
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Filter Bubbles


  1. I see this happening to me, I don't get to see the things that I should see, I only see the the things the the "man" (algorithm)thinks I should see.

  2. 1. The new information I learned from watching the Filter Bubble video is the fact that different people receive different information based on the area we are in. For instance, when the man on the right put in the word Egypt he got completely different results than the man on the left. The internet is dictating what we see and view.
    2. This information has me thinking differently about what I see online by "puzzling the will," if satellites can control what I view online then what do I do to get a full spectrum of information? That is truly the question proposed in this video. Also, what am I not able to see?
    3. This raises the questions that are mentioned in number 2. What are we not able to see based on our race/nationality, or even where we live.
    4. I believe the only way to improve the effectiveness of your searches by going to multiple computers and using the old fashioned technology of books.

    Lizzie Level

  3. 1. I learned what a filter bubble is and how much it limits what I see on the internet and that one person’s Google search compared to another’s can be wildly different. Also that even when you’re not logged in Google looks at 57 different signals from the type of computer you’re using to your location.
    2. The video makes me wonder what else is online that I am being prevented from discovering, and when I am researching something am I only seeing one side of the story?
    3. I am questioning how anyone can learn more and find people who challenge their opinions when your searches are tailored to what you want to hear.
    4. When searching for something on Google I can improve the effectiveness of my research by typing in many different key words to see what I can find or even try the same ones on my brothers computer.

    Kristen Frias

  4. 1) One thing that was taken it would be the way the filter categorizes us in certain affiliations or how we are, etc.
    2) Ah, yes. The thoughts of this filter... I'm a bit pissed off. Yea, I don't like this idea of one-sided information that believes it knows what I want to hear. There are two sides to the fence! We may not always pay attention to one side, but it's nice to have at the ready so you could at least give yourself a much more wider view of the matter at hand! People aren't as hidebound as they look.
    3) "Why are you doing this to us?!" I can see where many are getting and obtaining their ignorance from.
    4) How can I improve my searches? Play around with the words. Make it simpler or make it more sophisticated, and stuff like that.

  5. After watching the video, I was surprised about what the internet is really capable of. I may have known about the algorithms behind the filter bubble, but I never knew how complex it was. The fact that there are 57 different factors that play into what I see when I simply search something on a search engine (i.e. Google) is remarkable, and frightening. Furthermore, now that I know that literally every link I click, every website I search, and every document I email is contributing to the development of my filter bubble, I will be more weary of the filter bubble. A question I frequently asked myself was, "Does this mean that people have been plagiarizing some of my work and ideas that I share with people (via Email or Facebook) over the internet?" If Google and Facebook have access to my information, then surely others do, as well. I believe I can begin improving the effectiveness of my searches by being more specific to the point where I will get valuable results regardless of my interests and habits. I believe that the filter bubble is only effective to a certain point. If people learn to bypass the system, it may become of less concern for those of us that are on the internet frequently.

  6. A.  From the video I learned what a filter bubble is and how little control I have over my searches on Google. I always thought I was the one in control when really I'm not.  I also thought when people searched the same key words on Google they would get the same results as everyone else.  When normally no two people will get the same results unless those people are almost identical.   
    B. This makes me think about other information that is out there on the topic I'm researching.  I wonder what the other side of the story may be and if I'm actually getting the correct information. 
    C.  Some questions that I have are what information have I been missing out on and which facts should I use from these search engines. 
    D.  To improve my searches I can use different key words, that I might not usually use.  I can also use different search engines and see what different ideas I get. 

    Hunter Walker
    Period 3 

  7. 1. What I found intresting in the video was that we are categorized and selected to see different information online. Each person can type in the same phrase or word and get totally different searches.
    2.This whole thing with being categorized into groups and not being able to see outside our bubble makes me wonder what else is there out there that we can not see because it is blocked to us. What different information or how acurate ours is compared to others.
    3.My one question would be if there is any way that we can see beyong our bubble or what actions can we take to see beyond our bubble.
    4.I would say to an improve a search try different computers and try other resources not just the web such as newspapers or books.

    Edith Gonzalez

  8. a)What new information did you learn from the video?
    I learned that search engines, like Google, use a so called “filter bubble” to give you results that relate to you.
    b)How does this information make you think differently about what you see online?
    It makes me wonder what other people got when they searched about Shakespeare on yesterdays assignment and I also wonder about the things that are filtered away from my results.
    c)What questions does this video raise about the Internet in general?
    Does the internet have another purpose now?
    d)How can you improve the effectiveness of your searches?
    Search on different computers and or devices, I’m hoping this will give me a more broad selection of links.

    Daniel Gonzalez

  9. A)New information I learned was the fact that people with different interests can end up with different information when hey search a something on Google. Also Google takes into account 57 different things when you are searching something.
    B)This information makes me think differently about what I see online because it showed me what is happening anytime I search something. It takes that information, and tries to show me what it thinks I would find the most interesting.
    C)This video raises the question of whether or not we will be able to see what the internet does not want us to see.
    D)You can improve the effectiveness of your searches by using different ways to word what you’re looking for, or using somebody else’s computer.

    Mitchell Edmondson P4

  10. a)I had no idea that Facebook, Google, and other sites were tailoring the information we see to what they think we want to see.

    b)Now, I feel like there is a lot that I am missing out on online. I think there is a lot more information that I cant see because the algorithms have decided (for me) that I am not interested in that particular information.

    c)For me, this video raises the question of whether or not I am getting the full experience i should be allowed to recieve online. It is secluding us into our own "filter bubbles", only allowing us to see what the algorithms think we want to see.

    d)I can improve the effectiveness of my searches by taking more time to look at different sources for what I am looking for. Checking all and any websites, articles, videos, etc. that I can.

    Tori Thompson Period 3

  11. 1. It was pretty interesting to find out that Google searches are different for each individual and how it’s altered to benefit one person more than the other. Our likings and preferences are well recognized by the Google search engine.
    2. I’m not sure what I see differently on the internet now. I guess I underestimated its capability for all I know. I remember when I was very little, an old man told me that a computer would practically “read our minds and give us what we want”. And that was more than ten years ago. Look where we’re headed now…
    3. How can we go back to “default” Google? How can the Internet know so much about our search preferences? Why does this happen? Are keywords no longer necessary?
    4. To improve the effectiveness of our searches…. We can….insert more keywords and use multiple sources.

    mari kagawaaa
    period 3

  12. a) A) I was aware that Google and other search engines return results that are different depending on your settings like content and privacy. What I did not realize is that results also target our interests.
    b) B) Now there will always be the thought that I am not getting the same information as other people, and the possibility that mine is wrong.
    c) C) If all search engines use a similar method, why can’t we change the way these engines filter?
    d) D) Key words affect our results. So there isn’t any need for words that are not important. By using key words and a variety of search engines we will increase our chances of better results.

  13. 1. I learned exactly what a filter bubble was and how exactly it restricts the amount of things I have access to according to my interests. I also didn't know that the filter bubble took into account where I was located as well.
    2. This just makes me wonder what I am not seeing. By knowing that everyone gets different results, it makes me wonder how different my results are compared to others.
    3. This raises a question to me about how many of these sites that I am directed to actually have legitimate facts.
    4. I think that I can make my searches more effective by making my searches just a little bit more specific based on what I am searching for.

    Sarah Rayburn
    Period 3

  14. A) I learned that Facebook’s ads are based on what we “like”. I found that very interesting and a little weird. I still think it is interesting that two people can search the same thing and get different sites.
    B) This information makes me of all the different results that could have been up, but isn’t there. I think of what I can be missing out on. I also think of what other people might get if we search the same thing.
    C) A new question I have is if you can stop the filter bubbles when you want to.
    D) To improve the effectiveness of searches, I can use different words and different search engines. I can also put quotation marks around the phrase for a certain result I want to find.

    Chelsey Soriano Period 3

  15. 1. What I got out of watching the video was that search engines like Google are trying to cater to our best interests and the location that we are in, or how we even type our search (If you you type something like: "how do u do dis..." and "How can you do this...").
    2. Now every time I type in something on Google looking for answers, I will feel like I'm not getting the full results and that I'm being cheated out on the real information that I'm looking for.
    3. The main thing that I question about the internet now is: "How am I able to access information outside of my filter bubble?"
    4. I personally would learn search terms, like keywords or something. Also, helps if I forget what to do.

  16. I first noticed the “Filter Bubble” at home when trying to watch a Netflix movie. My little sister is Queen of Netflix and watches everything from High School Musical to the Hannah Montana Movie, and everything in between. When I decided I wanted to watch a movie of my choice, the suggestions that came up on my Queue ranged from Finding Nemo to The Little Princess. Trust me it was rather annoying.

    a.) After watching the video I learned another reason how the filter bubble could be a negative thing. The example that the speaker gave, showed that the filter bubble made a fallacy when calculating what he wanted to see. Because he clicked on what he was interested in, did not mean that he did not want the choice of viewing things that opposed his ideals.
    b.) It has changed my view on the internet, I once viewed it as the Wild West and new frontier of its time, yet now it seems monopolized, in the sense that what is brought to us is no longer raw and uncut, but catered to what a mathematical formula believed we would be interested in.
    c.) I wonder if you can decide to turn off the “Filter Bubble”.
    d.) You can improve the effectiveness of your searches by using a “filter bubble” free search engine, or by being more specific when using a search engine such as Google.

    Rebecca Patterson Per.6

  17. a)I learned that filter bubbles on google and other search engines filter your search to what they think you want to see. Google is trying to make are lives easier by showing us most popular searches it thinks we will need, but what if its wrong?

    b)This makes me think differently because its not what everyone is seeing. So the information you are getting is completely different then the information someone else is getting.

    c)If the internet can predict what we want to see, do we have people who monitor what websites we are on for how long?

    d)The only way i can see us improving our filter bubble is to be more specific on what we want to see.

    Max Kuhlman
    per. 2

  18. 1. a) I learned quite a few things for the first time about the internet. For instance, 2 people can search for the same exact thing and get different results due to 57 signals that have an effect on the results. I learned that everyone has their own filter bubble that is their own personal universe of info created from who you are and what you do. One scary thing is that we don't decide what information gets in and what information gets out, algorithms do.

    b)Now, how I view the internet and the information I see will be more guided by the information I have learned from this video. Now, I have somewhat of a knowledge of where the information I see on the internet comes from.

    c)Questions being raised in the video are: -How do we make sure that Algorithms are transparent enough so we can have some control of what gets in and what gets out?
    -How do we keep the Web from isolating us into information all built around us?

    d)I can improve the effectiveness of my searches by being cautious on what key words I type into search engines and also what I click on as they have an effect on what results will show up.

    Kayla McCallie
    Period 2

  19. 1) I never knew that the results in search engines were personally tailored to me. I knew other things dipped into personalization but this was news for me.
    2) This makes me feel like there are blinders on my eyes each time I search for things, knowing that whatever I find isn't all thats out there
    3)This makes me wonder about the effectiveness of the internet as a nexus of information, knowing now that its the equivalent of my best friend's opinion on how my jacket looks.
    4) filter-free search engines I guess

  20. 1. I learned what a filter bubble is and how much it limits what I see on the internet and that one person’s Google search compared to another’s can be wildly different. Also that even when you’re not logged in Google looks at 57 different signals from the type of computer you’re using to your location.
    2.This makes me think differently because its not what everyone is seeing. So the information you are getting is completely different then the information someone else is getting.
    3.I was wondering if you can stop filter bubbles, whenever you want.
    4.I think that I can make my searches more effective by making my searches just a little bit more specific based on what I am searching for.
    Chad Foster

  21. 1. a) I actually learned a lot from this video. I found out that we don't really have a say in what gets edited out for us on the internet. The internet is running on algerithms and showing us what it has caluculated that we want to see. It throws off the balance because it's mainly looking at the first thing we click on. I also learned that two people could look up the same thing at the same time and get different results. That was really weird to me.

    b) This makes me question what I see online now. I'm not going to feel like I am getting a good sense of what is going on because I don't know what has been specifically edited out. It makes me feel like I am being closed off to parts of the public life.

    c) When it comes to the internet in general.. I just wonder how far this "filter bubble" thing will go. Like the video said, you can't have a functioning democracy if people didnt get a good flow of information. It also makes me wonder how many people are clueless to the fact that this is even happening.

    d) When I search for something now I am going to make sure I have gotten a well rounded understanding on what I am looking for. It might mean I have to go to more than one sight and look up multiple things. I also need to be more aware on the specific things I click on because that will effect what pops up next time.

    Nicole Anderson
    Period 2

  22. Something that was brought to my attention in Eli Pariser's TED talk on "Filter Bubbles" is the amount of information that something as simple (and previously thought of as unimportant) as location will alter what you see and what you don’t see on the internet.

    As to what I think about what I see online, I’m wondering what I’m missing. I might as well look to only one newspaper for all of my information on everything…

    My first question is, how long has this whole ‘filter bubble’ thing been going on? Secondly, who decided this was the best way the internet should be run? Thirdly, how can I run searches without the filter bubble effect? And what about places with public internet, like the library? How does the filter bubble effect affect my internet searches in places like that?

    The only way I can think of to improve the effectiveness of my searches is to do them from multiple places like the library, college campuses, etc. in order to get a truly diverse amount of mildly uncontrolled information, because of the vast amount of people who enter the internet from these places on a daily bases.

    Emily Martinez
    Period 3

  23. a) From this video, I learned that Google uses 57 different signals to determine your search filter. I also didn't realize they gave you results based on previous searches or websites you have visited before.

    b)This video immediately made me think that Google and other websites are really creepy in a way. The way they customize results for me is almostl ike I'm being spied on or being watched. It makes me want to be more cautious about what keywords I search and what links to click on.

    c)-Is there a way to turn the filter bubble off or to make it unable to predict what I really want to search?
    -Who created these logarithms and how do these people control them on every single Internet user?

    d) I realized I need to be more specific in what I want to look up. I also need to search topics that are universally relevant so I know what else is going on in the world. If logarithms are going to cut me off from what I need to know, I need to be the kind of person who wants to know the necessities.

    -Kelly Brickey, Period 3

  24. a) I was surprised to learn that Google search results are different for every person/computer, and that most sites (Washington Post and New York Times included) tailor the information on your screen to you.
    b) It alarms me. I never realized that I was getting such a small percentage of the information available to me. I feel like I’ve missed out on some things that I probably should know about.
    c) The video raises several questions. One being who really is in control of your internet experience—you or the algorithm writer? Another question addressed was if the internet has lived up to its reputation as the great information resource. If the internet is only shelling out a small percentage of the information on a subject, is it really that good of a resource? Or does its bias hinder the user’s learning?
    d) Since the information output is based on all of my past activities, I can’t really think of a quick way to circumvent the filters. I suppose a deliberate effort to switch up my browsing habits could throw a couple of kinks into the algorithm and hopefully diversify my results.

  25. a)I learned from the video that the searches we do influences the future search results. I believed, like the rest of the people, that everyone would have the same results when he/she would type in something. However,the video clearly showed that two people searching the same thing in the same time and place, can have totally different search results.

    b)I now know that some information are left out due to my personalized search history. It makes me wonder whether or not I am able to access to all the information despite the edit. I would like to have all the information so that my searches wouldn't be biased.

    -How long will Google, Facebook, and other companies use filter bubble to limit people from getting all the resources they need?

    - Why are they doing this? To help you to make easier access to information? To limit you so that you won't have too much information? Who knows...

    What we know is that we need to be aware that this is happening and inform others about this so that they too would know what's up.

    d)From now on, I'm going to make my searches more precisely so that the filter bubble wouldn't automatically direct me to my common search results. I won't rely on my search on one search engine; I will use multiple search engines so that I'll know everything I need to know.

  26. A) I learned that how on facebook, Google, or any other internet source, they closely pay attention to our interests and automatically eliminate anything that contradicts the information they have gotten from us. Also, how the internet looks at the very first thing we click on.
    B) This makes me think differently by knowing when I search the web, I’m not fully broadening my horizon to the extent I think I am. I’m blocked out from all opposing things that contradict what I have searched. And I am also narrowed into only my own likes and interests. C) Why does the internet find it so beneficial to select and narrow down our own choices for us? And how can it be changed or stopped?
    D) I can improve my effectiveness of my searches by first simply, using and relying on more than 1 search engine and deliberately using different search engines for various types of searches. Also, by trying out advanced search features.

    Jolissa Jiles

  27. 1. The major thing that I learned from this video is that we, in a sense, don't all get the same information given to us on the web. Every individual has their own personal bubble in which they are fed the information the is most rational to that particular person.
    2. it makes me feel like I am only looking at a samll percent of what I could be and that I don't even know if that information is the most up to dat, or the best information that I could be provided with. I would like to be exposed to all the information that is available to everyone else.
    3. Is the internet truely a reliable way to learn new information? How can we make it so that everyone has access to all the information that is really there?
    4. To improve the efffectiveness of my searches and should try to search in different styles rather than the same method everytime and then clicking on the first link that i am somewhat familiar with.

  28. Jojo Relyea
    Per. 3

    a)I don't critically think about everything. I don't analyze all the aspects of my life (not that I'm saying I should that'd be kind of crazy) so sometimes I need to be woken up and I'm now wide awake. I didn't know internet companies did this "filterbubbling." I always just thought the Mis Cleo function was just super convenient. But they are taking away some of the power and freedom I thought I had while on the internet.

    b) Again, I'm awake and I'm not sleeping in the dark. (I'm really using this sleeping metaphor a lot haha). I am now able to question the information given to me on the internet and will try to do more thorough searches.

    c) If filterbubbles and everything related to them were erased from the internet would I be happy? Would I miss the oh-so-convenient Ms. Cleo function? Would I even notice the difference?

    d) I can do a search multiple times by reworeding my search so different websites will come up. Or I can not chooce the first website that appears, I can keep scrolling down.

  29. A. From this video, I learned that search engines like google or yahoo use something called a "filter bubble" which trys to match the users up to sights that would best fit them.

    B. This makes me wonder that maybe sometimes I might get left out from parts of the internet and that I might not be recieving the same information as others.

    C. Why are filter bubbles used? Why is it better to use them?

    D. I think I should be more specific in what I search for. I should use key words and phrases which would have aan effect on my fututre searches.

    Patrick Sims P.3

  30. a) I learned that they really personalized your search engine. I always thought it was based on your previous searches. Not over 30 other things.
    b)It makes me realize, that I will never get the whole picture on anything I look up. It will always just be a one sided information.
    c)That the idea of the internet has changed? It went from the place, that had everything in the world and you could find anything. To just being what they think you "want" to know.
    d)I don't know. Get a better search engine.

    Nicole Montoya
    period 3

  31. a) I actually didn’t know about a lot of the information presented on the video. The biggest shocker to me was that Facebook and other online sources deleted a lot of things without us even being aware. Also that the information presented to us is based on where we at.
    b) This information kind of scares me. I’m only being shown things that “it” thinks I want to see, but not the things I should really be seeing. Like Eric Schmidt said, “It will be very hard for people to watch or consume something that has not in some sense been tailored for them.” Because of the filter bubbles we aren’t able to see the stud that is deleted.
    c) After seeing this video, now I’m curious about all sorts of things. The internet obviously has tons of power, so what’s stopping it from not feeding us lie after lie every single time we open up a new page? Who’s to say the algorithms aren’t the ones giving us all these answers and new information on Google and such and it being false or biased?
    d) The best way to improve your searches is to check your answer on a variety of sources. Don’t just rely on Wikipedia or Google, check multiple sources off the internet as well.
    Lupita Perez Per. 3

  32. 1.) The one thing that I learned from the video that I found a little shocking was that Google uses 57 different signals to determine what results that we will get. If my friend and I were to look up the same thing, we would more than likely get completely results.
    2.)I almost feel a little uncomfortable using the internet. I also feel a little cheated because I'm not getting the entire spectrum of an idea or subject when I look it up.
    3.)Has this "filter bubble" always existed and is there any way to turn it off or get rid of it?
    4.)I think that the best way to improve the effectiveness of my searches is to use multiple search engines, not just Google or maybe even start going to the public library to do any research.

  33. 1.From this video I learned that the internet filters what we are able to see, which I never knew. I also learned that different results pop up for different people even though they typed in the exact same thing. I was never really aware of what the internet had turned into I always thought that it showed everyone the exact same thing I didn’t know that it showed results based on the person. I also didn’t know that it excluded us from certain ideas or types of people.
    2.This information makes me think completely different from what I see online. It gets me thinking why did these results pop up for me instead of any other results. Now I have suspicions about companies paying millions of dollars so that there company or corporations comes off a certain way when in reality they are not like that at all.
    3.This video got me thinking about why the internet is filtered and since when has it been filtered. I don’t really see how filtering the internet in this way would provide a well informed society; I think it just takes opportunities away from us to learn.
    4.After seeing this I think I can improve the effectiveness of my searches by typing in different key words for a search. Not just type in one version of what I want and be done with it but instead play around with some words for a while until I feel that I have looked at the majority of the results.

  34. 1) I learned that Faceboook and other website block out information they think don't want to see.
    2) I feel like people aren't getting as much information as they should. This kind of thing lead to narrow minds.
    3) How should this problem of withheld information be dealt with?
    4) Instead of just searching a subject, search for something pro subject and do another search for anti subject. So you know you're seeing both sides of the agruement.

  35. A) I learned that search engines filter out and control the results we receive. I thought that if two people typed in the same sentence on Google, they would get the same results. I now know many different factors contribute to the results each individual gets.
    B) This makes me think differently about the information I see online because now I will always be wondering what I could be missing out on due to these "filter bubbles."
    C) This makes me question where the internet and society will be ten years from now. How will this lack of "balanced information" affect us in the future? Will this tailoring of information somehow move into other aspects of technology?
    D)I can improve the effectiveness of my searches by typing in widely varying topics. For example, topics such as economics, fashion, weather, history, politics, etc., to make my filter keep a greater selection of information about a search.

    Cayla Salazar Period 2

  36. A.) I learned that Google and Facebook, tailor the ads and searches you see when you perform an action. Therefore making one persons search results different from another.

    B.) It made me think of the internet in a different way. I always thought that what i searched for was what everyone else had and now i wonder what im missing out on.

    C.) With the new knowledge i required, i now wonder what it will be like 10 years from now. Will people become distant from one another, due to the fact that they get personalized information?

    D.) I can better my search quality by searching for non biased search results. for example, i can search "good recipes" instead of "good Italian recipes".

  37. A) I learned that search engines filter out what they "think" we don't care about and only feed us what we want to see. This creates our own little bubble of information that is unique to our own preferences.

    B) This information makes me think I'm ignorant to what else the internet has to offer. I don;t like this filtering because I don't like the idea of a computer knowing me.

    C) What else is technology capable of? It is scary to think about how many advances we've made and how much more we can do.

    D) I will try to search a bigger variety of things. The computer can't stereotype me if I am interested in everything.

    Nathan Seidenberg
    P. 3

  38. 1)I had no idea that if two people typed in the exact same words into the same search engine, they would get different results based on where they are in the world, or what type of computer they use.
    2)I feel so weird now. It's almost creepy. is creepy that the internet is sort of...learning things about me, and when I type something into Google or Bing, it will only give me what it thinks I want. This is especially creepy to me because one of my biggest phobias is that computers will develop minds of their own and take over the world. -.-'
    3)When I type something into Google, what sort of things does the Google take into consideration when it's putting together my results? Is it just based on where I am and other things I've searched in the past? And, who are these mathematicians crunching these numbers and coming up with these algorithms? They're obviously super smart, so what if there's this league of super geniuses that have taken over the internet and rigged it to give us only the information that they want us to see? Holy crap, what if the government's in on it? What if, as I'm typing this on my laptop, the internet is reading what I'm typing and notifying the FBI RIGHT NOW, and next thing I know, I'll have government officials at my door to take me away and brainwash me. Whoa, this is some scary stuff. -.-'
    4)I guess I could start by searching for documents with only specific combinations of key words in them. I could also go to multiple different websites for information to cross check the information I get online. And, now that I know a little more about how the internet works, I could perform searches from both my laptop and my ipod just to see how different my results are.

    Marissa Tajalle

  39. a) I new that search sites filtered the information that you got to see but I never thought of sites such as a news site filtering the news to what they think you want to hear.
    b) I now see the internet as another way media can distort our reality of the world to make it seem like something that it isn't. The internet is still fine but you just have to be wary of the action behind the curtain.
    c)A question I have is how badly does these bubbles actually distort our view of the world? Also, is there a way to stop or change the filters?
    d) I will try to from now on to always search use multiple search sites, not just Google, when searching for information and news about the rest of the world.

  40. a) I learned that Facebook actually takes all of your information as well as what links you click on and filters what is on your news feed. Google also does the same thing. "There is no standard Google anymore."
    b) This information makes me curious about what I am missing out on thanks to these "filter bubbles". I'm also a little bit worried about what or who is using my information and to what extent. It makes me actually want to know more about what the "gatekeepers" are keeping me from seeing.
    c) At some point, are all websites going to be using filter bubbles? How will the internet change as a result? How will it affect the average web surfer?
    d)To improve the effectiveness of your search, you can be very specific in what you search as well as "filter" each site yourself.

    Shannon Fahey
    Period 4

  41. I didn't realize that the information that I search for online is tailored to match what I usually search; whenever I search for something, I am fed what the internet believes I want to see based on my past internet searches. This makes me want to extend my search in whatever I'm looking into farther, and makes me question if what I have used as research in the past is valid or just based off of biased opinions. To improve the effectiveness of my searches, I can use multiple search engines, try re-wording the information that I'm searching for, and not just pick articles off of the first page of the search engine I'm using.

    Arianna Farmer
    Period 2

  42. a) There wasnt much new content on the video that Dr. Preston didnt go over with us. In general though if Dr Preston wouldnt have shown us this, to be honest i wouldnt have had a clue about any of it. Its pretty interesting learning that the internet is that advanced that they can personalize it to our own "Filter Bubble".
    b) Like i said to a few of my classmates from fourth period, This is intriguing in a disturbing way. Its great to know that we are making advancements to our internet. On the contrary though this scares the crap out of me. I had no idea that even stuff that is set to private and set to friends only. There are thousands of other people that can see it without me knowing. Made the internet the most untrustworthy thing i know of now.
    c) It makes me wonder if they can and have been doing things like this to our population that uses the internet...what else have they been doing? Obviously, sadly to say i feel as a part of something that i know nothing about. I hate that feeling.
    d)I would think the thing to do is to assume that whatever you do now on the internet is going to be viewed by people you know. try to limit some of the things that you might say when your searching. Do not be to specific with your searches so maybe they cant pinpoint what you really want. Sadly this may make a search a little more difficult so its a 50-50 observation. You can be less specific and feel more secure about yourself or be the simple shortcut average american and search with exactly what you want. Those americans dont know what they are really doing though.

    It would be interesting to see how the world would react if they actually knew about this stuff cuz if i could make a guess id say 90% or more of internet or facebook users have no idea.

  43. 1) The video taught me about how the internet filters the information that it presents to you based on what it thinks you think; and with information that you will not find contradictory or out of you comfort zone.
    2) It doesn't really make me think different about the information, when you read something you should think about who put it there and why. Anyone anywhere can write anything that they want and if you blindly accept it you're only hurting yourself.
    3) It makes you think why they would want to create a place where people can only see one view and begin to accept that that is the only way people think.
    4) Don't use google, don't think that what you're reading is the only opinion or idea.

  44. From this video I learned that your filter bubble is designed for you and only you. No one else will see those same results even if they were to type the exact same thing in the search engine. Also, you don't ever get to see what the algorithms don't think you want to see. They filter things based on your past searches and if they don't think that something is relevant, they wont show it to you. End of story...
    This new information makes me feel really small... Almost insignificant. I'm just another number or code in their eyes. It also makes me feel somewhat lied to. They aren't showing me everything that's outnthere and making me believe that what I see is everything that there is.
    It makes me wonder what else is really out there. Im starting to realize that the Internet really is as big and dangerous as everyone says it is. And that's a really scary thought.
    I guess to improve my searches I have to be very specific about what I want. I can't just use general terms. Also is I tried different phrasings of the same idea it might generate more results that I wouldn't have gotten the first time at it.

    Hannah Hosking
    Period :4

  45. 1. Something new i learned is how we think we know what we are searching for...but we don't. The internet, such as google, decides this for us, and chooses what links to bring up for different people. We are not the ones in control here, the internet is really using us.
    2. Since no one ever gets the same information it makes me wonder how the computer or the internet sites chooses what to show us and what it filters out. It is rather frightening to know that we are out of control in what we are searching for on the internet. These leads me to think of the thousands of other things that exist on the internet that I don't even know about yet, and how it will affect me now as well as in the future.
    3. Something I would like to know is how the internet is going to change in the future.. If I think it is scary now, I cannot imagine what life will be like for my kids and grandkids. I want to make sure I educate my children about the dangers of the internet and how they need to take precautions before using browsers.
    4. I will now start to use a variety of search engines to get my answers to questions, or facts that I am using for a project. This internet phenomenon is starting to worry me. Although it is very important for today's society, it scares me that it has so much information out there that could be mine. I will make sure that whatever I put online is suitable to be read by anyone.

    Kaley Jorgensen Peroid: 2

  46. I never realized that filter bubbles were happening until it was brought upon my attention from Dr. Preston. And to be honest I feel a bit appalled. The internet should allow us to think for our selves. It shouldn't be able to think for us. To stop this from happening we can try and manipulate the filters the search engine uses to whatever fits us best at the moment.

  47. 1. I learned that what you see on an internet search is not necessarily everything that is out there but a false experience tailored to your digital footprint.
    2. This makes me wonder what information is being left out from my sight.
    3. As I said in number 2, this makes me curious of what information they think I don't need to see due to my filter bubble.
    4. The ways I see that we can circumvent this charade is by using multiple computers while searching or by using other more conventional methods other than the machines.

    Tyler Stewart Period 3

  48. Katie Enstad Per. 2

    1. From watching this video I learned that you aren't actually getting the full picture of something when you research on the internet. You are getting the side of the story that you like, and that you think is right because of algorithms and filter bubbles that keep track of what you like.
    2. I am curious about all the information that is getting left out. Also, I am astounded that the internet is so controlled when it seems like its full of freedom, and that we have the control.
    3. How can I get more balanced information on my searches?
    4. The only way I can think of doing more effective research is by using something other than the internet to look up information.

  49. 1- From this video I learned to what extent internet searches are tailored for me. I knew they were set up to "improve" your searches based on your previous searches and other factors, but I didn't realize how much.
    2- This makes me look at the information I'm getting in a new light because I know that it isn't all there is out there.
    3- This makes me wonder just how many websites have or use this selecting process. There are probably more out there than we realize.
    4- I can improve the effectiveness of my searches by being more specific. In the video, when the two friends searched "Egypt" and many different things popped up, we could instead specify what exactly you want to know, like population, news, or government.

    Candace Rickman
    Period 3

  50. a)I lesarned that we all have filter bubbles and that our searches get tailored making our information be different from someone doing the exact same search.
    b)This inforamtion makes me think differetnly about what i see onlin becasue it makes me realize that we don't have all the information there is out there at the end of our finger tips, we only have the information search engines want us to see.
    c) The questions this raised for me over the interenet in general are:
    -Why do search engines tailor individual's searches?
    When will the internet stop using filter bubbles?
    -How is my searches information different from that of someone else doing the xact same search but getting different results? Is it less useful? Or more useful?
    d)To improve the effectiveness of my searches i can use different phrases and words to search the same thing as well as use multiple search engines to make my results more accurate and to feel ike i collected most of the information there is out there to know.

    -Marie Alvarado

  51. A) Something I learned and kind of astounded me was the fact that once the internet realizes/thinks you are showing no interest in a certain thing it erases it or gets rid of it for you. In some ways that kind of sucks. It takes away your right to make decisions just because it thinks it knows you.
    B) This informtion makes me aware of what I search for while using the internet. It makes me wonder if my research results are unbiased.
    C)Right now, the internet gives us links that it thinks we want to see. But how far will this go? What if in reality we are seeing things the government wants us to see making us believe we choose to see it?
    D) From know on I will definitely have much more resources. I will also try to use search engines that are not biased such as

    Annais Acosta
    Period: 6

  52. I learned how the new source of media, that is Google and Yahoo, fail to provide a stable platform of knowledge for people. What I mean is that there is little exposure to opposing ideas in there are any, or maybe to any ideas at all. With the example used in the TED talk of the two users searching Egypt, one didn't even receive any information on the riots and rebellion in that region. This is outrageous.

    If I wanted to get information on a subject, say Shakespeare, how do I know I was given every possible source of information and view?

    How can we trust anything on the internet anymore. The original intent of the internet was to unite the world into one cosmopolitan society. But now it's isolating people to their own realm of thought. An article posted on, brings up the idea of entropy over the internet ( The article talked about a cycle that almost everything goes through. First, an idea is born and it is amazing. Everyone loves it and uses it. But then when the creator of the original idea discovers the popularity of it, they realize the economic viability of it and begin marketing it. This leads to the idea either being retarded in it's format or intent, or the entire idea is changed and moved in a new direction. Thus the people that originally liked it leave to go somewhere else, and the idea dies. Right now we are in the third faze of the cycle where the idea is simplified.

    To know if you got all the information that could possibly be afforded to you, it's going to take some work. And by some work, I mean not any at all. Be sure to just check every other search engine out there. I hear that dogpile is a good source that provides a good basis of information. Just bear in mind that any website could be employing the use of algorithms to customize your searches. With this in thought, you will be able to find what you want.

    The Right Honourable Nicholas Joshua Lycan I
    Period 4

  53. A) Something that I learned and kind of surprised me greatly was the fact that all these websites were changing the information we see to what they think we want to see. Also, that the internet erases things, which according to them we don't have interest in.

    B) This information makes me wonder if I'm actually getting everything I can gain online. Since they are editing the information I view, I feel like I'm not able to reach a big portion that they think I'm not interested in.

    C) Is every site going to get a filter bubble? Is it going to stay like this forever? Am I ever going to reach the rest of the information they are not showing me? How can we balance these filter bubbles?

    D) I will take the time to search the same topic over with different key words and phrases that are all related. I will review all the different sources that I come across and clearly look for what information I actually need. Perhaps I will try multiple search engines as well, just to make sure that I can get as much information as possible.

    Adriana Zamudio
    4 Period

  54. a)I knew of the idea of filtering out ideas based on what you show interest in on the internet, but I never made the connection that with that setup in place I'm being blinded. I always make fun of the search options shown as you're typing something in the Google search bar and it's disconcerting to have the tables turned and realize that these ideas are based on how I look up information and spend my time on the internet.
    b) It's unsettling because there have been times where I've lazily clicked through a couple pages on Google and not found what I'm looking for. I would prefer the order of things in the way Pariser states, that there be an ethics involved in the order links, etc. show up on websites, but if one were to click on say the tenth page of links on Google as opposed to staying on the first, wouldn't there be the new things hidden from you? Or would it take hundreds of pages before finding the new ideas and the professional pages as opposed to blogs, Wikipedia, and Yahoo answers?
    c) Pariser raised the question of whether the internet is an escape from censorship and a window to endless information or if it has become catered to keeping people entertained and trapped. You have to always bear in mind that information is meant to expand thinking and that the internet really symbolizes freedom.
    d) I have to find a balance for how I spend my time on the internet. I know there are always ways for me to find what I want to know, but if I want to be lazy and only want to go to Google and look through the first page of links, to have balance I need to show interest in different things.

    Dannielle Edwards, 4th.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. 1. I did not know how the filters were made but it amazes me that a group of people have that amount of brain power that they can accomplish something that intricate and amazing with algorithms though the capacity these beasts know as filters have must be massive because it shows every person in the world something different in just one single search.
    2. It makes me wonder what is causing actual information to pop up on my searches because I feel like it knows I just want info, info, and info and not loads of crap on my screen.
    3. It makes me wonder just how hard it was to create this massive world of information in the World Wide Web and it also makes me think about if I’m getting the full amount of information and if the way these filters works causes me to be any less informed.
    4. I think I might need to be a tad more exact in my search and make clear of what I want by the words I use and how I word things.

    Isaac De La Cruz
    Period 2

  57. a)When watching this video some new information that I learned was that even though our computers are logged off or shut down, there are websites that use about 57 signals to try to figure out what kind of information we want.

    b)From all this information it makes me think that the information I may be looking up right now for a certain research project for a class can be totally different than someone else’s that is doing the exact same thing as me. Also how what I may be looking up on a website isn’t the only information that may be out there, but it’s the information they give me because they think it’s what I want.

    c)Is there truly no privacy that we “think” we get on the internet? Since when did this filter bubble begin and how is it improving people’s way of researching information?

    d)How I can improve my effectiveness of my searches is to look up on different websites or computers to see what information matches.

    Jessica Manriquez; Per. 6

  58. a) I learned that instead of advancing the potential of the internet, Filter bubbling is only reversing the positive role that the internet had once played in Society

    b) Now that I can't trust getting uncensored, pure information from the internet that hasn't been tampered with by some computer miles away, I'll think twice about using only the internet as a reference.

    c) Where will the assumptions about our ideas stop? Will these assumptions and changes stop? Can these edits, that supposedly help us, cause a state of mental atrophy where our world becomes more and more like that of the ones portrayed in books like Planet of the Apes by Pierre Boulle and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley?

    d) By not limiting yourself to one source like the internet

  59. 1.) Everything about the Filter Bubbles, I already knew due to conversations with Dr. Preston and knowledgeable friends. However, since I am not much of a Facebook user, I did not know nor have I experienced Facebook removing friends of mine.

    2.) Knowing all of this makes me annoyed with the information I now get from a search engine like google. I don't like the idea of wanting a piece of information that may decide my path as a professional being with held from me because google thinks I don't want it due to where I sit when I use the computer or other signals like such that I can't really control.

    3.) In general, this video raises that idea of the internet being controlled and manipulated. I know people who think this is impossible; I agree the internet is so vast, no one can possibly control it all. However, these groups are controlling its flow and so why can't they keep secret information away from everyone? and essentially control it all?

    4.) To improve my searches, I will just use multiple search engines all stealing my information from signals that I put off away from the computer and next to it. Such as Bing, Google, etc. In addition to these, though, I would like to start using Dogpile, which does not filter and tailor my search. Having all of this, my search should be so varied that I might be able to determine what information was tailored for me, perhaps.

    _Trevor Hudgins

    Period 6

  60. A) What I learned from the video "Filter Bubbles" was that many websites like Google and Facebook keep us updated with information that they think will be of our interest meaning everyone's information is different. Like the two guys that looked up Egypt on Google, their information was completely irrelevant to each other. Also the whole thing about if you're not logged into Google, it does whatever is necessary to find the information of your interest or the computer user's interest. It's crazy how all this works.

    B) This information makes me think about how there is so much information out there but because of all this filtering, we only see limited parts of it. The internet nowadays pretty much decides for us which really isn't something that should be done. The information given to us may be biased and only keep us interested in that instead of us being open minded about things. (I'm not sure if that makes sense?) Also, this whole filter bubble really sucks because it's not only based on one user, many people use my computer at least for Google so it really doesn't filter information of one person's interest.

    C) How is a filter bubble helpful? Why is it necessary? What started my filter bubble? How do I go about changing it? Is it going to end up in all the websites?

    D) I will probably go about using different search engines maybe some that I haven't used before and see how that works. I'll look up things with different wording to see if it comes up with different information as well as the one I need.

  61. 1. I learned exactly what a filter bubble was because before this I wasn't to sure there was a such thing. I also learned that things are being filtered out of my reach everyday due to some "algorithm" that some one else wrote that decides what I like and don't like, or more technically what I will be more prone to look at. The rest is all just filtered, which is kind of off putting.

    2. This information makes me think a lot differently about my online searches, or Facebook. How does this filter really know me? It just knows what I click on and not what I may truly be interested in that now I am potentially missing out on. It makes me want to click on anything i might even be remotely interested in so that I will have a bigger filter bubble with more ideas. Which is absurd to have to do.

    3. It doesn't raise to may questions for me besides the fact that how is that right? To track someone's activity on their "personal" computer and decide for them what they get to see and not see.

    4. The way I will make my searches more effective is to try and find search engines that do not filter like Google does. Google was my main and really my only search engine I would ever use, but since it has filtered me into a little bubble of less information than available it is not on my top list anymore. I'm going to start using multiple sites now instead of just one so it varies my results.

    Shannon Murray
    Period 3

  62. 1. The video taught me that the internet has changed. The internet's biggest websites are providing a more personalized and tailored version to better suit their users. We no longer have control over what we find when we search for something. The results aren't dependent on what I type in the search engine, they depend what the search engine thinks I like.
    2. After seeing this video I pay closer attention to everything I see while online. For example, before I would completely ignore advertisements and now I am intrigued by the thought of advertisements being directed specifically toward me. That someone actually paid for that annoying side link on my screen.
    3. The questions being raised are; Is this morally right to track and arguably invade the privacy of internet users? Can the users do something to alter their filters?
    4. Effectiveness of searches can be improved by using several different sources rather than being dependent on one search engine. The more search engines you use, the more information you are provided.
    Patrick Fraire

  63. a) In watching the filter bubble video I learned how truly controlling the internet has become. We seem to think it is this big open space with everything we could need when really we've been placed in an elaborate aquarium of information that has been filtered to fit our needs and keep us comfortably in a little enclosed tank of understanding when there is an ocean of news, current events, and issues that we aren't hearing about.
    b) This video makes me question everything I see online now and really makes me want to think before I click. However I also feel like I might start clicking random links and web pages to throw off over-controlling algorithms in a maze of indeterminable searches.
    c)It makes me question how it can calculate so many variables and be so accurate in feeding us the "perfect" information. This aspect also reminds me of the matrix.
    d)I will definitely not rely on simply my yahoo homepage to inform me on world news, current crisis' or celebrity gossip. I will try several reliable sources known for their varying takes on subjects to understand both sides.

    Cambria Leach P.2

  64. A. I learned that the internet is showing us what it thinks we want to see. I learned about a filter bubble and its your own personal unique universe of information that you live on online. And in your filter bubble depends what you do and who you are, but it's out of your control what gets put into this bubble and you don't get to see what gets edited out.

    I also learned that even if you search the same things, anyone can get different information or results.

    B.My thinking process has changed when example if we get the same project to do in a class. The information we obtain to get it can be significantly different from others. Others may not see or find what I did even if we write the same words in the search engine of Google. It makes me think what information I am missing and that I don't get a chance to view because of this algorithm. Almost like I am being cheated out information I may want but may never get.

    C. If we have no control of our filter bubble, how do we tell it to give us information we rather have? How will things progress, will filter bubbles continue? Are there changes being made to these algorthm? What does the future hold for us? And how will social network change? What benefits or loss do I get with this filter bubble? Since I live in a house of five and we all use the same computer, it makes me think it will truly never even give me information I want. The filter bubble on my computer has the idea of what five people like. So this only makes me think that the filter bubble doesn't even know the links I click on, coming to a conclusion I don't even have my own filter bubble. The filter bubble was described as your own universe but for me it is the universe of five girls put together. Or am I wrong? Does sharing a computer change things immensly? There are an endless sea of questions that come to mind. But will they ever be answered is the question.

    D. The only real way I could see trying to improve my searches, would be to perhaps use multiple searches. Or trying to be more clear in what I am searching for. Maybe not even using the internet but going to the library. And do the old fashion way of finding information.

    Stephanie Owens

  65. A) I learned that the internet is actually trying to custom tailor everything we see and hear when we search for things based off our first click responses and location we are in.

    B) I now see the information that is brought to me by search engines such as Google pretty much as a history/ track record of what I choices I have made in the past on the internet and as a means of spoon feeding me stuff that should “make the baby happy” information rather than information that challenges my intellect, beliefs, morals, and essentially all other types of information that allows a person to grow individually in life.

    C) If people at large are not aware of this customization, will the few that do enlighten the others and show people what the world is really like, or will they use it for their personal advantage; attempting to use the algorithms as a type of self induced propaganda filter for the masses while slipping behind the stage and attempt to orchestrate the world events to their own agenda instead of for the good of the people as a whole?

    D) I think when we search on the internet now, we must search for the good, the uncomfortable, the confusing, and the relevant with equal importance and stay away from the school honored tradition of hunting and pecking information out of a textbook style search by just grabbing the answer that is most relative to your grade for tomorrow in class.

  66. 1. From the video I learned that the internet is, in a sense, controlled. Your search is filtered and altered to best suit you. Also I learned that two people can search the same exact thing and get different results, I found that interesting.

    2. The video makes me wonder if I get everything I want when I search using Google for example. Is there anything being hidden because of me because of what Google "knows about me"?

    3. It makes me wonder why browsers try to limit your search and keep you from all the information.

    4. After seeing this, when I search for info on a specific topic I will search it as many different ways as I can so my info isn't limited and I can get full use of the internet.

    Matthew Giddings p.3

  67. 1. From the video I learned what a filter bubble is and does and how little control I have when I search something on Google, Yahoo! Or any other search engine. I always thought it was neat that the computer knew what I was thinking, “Machines really do have brains!”. Also people can type in the exact same phrase, saying, word and get completely different results
    2. This idea makes me think about other sources and information that is truly out there when I have searched something. Maybe there is something out there that the search is not bringing up. Am I truly getting all the information about that certain subject?
    3. Some questions I have are: If the search engines are target marketing to us, what am I missing? And how do I get that missing information?
    4. To help improve my searches I could use more specific words that rarely used. I could also try and use other search engines which would broaden my information scope.

    Laura Wong
    Period 2

  68. 1. I learned that the internet shows you what it thinks you want to see. It creates the reality you want, instead of the reality that actually exists around you.

    2. The information I have learned today, has made me wonder what information I haven't learned, simply because the internet's algorithms didn't think that I would want to learn it.

    3. Is anyone monitoring the anount of information that is filtered from us? Is the amount of monitoring really for our benifit?

    4. To improve my searches, I can use multiple sources, and cross reference between search engines.

    Rachel Bumstead
    4th period

  69. 1. I learned from this video that the filter bubble is limiting the information we receive. Instead of getting all the information we should see, we will only see the information that is relevant and understandable to us.
    2. The video makes me wonder how long this filter bubble has been in place and whether my entire life searching the web has been personally tailored to me.
    3. Where can I find the information im not getting?
    Why is the filter bubble in place for those who do not want it?
    4. Now when I search the web I would wish to use a search engine that does not have a filter bubble if one such exists.

    Paul Hurd

  70. 1. -“You don’t decide what gets in, and more importantly, you don’t see what gets edited out.”
    This line really opened my eyes. I learned that in these filter bubbles everything we see is, unbeknownst to us, filtered to fit the criteria of the computers representation of what we deem convenient or comfortable.

    2. -"The internet is showing it what it thinks we WANT to see, and not showing us what we NEED to see."
    This really frustrates me because I think of every time I have researched something via the internet and I had been blindly lead to believe a one-sided truth. After our discussion in class I am now aware of it and can do my best to work around it.

    3. Is there any way to reset these filters so that as we evolve and change as individuals, the filter can evolve along with us?

    4. is a website i have now added to my toolbar for easy/quick access to unfiltered results.

  71.  a)What new information did you learn from the video?

    Some new information I've acquired after watching the video is that basically the search engines have search filters. Those search filters basically treat or take a shot in the dark to try and figure out the what the user is searching for. This gives the machine an advantage in the way that it controls what we learn, sort of reminiscent to the theme of 1984. I also learned that all our searches are sent somewhere where they keep a record of our searches.

    b)How does this information make you think differently about what you see online?

    This new information makes me feel like I am nothing but another bit of information added to an equation that defines or assumes what we know and what we want to know. It's kind of helpful but somewhat inconvenient.

    c)What questions does this video raise about the Internet in general?

    Some questions that this video raises might be whether how much control we really have. Do we really have any sense of control over the searches we do either than a vague or fake sensation of control we get when searching for something. Another thing that I questioned was that what if the algorithm in the system seems to overload with information. Would it possibly crash down or will it just adapt?

    d)How can you improve the effectiveness of your searches?

    In order to improve my searches I can add parentheses to my search keywords or phrases. Another thing can be not rely on just one search engine. I should use a minimum of 3 to make sure I don't get the same generic results.

  72. a)I learned that filter bubbles on google and other search engines filter your search to what they think you want to see. What Google is trying to do by this is make our lives easier by showing us the most popular searches it thinks we will need. What happens when its wrong?

b)This presentation makes me think differently because everyone is not seeing the same thing, therefore the information I would get from a google search engine is completely different then the information someone else might get.

c)Due to the fact that the internet can predict what we may “want” to see, are there actual people who monitor our web activity? Is that an invasion of our privacy?
d)The more specific we are with our searches the less filter bubbles there will be.

  73. a)I learned that filter bubbles on Google and other search engines filter your search to what they think you want to see. Google is trying to make searching easier. People these days want things fast, without having to wait.Google shows us the most popular searches that everyone goes to and puts their interest in.
    b)This makes me think differently because its almost deceiving. You are given information in your search that is completely different than another.
    c)The questions I have would be about how the internet will work in the future. If the internet now is controlling and subtly manipulating, what will it be like 5 or 10 years from now.
    d)The only way I can see us improving our filter bubble is to visit other search engines and be very "specific" of what you are searching.
    Miranda Perez 3rd period

  74. A) I learned that you really have no control over your searches online and that your searches are completely filtered to what the website thinks you want to know.
    B) I don't really feel like I am getting the vast abundance of information that the internet claims to give you. I almost feel ripped off.
    C) My question would be that in the future, will internet control what we think completely?
    D) You have to be precise in what you are searching for, and you should cross reference with your friends to see what results they get.
    Kelli Carrillo P.3

  75. a) Well, I learned that sometimes algorithms aren't exactly here to help us in the way that we expect them too. Yes they keep the site working, but they also can affect us and what we view in ways in which we don't understand or even know.

    b) It makes me think differently in the sense that suddenly everything I'm viewing isn't exactly what I want, it's biased. And that's not how I'll get the best answer.

    c) I want to know how different people see when they type in the same search as me. Because we're all different and our history on the internet is different, so are they getting the better answer?

    d) To go deeper into things and try out new sites that don't use the tracking that google, yahoo, etc use.

  76. A) I learned that you don't have any control over your searches online and that your searches are filtered by what the website thinks you want to know.
    B) I don't feel like I'm getting the vast abundance of information that the internet claims to give you. I feel ripped off.
    C) My question would be that in the future, will Internet control what we think?
    D) You have to be precise in what you are searching for.

  77. a)I learned that not only facebook, but google has control over my searches. From my computer to the photos i upload, google is taking information from me to categorize my searches to "fit" me. Everyone can research something at the same time but will all receive different results.

    b)NOTHING and NO ONE is safe when it comes to the internet, everything you do is being monitored. The search engines I use may give me different results as to what I am really searching for, so I may miss out on important information.

    c)Are the search engines really giving me information I want to see, or what they want me to see?

    d)Now I may have to start searching a more wider range of topics to search so that way google or yahoo etc won't categorize me in one category or start using a filter bubble to clear me from receiving these "stereotypical" results.
