
Monday, October 10, 2011

Peace Club, Microfinance & Guest Speaker Valence Lutisaire

This couldn't wait until next month's kudos...

Last Thursday's Peace Club event was a huge success. Congratulations to organizers Trevor Hudgins and Ian May. Special thanks to Valence Lutisaire for coming all the way from Uganda to introduce us to YOFAFO. Thanks also to Ms. Barbarick for opening her room so we could webcast to an overflow crowd.

The purpose of Peace Club ("First rule: talk about Peace Club") is to improve global understanding by identifying and investing in small businesses. Traditionally we have worked through Kiva-- now we are able to establish a direct connection to loan recipients. Have a look at the videos that follow and visit YOFAFO and the Peace Club if you are interested in participating.

1 comment:

  1. This really was an amazing guest speaker with an amazing story. I was so excited to go home, but I am so thankful that I didn't. Valence's story was so inspriational. It really makes me want to strive to make a difference, because it shows that one motivated person can have a positave inpact on so many people's lives. He improved the circumstances in his area when he wasn't satisfied with the way they were. He is an example to people all over the world who are living in circumstances that put them at a disadvantage. There is always an oppourtunity to help others even when you may not be in the best way yourself. One person can help. Valence is proof of that.
