
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

October 12

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Straighten Up and Fly Right" by Nat King Cole; "Joe Cool" by B.B. King; "I'm Looking Through You" by the Beatles/performed by the Wallflowers]

Hamlet agonizes over his fate; Hamlet freaks out at Ophelia; Hamlet confronts his mother; Hamlet stages a play that tells Claudius the cat is out of the bag. Is Hamlet acting intentionally or is he as unpredictable as he seems? Explain your answer and include examples from Acts II & III.

1. Journal
2. "To be, or not to be" (git 'er done!)
3. Discuss Acts II & III

1. Read literature analysis book
2. Study for Friday's (10/14) vocabulary midterm

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