Hamlet then swears revenge, which ends up taking over his life leading him to use mad behavior. The play's themes also include indecision, seeking revenge and retribution, deception, ambition, loyalty and fate.
    2.) Interpreting the play is such a challenge because the medieval language can be very hard to interpret, especially Shakespeare. People may not agree on what it means because there may be more than one way to interpret the meaning and the language can be very complex.

    Alaysia Navarro
    Period 4

  7. 1) Hamlet by William Shakespeare is about Prince Hamlet taking revenge on behalf of his father. When Hamlet comes back from his school to attend his father's funeral, he is informed that his mother had married to Claudius, his father's brother. Later, his father's apparition tells Hamlet that Claudius has murdered him and wants Hamelt to take revenge. After confirming Claudius's killing of his father, Hamlet plans his revenge deceptively. He kills Prolonius first which leads up to Ophelia's death. Laertes duals with Hamlet and dies when Hamlet cuts him. Gertrude, Hamlet's mother, accidentally drinks from the poison cup Claudius had intended for Hamlet to drink and dies. When Hamlet finds out about this, he goes to Claudius and stabs him until he dies. Because Hamlet was cut by Laertes's poisoned sword, he also dies in the end of the play.

    2) The play is difficult to analyze because there are multiple versions of the text and all of them don't match with one another. The language also makes the text difficult to interpret because there are many of them that are abstract to comprehend in the modern era.


    Samuel Moon

    Period 6

  8. 1. Hamlet is a tragic story about a Danish prince named Hamlet takes revenge from a man named Claudias. Hamlet's father, who is a ghost, goes to Hamlet to tell him that Claudias was the one who killed him.

    2. Hamlet is hard to interpret because Shakespere uses different methods of writing that are not used in todays modern society. Not everyone agrees to what the story means because there are many differnet ways to interpret the text. Also over time the words have changed their meaning causing people to look at it a different way.

    Patrick Sims P.3

  9. 1)The play Hamlet is about Prince Hamlet seeking revenge towards his uncle (Claudius). Hamlets father (the old King Hamlet) appears as a ghost and tells him that his uncle (Claudius) murdered him. Hamlet also seeks revenge on his uncle for marrying Gurtrude (Hamlets mother).

    2)Interpreting Hamlet is such a challenge and we can never come to agreement because there are so many different versions of the play. Also Shakespeare’s style of writing by using the “iambic pentameter” is very different than what we are normally used to.

    Jessica Manriquez; Per. 6

  10. 1. Hamlet is about Prince Hamlet wanting revenge towards his uncle Claudius, the one who murdered his fathers death. Hamlet's father, the old king, appears to Hamlet as a ghost. The story is based on revenge and ambition. (
    2.Interpreting Hamlet is a struggle because of the use of language, it is not modern language and many people don't understand it or people look at it differently and there are a variety of meanings.

    period 3

  11. 1.The play is about Hamlets decision of taking revenge of his father's death who was murdered by his uncle Claudius. In which Claudius becomes king marrying his brothers wife Gertude.In which the play shows treachery, revenge,incest and moral corruption.
    2.No one can really come to an agreement on the play because no one person can descifer the authors thoughts and meanings behind it all. ALong with most of the language used in the play is interpreted very differently now.

    Edith Gonzalez p.3

  12. 1) The play is about Hamlet and how he handles the burden of revenge.
    2) The play was written so long ago there isn't one specific version to reference. This was for and had reflections of a different time period, meanings of everything could be slightly different. There are ideas in the play that weren't defined clearly, so vastly different interpretations happened. The clashing in interpretations comes from the questions of whether or not Hamlet was actually insane and why he spent so long waiting to commit his father's revenge. Everyone doesn't agree because there is no specified right answer and they don't want to compromise what they believe to be true.
    Cody's and Brynn's answers. Maybe Ian's.

    Dannielle Edwards, 4th.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. 1. The play takes place in the Kingdom of Denmark. Prince Hamlet exacts revenge on his uncle Claudius for murdering the old King Hamlet (Claudius's brother and Prince Hamlet's father). Then succeeds to the throne and marries Gertrude (the King Hamlet's widow and mother of Prince Hamlet).
    2. The main reason the play is a challenge has a lot to do with the fact that there are different versions of it. Three different early versions of the play have survived: they are known as the First Quarto (Q1), the Second Quarto (Q2) and the First Folio (F1). Each has lines, and even scenes, that are missing from the others.(Wikipedia) The first edition of Hamlet was published in 1603 and the second one following in 1604. In comparing the two editions we find improvement in language, with greater philosophic depth, and a wondrous insight into what is most hidden and obscure in men's characters and motives. (Theatre History)Not everyone agrees on the meaning because we all not only have different opinions and ideas, but we all have these different opinions/ideas on different versions on Hamlet.

    Annais Acosta
    Period: 6

  15. 1. Hamlet is a tragedy in which the main character, Prince Hamlet, is melancholy and full of vengeance due to the murder of his father and his mother’s marriage to his uncle, Claudius. Hamlet’s father then comes to him as a ghost and tells him that Claudius is the one who poisoned him. Hamlet then goes “mad” and makes a play with a plot that is extremely similar to Claudius’s life story. He kills Polonius for eavesdropping on his plan, but Polonius’s son comes back to Denmark to kill Hamlet and Polonius’s daughter is in love with the prince, but she ends up drowning because his madness drove her insane. A duel between Hamlet and Laertes (Polonius’s son) occurs and Hamlet, Laertes, Claudius, and Hamlet’s mother Gertrude all die.

    2. People interpret Hamlet differently for more reasons than just that there are different versions. It is such a difficult tragedy to agree on an interpretation about because the main character himself is so conflicted and full of contradictions. He is mad and Shakespeare had such a great way of conveying that, that it’s hard to fully understand exactly what he meant. Also, among high school students, there are so many different interpretations just because we don’t quite know how to read the text and what some of the words are saying.

    Shannon Fahey, Period 4

  16. 1. The play Hamlet is about a son (Hamlet) who is trying to take revenge for his father's death. He is convinced the Claudius (Uncle) was to blame for the death because Hamlet's father had told him that he poisoned him. Also, Claudius killed Hamlet's father just to take the king's throne.

    2. Interpreting the play is so difficult because there are so man versions of it everywhere. Also, it is very difficult because of how it was written. This play is about seeking revenge and usually when a character does that, they get it and not wait for a long period of time like Hamlet did.

  17. 1. The play is about Hamlet, the prince of Denmark, killing his uncle, Claudius, after he learns that he's responsible for killing his father King Hamlet. Then he takes the throne and marries his mother.
    2. Because you for one can't get into an author's head and know exactly how they meant for something to be taken, and it's written in a way that is foreign to most readers. People also see themselves as right, so settling on one interpretation is really and impossible challenge. Everyone gets a different message when they read something, and they will see their way as the right way.

  18. 1. The play Hamlet is about, Prince Hamlet, who is full of vengeance after his father's ghost appears to him and tells him he was poisoned by his uncle Claudius. Hamlet plans revenge against Claudius. Hamlet's anger causes him to go mad in a sense and he ends up killing Polonius, am eavesdropper. Polonius's son plans to avenge his fathers death and a duel ensues leading to the death of Gertrude, Laertes, Claudius, and Hamlet.

    2. This play is no doubt difficult to interpret due to the fact that it is written in a language that has become so foreign, compared to modern language. However it is also interpreted so many different ways because of the character Hamlet himself. Some view Hamlet as a mad man while others view him as a son avenging his fathers death.

    Kelli Carrillo, Period 3

  19. The play is about the decision Prince Hamlet must make to get revenge on behalf of his father, after his uncle killed him. Hamlet has a hard time trying to kill Claudius because he is very thoughtful with what he does. This driving him a little crazy. 
    It's difficult to interpret Hamlet because Shakespeare wrote this awhile ago and it is complex in the meaning. Nobody can agree because everyone has different ideas of what Shakespeare intended when he wrote this story.

    Hunter Walker
    Period 3

  20. 1) Hamlet is about Hamlet's struggle on whether or not to avenge his father. He must choose between his morals and justice. The plot focuses more on his thinking than violence.
    2) Hamlet is difficult to interpret for a few reasons. For one, the language itself is difficult to translate. Second, we are not exactly aware why Hamlet waited as long as he did before getting revenge. Also, there is question as to whether Hamlet's dilemma is physical or mental.

  21. 1. Hamlet is a story about a young man named Hamlet who is melancholy about his father's death and his mother's marriage to the new king, Claudius. He seeks revenge on Claudius because he was the one who murdered Hamlet's father. While seeking his revenge, Hamlet accidently slays Polonius and Polonius's son, Laertes, wants to avenge his father's death. Polonius's daughter, on the other hand, falls in love with Hamlet, but then becomes insane and dies. The play ends with a bloody duel between Hamlet, Claudius, Laertes, and Gertrude. This story is also about the themes of revenge, ambition, and fate.


    2. Hamlet is a difficult story to interpret and understand because the language, context, and history are all so in depth and different to many societies. Modern language contains more slang, while Shakespeare's iambic pentameter creates a rhetoric yet tricky writing style to understand. The deep meaning of the story can be too melancholy or depressing for many people and can lead them to get off track on the main character's journey.


    3. Everyone translates and comprehends Hamlet in their own ways because In modern times, there are books that help explain the meaning of Shakespeare's work line by line in absolute detail. Back in the past, readers had to understand through their own opinions on history and emotions what really happened in the story. Every reader must decipher for themselves how the characters interact and how the play sums up as a whole.


    -Kelly Brickey, Period 3

  22. 1)Hamlet is a dark play based around the decisions of a mentally disturbed Danish prince.

    2)Shakespeare is no longer with us so it is kind of hard to ask for a true analysis. What Shakespeare left us with is a play that cannot have a true analysis.

  23. 1. Hamlet “…recounts how Prince Hamlet exacts revenge on his uncle Claudius for murdering the old King Hamlet (Claudius's brother and Prince Hamlet's father) and then succeeding to the throne and marrying Gertrude (the King Hamlet's widow and mother of Prince Hamlet).”
    2. As we discovered in class, there are many versions of Hamlet. Text is missing and edited, making it difficult to decide which is “correct.” The language is also difficult to understand.

  24. 1. Hamlet is about the prolonged murder plot of Prince Hamlet to revenge his late father King Hamlet by killing his uncle who killed him.

    2. The difficulty in interpreting the play lays in the fact that revenge plots are typically carried out swiftly. In addition, the reader also has to decide how much of the romance part of the story as well as the family ties Hamlet had truly affected the original murder plot. The reader also must take into account Hamlet’s actual character as well and how he typically would be like if the death of his father was hanging over him. The due to the multitude of strains placed on Hamlet during this time, one hundred different readers can draw one hundred different conclusions and still use the text to validate them.

    Jon Hoffman
    Period 2

  25. 1.It's tragedy in which prince Hamlet of Denmark takes revenge on his uncle Claudias, for murdering old king Hamlet(Hamlets father), by killing him.
    2. Author is dead. People like to argue. Also the work is from a different time period.

  26. Edit: Source: Wikipedia

  27. 1) It is about a Danish Prince that is conflicted with whether or not he should avenge his father. Eventually he does follow through with his revenge, and the main characters all die.
    2)It is difficult to interpret because there are many versions of the play. Also, the meanings of certain words have changed and it's original meaning has been lost between then and now.

  28. 1) The play Hamlet is about the mystery of death, the complexity of action, and the imposibility of certainty.
    2) It is hard to interpret the play because it is not in plain, every day english.
    3) Hamlet is interpreted differently but every reader. Because it is difficult to understand, the reader is forced to interpret it in their own way. Also, the reader has to decide for themselves why Hamlet does the things he does. Every one reader will have their own opinion and interpretation of the play.

    Tori Thompson period 3

  29. Max Kuhlman
    period 2

    1) Hamlet is a story of the young prince of Denmark, who seeks revenge on his uncle for the murder of his father.
    2) Hamlet is hard to interpret because there are so many different types of versions of the poetry. People have many different ways of on agreeing with what it means because now there are books that claim they know what the play really means so it causes controversy when agreeing on what it means


  30. 1. Hamlet is about a prince who sees the shame and evil of everyday life.
    2.It's hard to interpret because it's pretty old and Many translations have switched the words around. Nobody can agree on what it means because every looks at a book in different ways.
    Nicole Montoya
    Period 3

  31. 1.Hamlet is a revenge story about a Prince of Denmark. He plans to seek out his Uncle (Claudius) because he killed Hamlet's father. It is a dark written play about a disturbed person who is seeking revenge.

    2. Today in class we were talking about how there are 3 different versions of the same book just in the Righetti library. Everyone is going to have different interpretations because of that, and also because of the way it is written. It can be hard to understand that style of writing since we are not used to it. Also, Hamlet never had a right answer for why it was written. Shakespeare did not write this with the intentions of everyone coming to a consensus about the meaning. There is no written purpose for this book, and it is open for interpretation to the individual..

    Kaley Jorgensen Per 2

  32. 1. Hamlet is about the decision between revenge and moral values. He must decide nd choose between the choices of avenging his father's death or letting it go.
    2. I believe that this play is hard to interpret because of the different language used then and now. Because we now have so many different meanings of words. For example, the word rival then meant someone who relieves you or a coworker. Now it is commonly used for in synonym for the word enemy.

  33. 1. Hamlet is about a prince that seeks revenge on his father's killer. By doing this, he ends up causing even more trouble with his family and friends.
    2. Interpreting this play is difficult because there are many different versions. Also, the diction used is outdated and unfamiliar. Therefore, each person draws different meaning from the text, and interprets words differently.

    Cayla Salazar Period 2

  34. is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written between 1599 and 1601. The play, set in the Kingdom of Denmark, recounts how Prince Hamlet exacts revenge on his uncle Claudius for murdering the old King Hamlet (Claudius's brother and Prince Hamlet's father) and then succeeding to the throne and marrying Gertrude (the King Hamlet's widow and mother of Prince Hamlet). The play vividly portrays real and feigned madness – from overwhelming grief to seething rage – and explores themes of treachery, revenge, incest, and moral corruption.
    this is what wiki decided to say about hamlet.
    some people from are saying that hamlet is basically about life itself. interesting enough they have a good point. the things that occur in the story are both realistic in a sense of feeling or vibe that the play gives. and unrealistic in supernatural ways.
    2)Hamlet is so hard to interperet for many reasons. The play itself has been translated many times from its origin. Then we have legistics and personality that will deffinately lead to different interpretations of every word they may read throughout hamlet. Shakespeare as well wasnt a man of comprehension. His pieces all have to be figured out because he puts more meaning into his work than just text. now the way people percieve the work is all based on the reader themselves.

  35. 1. Hamlet is a story written by Shakespeare about a young Danish Prince who sees his recently deceased father’s ghost wandering around the castle grounds. His father’s ghost informs Hamlet that Claudius, King Hamlet’s brother, killed him for the throne. Throughout the play, Hamlet becomes increasing paranoid of Claudius (which he already was from the beginning), which seems to affect his mental stability. Hamlet doesn’t know whether or not to believe in this supernatural ghost or his suspicion uncle. These decisions weigh heavily on Hamlet as he tries to deal with them.
    2. Hamlet is a difficult piece of literature to interpret because Shakespeare intended it to be that way! I believe that all authors write their novels knowing the fact that their readers will interpret their words in their own way. It’s one of the perks to being a writer. While Shakespearean language may seem complicated in this era, this was the common language in the medieval times. The difference in language leaves a huge gap of interpretation that we, the reader, gladly invite. Not everyone agrees with one another because every individual interprets things uniquely. Those bold enough to voice their opinions have contributed to the everlasting debate of what Hamlet means/represents.

    Laura Wong
    2 Period

  36. 1)The play is about a Danish prince whose love for his father and anger towards his mother and uncle drive him to become hungry for revenge, and it's about his descent into madness as his plotting to avenge his father's murder throws all logic out the window.

    2)The play is difficult to interpret for a few different reasons. First, it takes a few times reading to really understand what he's talking about in the first place. Second, there are so many different "translations" of the play, and some contain more information or less than others. The absence of one key word in one line in once scene could be what leads one person to interpret that scene completely differently than someone else. Third, it could be that there are multiple meanings to the play. Shakespeare put a lot of thought into what he wrote. Isn't it believable that he left some things open-ended for discussion to make sure people continued to talk about his work? 'Makes sense to me.

    Ah, I didn't go to any websites. 'Just read the play.

    Marissa Tajalle

  37. ^^^ Sources:

    Laura Wong

  38. Hamlet is a tragedy about how Hamlet takes revenge against his uncle Claudius who murdered Hamlet's father (old King Hamlet) and took his wife, Hamlet's mother. He was prompted to revenge by the ghost of his father and apparently went mad from his thoughts.
    There are varying interpretations of Hamlet because Shakespeare wasn't direct about whether Hamlet actually went mad or just appeared to and other similar details he left it up to people to decide for themselves and interpret it the way they felt it should be.
    Taryn Kawahara period 2

  39. 1)Hamlet is a famous play written by William Shakespeare. The play is about prince Hamlet seeking revenge on his uncle Claudius for killing his father. Although revenge plays a large role, another major aspect of this piece of literature is how Hamlet tends to over think things, and his actions are often delayed by his thoughts.

    2)Hamlet is so difficult to interpret because it was written by Shakespeare. There are also many different forms of the play so there is no exact interpretation. As time passes, it becomes more difficult to convert Shakespeare's language into modern English. We are fading from our old English roots. These issues make it too difficult for society to reach a consensus on the meaning of the play.
    -Patrick Fraire P.3

  40. 1) Hamlet is a play about a prince who is out for revenge after his father is killed. The target of his rage is his uncle Claudius who took over the throne, poisoned Hamlet’s father, and married Hamlet's mother.
    2) The hard part about reading this play is not only because it was written in different versions and the language of this period was substantially different from ours but also because
    a. “Originally, Shakespeare wrote the words for an actor to illustrate them as he spoke. In short, the play you have at hand was meant for the stage, not for the page.
    b. Shakespeare had the same love of reforming and rearranging words in such places as hip-hop and sportscasting today. His plays reflect an excitement about language and an inventiveness that becomes enjoyable once the reader gets into the spirit of it.
    c. Since Shakespeare puts all types of people on stage, those characters will include some who are pompous, some who are devious, some who are boring, and some who are crazy, and all of these will speak in ways that are sometimes trying. Modern playwrights creating similar characters have them speak in similarly challenging ways.” ..and I looked on numerous websites but couldn’t find much on why people don’t agree with the meaning of Hamlet.


    Jolissa Jiles P.4

  41. 1. Prince Hamlet is visited by his deceased father's ghost. The ghost of Hamlet's father tells him that his step-father, Claudius, is out to poison Hamlet, so beware. Swearing revenge, Hamlet takes a course of actions that are considered to be mad.

    2. Instead of instantly killing Claudius while trying to seek revenge, Hamlet hesitates on carrying this job out. Why? This is the question that had caused different interpretations of the text. Interpreting the play is challenging because different versions have been written to reflect different point of views, and it is up to the reader to decide which version he/she will believe.

    Arianna Farmer
    Period 2

  42. 1) The story is about a Prince named Hamlet trying to avenge his father death. Hamlets father appears as a ghost.
    2)It's hard to interpret because of the Shakespearean writing style, and also, as Ian mentioned, people will argue about anything. and Shakespeare is dead.

    Noe Bernal
    per 2

  43. 1. Hamlet is story about a prince Hamlet from Denmark taking revenge on his uncle, for killing his father.

    2. Hamlet is hard to interpret because there are many different forms and translations for it and many different people interpret it differently. This makes it hard to interpret correctly.

    Nathan Seidenberg
    P. 3

  44. 1. Hamlet mourns over the death of his father and the remarriage of his mother Gertudes with Claudius. The ghost of Hamlet's father appears and tells him that his uncle, Claudius poisoned him. Hamlet then swears revenge and he makes an old play that is similar to the story of Claudius. Many considered Hamlet's behavior as mad. He kills Polonius, the eavesdropper. Polonius's the son of Laertes returns to Denmark to avenge his father's death. Ophelia, Polonius daughter loves the Prince but his behavior drives her to madness she dies by drowning. A duel takes place which results in the death of Gertrude, Laertes, Claudius, and Hamlet.
    2. Interpreting the play is such a challenge because of the language. Not only is the language from a different era but it is also very sophisticated. Since the language doesn’t have an exact translation people make what they want of the play. What one person interprets isn’t what another interprets. That is why there is so many translations of what this play can mean.

  45. 1) Prince Hamlet mourns both his father's death and his mother, Queen Gertrude's remarriage to Claudius. The ghost of Hamlet's father appears to him and tells him that Claudius has poisoned him. Hamlet swears revenge. He arranges an old play whose story has a parallel to that of Claudius. Hamlet's behavior is considered mad. He kills the eavesdropping Polonius, the court chamberlain, by thrusting his sword through a curtain. Polonius's son Laertes returns to Denmark to avenge his father's death. Polonius's daughter Ophelia loves the Prince but his brutal behavior drives her to madness. Ophelia dies by drowning. A duel takes place and ends with the death of Gertrude, Laertes, Claudius, and Hamlet. The themes discussed in the plot include indecision, seeking revenge and retribution, deception, ambition, loyalty and fate. *In my eyes it is basically about revenge!
    2) Interpreting the play is such a huge challenge because first of all, there are so many different versions to choose from. It’s difficult to say some lines mean something because in a different version, the lines are worded differently. Also because, since it was so long ago, the diction used in those days in no longer used in modern day. No one can agree on the meaning because everyone’s’ interpretation is different and it is mainly on their opinion.
    Lupita Perez Per.3

  46. 1)Hamlet is a play about a Prince, named Hamlet, who has been visited by his father's ghost and is having trouble deciding whether or not to avenge his fathers death by killing his uncle, the new king.

    2)Because of the writing style used by Shakespeare there are different interpretations and because of the many translations and interpretations of Hamlet that claim to be the right one, its difficult for everyone to agree on one single interpretation.

  47. 1) Lion King

    2)Interpreting Hamlet is difficult and ambiguous because it is hard to say whether or not Hamlet is even imagining the ghost. If so then Hamlet is guided by his own psychotic pleasures rather then a higher sense of revenge. It appears there is evidence for this as Hamlet's state of mind deteriorates as the story progresses. But maybe the ghost was real. Why else would the guards have been able to see it at the beginning as it appears to them at a time of night ripe for ghostly terror. What ever the reason may be, Hamlet is difficult to interpret, and has torn intellects apart on the above reason for years.

    Nicholas Joshua Lycan
    Period 4

  48. 1. The play is about Hamlet's revenge on his Uncle, Claudius who killed his dad. His anger and plan for vengeance ultimately drives Hamlet a little mad. The main conflict in the play is the battle within Hamlet whether to truly avenge his father's death or except that things will be carried out in God's hands. The play ends in a bloody duel between Hamlet, Claudius, Laertes, and Gertrude.

    2. Interpreting the play is challenging because no one really know the true meaning of the diction used my Shakespeare. Considering Shakespeare is not here to help us along in our translations anyones educated guess is as good as it gets. There are a lot of disagreements on the translations simply because there is really no right or wrong answer to it.

    Shannon Murray
    Period 3

  49. 1. Hamlet is about a guy who seeks revenge for his father's death, and a bunch of other characters who go crazy and die. There is lots of "indecision, seeking revenge and retribution, deception, ambition, loyalty, and fate."

    2. There are so many arguments about the meanings/interpretations of Hamlet because there are so many different perspectives, and people view certain situations differently. Also, it wasn't written in a modern text by the original author so things become a little confusing.

    Katie Enstad Per. 2

  50. 1) This play is about Prince Hamlet and how his father’s ghost comes to him and tells him to seek revenge on Claudius for killing him. Therefore creating such madness upon all of his family and friends.
    2) Interpreting the play is rather challenging because no one really know the true meaning of the diction that Shakespeare used. There are just so many different translations that there is no way to clarify the right and wrong answers.

    Web Sites:

    Adriana Zamudio period 4

  51. 1)Hamlet by William Shakespeare is about a prince who is wants to take revenge on Claudius for killing his father. -
    2)Interpreting this play is a challenge because it is written in a different style that we aren’t used to reading. A play doesn’t really have a narrator to tell the reader what the characters are thinking, so the reader must assume. The words Shakespeare chose to use have many various meanings to many different people reading it.

    Chelsey Soriano Per. 3

  52. 1.)This play is about Prince Hamlet, who is at the beginning of the play, mourning the death of his father and his mother's remarriage to Claudius. The ghost of Hamlet's dad appears to him and tells him that it was Claudius poisoned him.Hamlet then swears revenge. He then arranges a play whose story is similar to that of Claudius. At this point, Hamlet is considered to be going crazy. He then kills Polonius for eavesdropping. Polonius's son goes to Denmark to avenge his father's death. Ophelia, Polonius's daughter, is in love with Hamlet but is driven to madness by his brutal behavior.
    2.)"Hamlet is the most problematic play ever written. Inconsistencies arise from the variousness of its medieval and Renaissance sources; from discrepancies between printed versions of Shakespeare's drama; and from a host of unresolved thematic and psychological problems, such as the famous question of why the Prince delays his revenge. Hence the endless interpreting of the play. Yet interpretation is not simply a matter for scholars and critics. The Prince and virtually every other main character indulges in it. Shakespeare, in giving interpretation this significance, bad to develop previous versions of the story. So when one considers the issue of interpretation in the play one is also examining a prime example of how texts undergo alteration from period to period. Specifically, there are two influences on the metamorphosis of Hamlet: the intellectual climate in which it was written and the nature of the sixteenth-century political world. Together, they put at Shakespeare's disposal transformations of his inherited versions that are highly revealing of his creative processes. Shakespeare gives important dramatic voice to a newly emergent form of Europe's early modern self."

  53. 1)Hamlet by William Shakespeare is about prince Hamlet seeking revenge on his uncle Claudius whom killed Hamlet's father to take over his throne.Hamlet was informed by his father's ghost that Claudius had poisoned him. Hamlet then plans out a play that is parallel to Claudius's life and during his planning and play he becomes "mad". Ophelia who is in love with him turns into maddness due to prince Hamlet's behavior and ends up dying by drowning. In the end a duel takes place, Gertrude, Laertes, Claudius, and Hamlet die.

    2)Interpreting Hamlet is such a challenge because the figurative language and diction used by Shakespeare is very different from what we use today. In Hamlet there are many words that have more than one meaning. Everyone doesn't agree on what Hamlet means because there are three surviving versions of hamlet and no two are the same. People have tried combining the some versions but everyone always ends up picking one of the three versions not letting one be the set and stone version.

  54. 1) It is a story of revenge and tragedy of how Hamlet avenges his father's death against his uncle, Claudius.

    2) No matter how you word it, there is always going to be two sides to each fence.

  55. 1. “The Tragical History of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, or more simply Hamlet, is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written between 1599 and 1601. The play, set in the Kingdom of Denmark, recounts how Prince Hamlet exacts revenge on his uncle Claudius for murdering the old King Hamlet (Claudius's brother and Prince Hamlet's father) and then succeeding to the throne and marrying Gertrude (the King Hamlet's widow and mother of Prince Hamlet). The play vividly portrays real and feigned madness – from overwhelming grief to seething rage – and explores themes of treachery, revenge, incest, and moral corruption.”
    2. Interpreting Hamlet is such a challenge because Shakespeare’s language is elaborate, dense, and strenuous to translate into modern day English. Everyone doesn’t agree on what it means because they all think their interpretations are right.

    Kayla McCallie
    Period 2

  56. 1. Hamlet is a tragedy set in the kingdom of Denmark. Prince Hamlet seeks revenge on his Uncle Claudius after Hamlet's dead father appears to him as a ghost and explains that he was poisoned by Claudius. Claudius also marries Gertrude..the queen of Denmark, Prince Hamlets mother and the widow to King Hamlet. At first Prince Hamlet completely trusts the ghost but as the play goes on he begins to question his reliability and doubt the idea of murdering his uncle due to what he heard from a ghost.

    2. Interpreting the play is such a challenge because three very different early versions of the play have survived and they all have lines and scenes missing from each other. There is a lot of scepticism and debate about Hamlet's hesitation to kill his uncle. Some see it as a plot devise to increase anticipation, and others see it as a result of moral and ethical issues surrounding cold blooded murder and revenge.


    Nicole Anderson
    Period 2

  57. 1. Summary of the plot or story
    Prince Hamlet mourns both his father's death and his mother, Queen Gertrude's remarriage to Claudius. The ghost of Hamlet's father appears to him and tells him that Claudius has poisoned him. Hamlet swears revenge. He arranges an old play whose story has a parallel to that of Claudius. Hamlet's behaviour is considered mad. He kills the eavesdropping Polonius, the court chamberlain, by thrusting his sword through a curtain. Polonius's son Laertes returns to Denmark to avenge his father's death. Polonius's daughter Ophelia loves the Prince but his brutal behaviour drives her to madness. Ophelia dies by drowning. A duel takes place and ends with the death of Gertrude, Laertes, Claudius, and Hamlet. The themes discussed in the plot include indecision, seeking revenge and retribution, deception, ambition, loyalty and fate.

    2.Interpreting the play is such a challenge because it never specified anything so any ideas sound reasonable. Also, the play has been rewritten too many different ways, so nobody can really know which one is the legitimate one.

  58. The play is about Price Hamlet and the actions he must take to avenge his fathers death and take back the kingdom from his uncle who is now married to his mom (eww). But soon he starts to wonder why he's doing this and he starts to wonder why he's taking advice from a ghost. He feels as if he's starting to go insane.

    I think that lots of people argue over this book because there are just so many ways it can be understood. Is Hamlet correct in choosing to listen to the ghost or is he mad? What was his motivation for doing the things that he did? Everything can be looked at in a number of different ways.

  59. 1. The play is about a young man named Hamlet, the prince of Denmark, who kills his uncle Claudius after he learns that he's responsible for killing his father King Hamlet. He finds out about his uncle killing his father after his father’s ghost appears to him and tells him that he was poisoned by his uncle Claudius. This enrages Hamlet and he instantly gains this vengeance to kill his Uncle Claudius. Due to Hamlet’s anger he became mad in ends up killing Polonius who was an eavesdropper. Polonius’s son then plans a duel to avenge his father’s death which leads to the deaths of Laertes, Gertrude, Claudius, and Hamlet.
    2. The language is very difficult to interpret due to the fact that it is written in such a foreign manner compared to today’s modern language. I believe it was interpreted in so many different ways a lot of times people think that they are right, and their interpretations are correct. While reading a literary piece like Hamlet, is VERY difficult for everyone to settle on one interpretation because everyone is going to interpret the language used and the meanings in different ways. It’s truly an impossible challenge. Some people view hamlet as a son who is avenging his father’s death, while others may see him as just a man who has gone mad.

  60. 1. The play Hamlet is a tragedy about a prince who finds out the death of his father was no accident but was a murder. He finds out from the ghost of his father. That his uncle Claudius had poisoned the king to take the crown. Hamlet swears he will avenge his father, and kill Clauduis himself.

    2.The way the readers see the characters caused some different interpretation. Every different viewpoint, can cause a different interpretation. The way Hamlet would fight with inner conflict about when to kill his uncle, cause different interpretations. Hamlet delay some think shows he has great moral and integrity. Others may think he was scared and couldn't do it. The author gave many openings to what the story could be. Shakespeare gave a wider range for people to see different things in their perspective.

    3.Shakespeare represents how one work can be interpreted in many different ways. Creating others to not agree, seeing a different viewpoint then others. The way people read a story and how they picture it can cause many different interpretation.

    Stephanie Ownes Per.4

  61. Jojo Relyea Per. 3

    1. Hamlet is set in the Kingdom of Denmark and shows how Prince Hamlet gets revenge on his uncle Claudius for murdering the old King Hamlet and then succeedes the throne and marries Gertrude (the King Hamlet's widow and mother of Prince Hamlet). The play portrays real and feigned madness including: grief to rage and explores themes of treachery, revenge, incest, and moral corruption. (Thank you Wikipedia)
    2. Interpreting the play is such a challenge because not only was it written in iambic pentameter, it is written in old english so words have changed meaning and a word can have a complete different meeting say if it was in an essay compared to a descriptive poem. It is like interpreting the bible no one has the same interpreted book because it is based on opinion and the fact that it is a story (bible is filled with mostly symbolic stories) its language is difficult to interpret.

  62. 1. The play is about Hamlet, the prince of Denmark, killing his uncle, Claudius, after he learns that he's responsible for killing his father King Hamlet. Then he takes the throne and marries his mother.
    2. Interpreting the play is challenging because no one really know the true meaning of the diction used my Shakespeare. Considering Shakespeare is not here to help us along in our translations anyones educated guess is as good as it gets. There are a lot of disagreements on the translations simply because there is really no right or wrong answer to it.
    Chad Foster

  63. 1. The play, Hamlet, follows a young man's story of revenge. He must decide whether he should let God do whatever should happen, or take matters into their own hands, and avenge his father's death himself.

    2. The story is hard to intruprt because of the language. As everyone knows, Shakespear had his own twist on things, and it's hard to translate his speech into colloquial terms. Since we can't talk to Shakespear himself, we can't define the true meaning he had behind his words... All we can do is guess. People can disagree on the meaning because when we read something, we intruprt it in our own way. There's different ways to intruprt any text.

    Jessica Catron p4

  64. 1. Hamlet is a play about the troubled Prince of Denmark, who sees his father's ghost, after his death. Hamlet is so consumed by his thoughts that others are concerned. He seeks vengance for his Father, and tries to avenge him. He finds that his uncle is responsible for the death of his father, and kills him. He then becomes king.

    2.Interpreting Hamlet is difficult because there is more to it than is said. Hamlet is much deeper than on the surface. He cannot express, or does not express all that he thinks, and feels, leaving gaps for interpretation. Everyone's is different. Everyone fills in the gaps the way they see fit.

    Rachel Bumstead p4

  65. 1.) Hamlet is about revenge and morality.

    2.) I think interpreting Hamlet is so difficult because it is a play. This play was once viewed by an audience and thus was written with the audience in mind. Having said this, Shakespeare had to convey his meaning in a way in which the audience would experience and feel it. That is the whole point of a play. Reading a play is completely different. We are cut off from the experience and can miss the meaning entirely.

    No one agrees because everyone comes away with a different idea and different evidence for that idea and everyone likes their own ideas. Perhaps Shakespeare intended for this play to be a little ambiguous.

    Period 6

  66. 1. Research Hamlet online and answer the following questions (with citations for any website you consult and/or quote) in comments to this post: 1)What is the play about? 2)Why is interpreting the play such a challenge? Why doesn't everyone agree on what it means?

    1. The play is the tragic story about the murder of a king. Prince Hamlet is then sent to revenge his father's death. The entire play involves Hamlet trying to kill Claudius (his fathers murderer) and Claudius trying to kill him back.
    2.its difficult to interpret the play because it is not written in colloquial english. I think the whole issue of Hamlet being a supposed "madman" is confusing because the reader doesn't know for sure.
    3.Everyone has a different view of the play because Shakespeare left it open to opinion and filling in the missing components, they are also able to add in their own ideas that formed from personal experiences.

  67. 1. Hamlet is about a Danish prince wanting revenge towards his uncle Claudius, the one who murdered his father. Hamlet's father, the old king, appears to Hamlet as a ghost. The story is based on cynical ambition and revenge.
    2.You can interpret the play Hamlet in many different ways.
    Period 3

  68. Sources

    Nathan Seidenberg

  69. 1) Hamlet is the story of a Danish prince who seeks revenge on his uncle, Claudius, for the murder of his father. His father appears as a ghost throughout the story. The universal theme of the story is revenge.

    2) Interpreting this story is difficult because it is difficult to be fluent in Iambic Pentameter, and there is more than one correct interpretation of the story.

  70. 1. Hamlet is a story about a prince, hamlet, who enacts revenge on his uncle, Claudius, for his killing his father, also named hamlet.
    2. Interpreting hamlet is difficult for people because the text was translated, then revised, then revised again, then translated again, then revised, which makes the book difficult to interpret due to the many versions and revisions that the book has gone through.

    Paul Hurd
    per. 6

  71. 1. Hamlet is about a Dane named Hamlet and how he copes with his father Hamlet's death and how he is trying to avenge his father's death, who was killed by Claudius.

    2. Hamlet can be interpreted in many ways and people argue about what is really meant. People also can get confused because of the fact that both Hamlet and his father are named Hamlet. The fact that Hamlet is talking to the ghost frequently also throws people off.
    Ian Janssen p4

  72. 1. Hamlet is about a danish prince with the name of Hamlet who is visited by the ghost of his father. The ghost tells Hamlet that his brother killed him and he wants Hamlet to get revenge for him.

    2.Hamlet is hard to interpret because the language is old and Shakespeare writes in a way that adds many layers of depth to a single line or stanza. Also, he writes in Iambic pentameter which can be tough to read. Everyone seems to have different opinions on what Hamlet means because there are so many different ways to interpret the play.
    Carson Dacus period 6

  73. *Phew* Ok, I'm sorry this took me so long to post, I literally got home like an hour ago. Alright here it goes! Hamlet...
    1. Hamlet is a Danish prince who discovers that his father has been murdered by his uncle Claudius for the throne. (To put that in terms that the young people will understand, it's basically The Lion King.)
    2. The Interpretation of the story is disagreed upon because the story has been retooled and rewritten so many times by so many different people that its message and theme have gotten lost in translation. (For example, Disney saw it as lions....and with James Earl Jones.) Although I'm sure that the original intention of Shakespear's was for people to walk away with their own interpretation on the play. Which also adds to the confusion.
