
Thursday, October 6, 2011

October 6

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Imagine" by John Lennon; "Truckin'" by the Grateful Dead; "But I Might Die Tonight" by Cat Stevens]

As many of you know, Steve Jobs passed away yesterday. As quoted by (which also listed his 10 favorite albums, including today's tunes), Jobs described himself this way: "I grew up in the apricot orchards that later became known as Silicon Valley, and was lucky enough to have my young spirit infused with the social and artistic revolution of the day called rock and roll. It has never left me." If this moment signifies the end of one era, surely it signifies the beginning of another. There are the people tinkering in their garages today who will leave legacies tomorrow. What do you think the next great inventions will be? How will they be flavored by the current social and artistic moment? What problems will they solve? What opportunities will they create? How will they make the world more entertaining, more creative, more efficient, and more sustainable?

1. Journal
2. Vocab midterm (review)
3. Hamlet: Act III

1. Continue studying "to be, or not to be"
2. Continue studying for vocab midterm
3. Continue reading literature analysis book

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