
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 2

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Strength, Courage & Wisdom" by India Arie; "I Just Want to Celebrate" by Rare Earth]

Long before we met, and long after you've passed the AP exam and gone on to greater things, literature has always been and will always be an act of self-expression. Literature is the human record of how we create stories for ourselves and others. And, as we've discussed, literature also serves as an artifact of how individual authors observed, critiqued and were influenced by the times and cultures in which they lived. As Marshal McLuhan (the non-Eminem Marshal with whom Roy Christopher identifies) famously observed, "The medium is the message." As we've also discussed, we'd probably get to know Hamlet in a completely different way if he maintained a blog or posted pics to flickr. Explain how using technology to research/create/share content online can amplify your best quality and more effectively tell your story. If you don't see a difference between telling your story in online media versus telling it with pen and paper, explain that too.

1. Journal
2. "We Are the Network" lecture (cont'd.)
3. Special Event (periods 3 & 4): speaker Roy Christopher

1. Reflect on your notes from Roy's talk, then post a finished outline version of the highlights to your blog and invite at least five other people (including me) via email to read them.
2. Comment to this post with the single most important idea you took away from Roy's talk.


  1. The most important things that I took away from our video chat with Roy is that in order to fully understand the web and medi we have to really familiarize ourselves with it. If we have the knowledge to use the tools then there will be few limits to what we can do to improve our learning through technology. It is up to us to take the steps towrds becomeing more savy when it comes to technology and our future.

  2. I thought an important idea that Roy brought up was that the previous generations should trust younger generations.

  3. There were so many key points to this discussion. Although I'm very excited about the whole pen pal thing (as pointed out), I also took into account when it was mentioned that the older generation may not trust us and our technology. They haven't grown up in the era of advancements that we have so some feel sketchy about adapting to the new information we hold. It was interesting how this tied into the advent horizons and how they develop over time from the TV to the Internet and now, HD and 4G networks. It's crazy to think our generation and the one shortly following us has to create the next horizon to surface; it definitely won't be an easy journey.

    -Kelly Brickey, Period 3

  4. I don't want to come across as stealing Katie's response but I felt very moved that an adult showed signs of actually believing we won't end up ruining civilization through the "evils" or "social media".

  5. First I'd like to say that I really enjoyed the video conference and am looking forward to more of them.

    The single most important key point I took away from it was when Roy talked about how to participate in technology and not be victimized by it. He said that we don't have to know how everything works but the more knowledge we have the more we will "reach digital maturity".

    Kayla McCallie
    Period 2

  6. The most important key point (although there were many of them) was the idea of "the end". I think the fact that we create our own end and that the way we get there is more telling then the actually end is the biggest overall idea that they talked about. Because in a way everything ties into that. We all have a future, be it in technology, writing, or even pig farming... and the way we push ourselves to get the point we want to be at is our great experience. The end can be what we make of it. I believe that that's the most uplifting idea of the day. We /can/ progress and become more influential as people and role models and one day we can be like everyone we previously looked up to. As a generation, if we work hard and take advantage of our opportunities, we can change the world. How amazingly terrifying, huh.

    Savanah Lyon
    Period 2

  7. The most important point I viewed from Roy Christopher's was that he believed the medium and the message were always connected and that the medium is the most important in technology. Which to me was a balace of how we use technology and the outcomes that we have to keep in mind.

    Edith Gonzalez

  8. The most importand idea I took away from our video chat with Roy was that we get to choose what technology we want to use. We don't have to become involved in this new world of technonlogy if we don't want to. I feel like that ties in with the older generations needing to trust the younger generations. What is normal to us might not be normal to them, but they need to have faith in us and trust that we understand it.

    Nicole Anderson
    Period 2

  9. The most important idea I took away was when Roy Christopher said, "program or be programmed." He said to avoid being victimized by technology we need to know more and know how things work, so we can be prepared for what the new generation brings.

    Period 3

  10. That's very true and valuable Briana and Cody, but I really appreciated the discussion regarding what “ends” technology is taking us to. I thought it was interesting to hear Roy Christopher’s response to such a question—which, by my interpretation, seemed very pointed and suggestive. When I first heard the question, I thoughtlessly expected him to agree with the common perception that technology is radically changing the way the world works, even so much that it’s changing the nature of the people that use it, by admitting that the use of different technologies has forcefully created new kinds of results, motivations, and goals. But his response caught my attention because it wasn’t that at all. Instead, he said that using technology was just a new way of getting to that same “end”. That realization kind of took away the feeling that technology was about to take over our lives, or whatever, and gave me a sense of meaning to what we’re doing with web 2.0. And that idea was significantly reinforced by Trenton’s comment and Dr. Preston's clarification. Before, I didn’t really understand why we were learning about digital media and 2.0, but now I get it.

  11. The most important idea I took away from today's discussion was that technology is what you make of it. It can be a waste and distracting, or it can be productive and beneficial to education. It all just depends on how you use it.

    Nathan Seidenberg

  12. What Ted Newcomb said in response to Roy Christopher's idea that older generations don't trust younger generations with technology really made me think. Newcomb said, "I think most adults are either baffled or jealous." The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. When I was younger, my mom would worry about what I was doing on the internet, whether it was research, MySpace, or playing games. At the same time, she didn't understand how they worked. In any medium, what people fear what they don't understand, or are jealous when someone understands what they do not.

    Shannon Fahey
    Period 4

  13. Out of all the important ideas that Roy brought up from today's video conference. But the most idea that i got out from today's conference was that older generations should trust younger generation.

  14. One point I really liked was when Ted brought up how our generation multitasks and he wishes he could do the same. I also liked how Roy said that we are not an embarrassing generation and that we need to learn more about the tools we are using.

  15. the most important idea that Roy mentioned was that older generations should trust younger generations. I liked how he said this because its true, older people think we're just aimlessly heading to the futere because of technology. Something they do not understand is that its a tool that is guiding us to an undiscovered world.

    Daniel Gonzalez

  16. I agree with Briana Derr. I liked when Mr. Christopher said that we can either "program or be programmed". We can let the internet have the upper hand by just going with the flow of it, or we learn how to use it and understand it more in depth. The more we understand the internet, the better our experience will be.

    Tori Thompson Period 3

  17. The most important idea I took away from the talk was that in order to reach "digital maturity" we need to know how technology works. It was interesting when he pointed out that using a computer used to mean actually programming a computer. Nowadays, people use computers every day, but they have no idea how they actually work. To be able to use technology most effectively, we need to know how it works.

    Cayla Salazar Period 2

  18. The most important thing I learned from Roy Christopher today was not to worry or stress about having to keep up with ongoing changing technology. This helped a lot because I was startig to feel nervous about having to compete in such a tech savy world, but I learned to just pursue my goals, and learn about technology, but not to stress.

  19. I was really impressed with the conversation we had with Roy Christopher, I have never been involved in anything like what we did today and I was really excited about it. I was impressed by many aspects of the conversation but expecially about the fact that he agrees with us teenagers, that adults should trust us more with technology. I am glad to find another adult, besides Doctor Preston, that agrees with us. But I was also impressed by the statement that Doctor Preston said that we may be making history with this sort of communication, that blew my mind away.

  20. Definitely the trust in the younger generations. In some areas, I understand why they would be skeptical, but overall: Trust in the youth.

  21. Jojo Relyea
    Period 3

    Program or be programmed really stuck out to me. If I don't try to better understand the internet and technology to help myself than I may be sucked in to someone else's idea of what I should learn from the internet. I will forever be stuck in my own safe, comfy filterbubble. This doesn't mean I have to stress on staying completley up to date on all the new technology as Mr. Christopher explained. I don't have to have newest $500 iPhone every time one comes out. But if I better educate myself I will have a better understanding and more control. We invented technology, we control technology, technology doesn't control us.

  22. I felt that the most important part of this conference was the over all feeling that I took away, which was this:

    This was the communication of these adults who discovered an ocean (the internet) and decided to find all the best possible ways to sail across it and navigate, to discover everything they could and go where ever their passions took them, with these children, native to the ocean, born in the ocean. These pioneers are riding the currents and today they communicated with us. Our life, in riding the currents and living in the water all our lives, was communicated back. For the first time, the explorers are communicating with the natives, boundaries, I feel, were crossed today.

    And that is what is the single most important thing I took away from this experience: Two generations, actually talking to each other about our shared and rapidly advancing future.

    _Trevor Hudgins

    Period 6

  23. The most important part of the conference was technology is a part of everyday life, but you do not have to adopt all of technology. (Roy's smartphone example)

  24. I feel that the most important idea from the video conference would have to be the "program or be programmed," concept. It's always good, in any case, to learn more about what you are using or what you are involved in. The internet controls you more than you think, and its good to have some knowledge on the matter.
    Miranda Perez-period 3

  25. Roy's explanation of the quote, "The medium is the message" helped my understanding. The medium is what's important, how can the idea the medium is getting across surpass it, when it always goes back to the medium? The way he explained why vinyl sales are going up, because people instinctively recognize that something is lost throughout some growths of technology got me thinking as well, I never quite made that connection with people going back to old technology. I agree with Cody's post on another section of this blog, that picking and choosing technology isn't so simple. The idea that people don't use their control in technology also stands out, "program or be programmed."

    Dannielle Edwards, 4th.

  26. The most important idea that i got out of the conversation we had today with Roy Christopher was when he said "What you put on mobile technology is going to be more important than the fact that we have mobile technology." Right after Roy said this i instantly began to think to myself about how we need to think about things we put online other than thinking about how simple it is. Yes, we have the ability to do it whenever and wherever we want but not everything we put online is usually fully thought through.

    -Marie Alvarado

  27. The idea that struck me the most was the fact that people have always been wary of the upcoming generation and their potential. Our generation is looked down upon for being "too into" technology and online networking but they were once criticized for something as well as the generation before them. If we as a generation do not want to be stereotyped then we should be active and be self aware about what we post on the internet. Thats just my two cents.

    -Paola Trujillo
    Period 2

  28. The most important thing I learned from today's video conference was that Roy told us that older generations do not have faith in us and the we conduct ourselves. I believe this generation should trust us because we grew up with all of this technology and we are the ones that truly know how it works.
    Chad Foster

  29. The older generations should not fear the technological advancements present to the younger generations. Learn from them.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. There will always be people saying that new things are bad for one thing or another, or that they'll ruin the old way, but in reality they just are new tools for people to use.

  32. I think that all the things that were mentioned were important points. The one thing that caught my attention the most was Roy said, "Multitasking is a myth." I remember Dr. Preston telling us this sophomore year. Since were working with more with technology this year, I have been "multitasking" more than I normally would.It was nice to have the idea of multitasking not existing reinforced again.

  33. There was a lot of information going back and forth today, but there were a few key points that caught my attention. One was about digital maturity which I agreed with. The more we know about the digital media the more prepared we are for it. We need to learn about the right and the wrong in putting up information through technology. Another point was Roy’s comment about multitasking being a myth. This was something I never really thought about till today’s conversation. I agree with his comment because we either stick to doing one thing or the other.

    Jessica Manriquez; Per. 6

  34. The most important idea I took away from today's talk was that even though the new technology might be unpredictable, older generations should trust the new generation in utilizing/manipulating it to its maximum potential.

    Samuel Moon
    Period 6

  35. One thing that stood out to me from today is when Roy Christopher said that it would be very difficult to surpass the message. No matter what type of medium we use, the message will still be important. This is encouraging because sometimes it may feel overwhelming with all of the new gadgets and technology that is constantly appearing, but the message will always be there. This allows us so many options to create opportunities for ourselves and to keep the future bright.

    Candace Rickman
    Period 3

  36. The most important idea and thought that I took away from todays discussion with Roy Christopher was that the older generations don't believe in us and think we don't know how to conduct ourselves. When actually they should trust us because we know alot more about technoloy and the internet, which is becoming newer and newer.

    Patrick Sims P.3

  37. I enjoyed this conference we had today in class realized there were many key ideas Roy had mentioned. But the one that stuck with me the most was his answer to the question: How do we manage our relationship with technology? And he replied "program or be programmed." And I agree with this in that the more we learn to understand technology now and how it all works, the better off and more prepared we will be in the future.

    Jolissa Jiles

  38. It is hard to pin one important idea from the discussion today. One in particular that struck me the most was when Roy said, that you see a lot of kids nowadays buying vintage clothes, or vinyl records because they are something we will never have again, and they seem so interesting to us. This can be transitioned to our main topic, in the sense that, kids generations from now will look back on us and think, wow that's what they used then? Where as for us it seems so futuristic, that we cannot even wrap our minds around it.

  39. Given that this is a rapidly growing technological world, I felt that one of the more important points was that we can choose what mediums we want to get involved in. Such as facebook, twitter, tumbler, etc. To older generations that grew up with pong and the revolving dial on phones this 2.0 generation can seem overwhelming and confusing. With human impulse being to shun frightening things or kill it with fire the younger generation (us and younger....well mainly us.) needs to help the older folks understand and feel comfortable with the technology of the time.

  40. Today’s conversation was very different from any other. I got to admit it was very interesting. The most important idea I got out of the conversation was the fact that Roy agreed with all of. He too believed the older generation didn’t trust the youth with technology. It was also interesting that he considered multi-tasking a “myth.”
    Lupita Perez Per. 3

  41. I learned many great new things today so I can't really narrow it down just to one but one thing that stood out to me was the connection and difference between adults and younger generation such as ourselves. Adults who are not used to technology are hesitant about their child using advanced technology. I think it is time for the wall to crash down. Older generations have to be less traditional and conservative in order to stay in place, keep up with technology and stay in the current era. There has to be a connection between the major differences between them and us. I believe it is a matter of time and effort.

  42. The most important idea I learned from the conference today was that, the older generations need to trust the youth to find their own way with technology without the interference of the last generations ideas on how it should be.

    Nicholas Lycan
    Period 4

  43. I feel that an important and also interesting idea that I learned today was the thought of the older generation having to learn to trust the younger generation with how they are growing up.

    Mitchell Edmondson

  44. The most important thing that I learned was that just because Apple and Windows and other big companies are coming out with all these new products doesn't mean that you have to go out and buy every single one of them. You can pick and choose which ones you want to use. Nothing is mandatory.

    Hannah Hosking
    period: 4

  45. I think an important point he made was that older generations should stop worrying about how technology is influencing the lives of the younger generations. Many adults believe that technology has made us lazy, but there are obviously more benefits to technology than disadvantages.

    Arianna Farmer
    Period 2

  46. There were so many interesting topics brought up but the one I found really interesting and surprising was when Roy said he hadn't driven a car in 13 years, and has ridden his bike or used other transportation to get around. It's up to us to make our decisions no one else, we don't have to go with whats new. Also with how technology is becoming more advanced each day it is important for adults to trust us with these advances and how we use it.

    Alaysia Navarro
    Period 4

  47. The most important thing i took away from the chat with Roy was that parents should trust the youth in what they do with the internet because we do have a rather good grasp on the concept and grew up with with so we do know somewhat what we are doing.

    Max Kuhlman
    per 2

  48. The single most important idea that I got from Roy's talk was "Program or be programmed". It just jumped out at me because that idea was brought up earlier when we were comparing e-books with books, learning about filter bubbles, and finding out what goes on behind the scenes of Facebook.
    I also liked Roy's prediction that modern day technology will not advance anytime soon. That set me at ease because it gives me more time to master technology and for me to be my own programmer.. I never want to become a digital tourist.

    Kira Asel period 3

  49. I to think as well that the most important thing I can take from the web chat was that in order to not become a victim to the internet or technology in general is to simply familiarize your self with it.

  50. I thought the most important thing that Roy Christopher said during the discussion was that we are the future and the next generation of big things will come from us. It's up to us to change the world hopefully for the better.
    Tyler Stewart Period 3

  51. I think that he said that hip-hop culture is like the culture of the future since a lot of it is unaccredited sampling, but the most important idea I got from today was "program, or be programmed". This makes since and people in general should practice spreading their own ideas instead of soaking in a mixture of others' beliefs.
    ian janssen p4

  52. What I believed was the most important message was the reassurance of "multitasking is a myth". I know we had heard it once already from Dr. Preston but being given a second thought of it without each other's awareness of having said that, it made it seem correct.It's easier to not question what you have heard from two different personalities.

    Betzy Bras
    Period: 6

  53. The most important idea I got from Roy Christopher is that technology is used however you want it to be used.  It can be a distraction if you let it be, but at the same time it could be beneficial it getting something done. Also another idea was that the older generation doesn't necessarily trust technology and I feel that they should trust the youth with these innovations. 

    Hunter Walker
    Period 3

  54. An idea that i took away from Roy Christopher's presentation was the fact that older generations need to trust today's generation and our knowledge of technology. Older generations are hesitant in trusting technology itself which makes it extremely difficult to trust our generation with the innovations and improvements being made daily to this technology.

    Mariah Cooks

  55. "program or be programmed" is the phrase that stood out to me the most from the very enlightening information that Roy had to share. I feel that older generations have this mindset of avoid what you don't understand, rather than know fully what you are fearing. Instead of being paranoid users of technology unable to properly control what we have in front of us, we should be well-educated individuals capable of adapting to the constantly evolving technologies that present themselves to us.

    Cambria Leach P.2

  56. Roy Christopher explained how older generations question the current generations ability to use the internet responsibly. Every set of generations do this. Roy Christopher grew up with the television being native to him, while generations before him were digital tourists to it. Therefore they struggled giving full trust in the youth with the new technology. This is identical to the modern situation with the internet.
    Patrick Fraire

  57. In today’s world, you have to either program or get programmed when using the web.

    You either know the tools that you work with and use or you fall victim to your own ignorance. I liked that no matter what you do, whether its programming the web or fixing a bike, you have to know what your using to actually make any sort of success.

  58. The main concept that I took out of the conversation was that we as we as a whole are beginning to create a new world for everyone through technology. I find it interesting that students share common grounds with some bright elders. That together we can revolutionize a world if not, then do something new.

    Carlos Cruz Period 3

  59. The idea I liked most that Roy said is that even though the world i moving fast, doesn't mean you have to. Like how he said he still doesn't own a smartphone, because he like sthe feeling of coming home and actually checking something. I thought that was really coool.:)

    Nicole Montoya
    period 3

  60. Technology is the future, we can't ignore it and if we want to go anywhere in the future we have to embrace it. PROGRAM OR BE PROGRAMED. Definitely the most important point of the discussion.
    Brynn Greenelsh p.2

  61. What I really liked from the conference was that he believes that there should be more trust put into our generation from the older ones. I was really pleased with this entire experience! :)

    Adriana Zamudio
    period 4

  62. what I came away with from the conference with Roy Christopher was "program or be programed". Roy himself said he was almost sucked up into the frenzie and it just stuck, but don't be victimized be knowledgable about technology to be better prepared. But not even Roy has a smart phone which I found interesting.

  63. The most important thing I got from the conference was his thoughts about balancing time. I related to the fact that the internet is used to get work done, but at the same time, it only distracts you from the task at hand.I also found it interesting that he didn't want to get sucked into the world of computers and now he has four.

    Kelli Carrillo p.3

  64. The most important thing i took away from the video chat is how the older generations must trust the yonger generations with technology and that the internet will help us advance in numerous ways.

    Kristen Frias
    p. 2

  65. The thing from the video chat that I think is the most important is that the older and younger generations need to trust each other more and learn to interact with each other better.

  66. the part that i feel is most important from the talk is that though we use all this technology it is only for as much as we have to for educational purposes only or more than that but we ultimately make the choice on how much of it we consume.

  67. One thing that really stood out to me from Roy Christopher was when he said "it's either your programmed or be programmed. It stood out to me because he said in order to not be victimized by technology we need to prepare ourselves by learning more about the new things generation brings so that we will be prepared for the next thing. Another thing that stood out to me was the fact that he said that he did not have a smart phone because he didn't want one. It's kind of weird because you would think that everyone who could own one would want one.

    Marisol Zepeda
    Period 6

  68. Thank you all so much for your time and attention and the great comments. I am humbled and inspired. You all prove that you should be trusted with this stuff.

    Just to clarify, the "Program or Be Programmed" idea belongs to Douglas Rushkoff. He has a recent brief but brilliant book by that title:
    Here is the interview I did with him shortly after its release:

    Thanks again. Let me know if you have further questions,

