
Friday, December 2, 2011

December 2

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Touch the Hand of Love" by Yo-Yo Ma & Renee Fleming; "Take Your Hand" by Usher; "I Hold Your Hand in Mine" by Usher; "I Hold Your Hand in Mine" by Tom Lehrer; "I Want to Hold Your Hand" by The Beatles]

Think of a topic or theme that you've seen in at least three texts this semester. How was the treatment of the idea influenced by the style/genre of writing and the time period/culture in which it was written?

1. Journal
2. Discuss blog/timeline
3. Chaucer

1. Study for finals
2. (If you missed last night's HW) rename your blog and post it as a comment to 12.1
3. Check the blog this afternoon for more on lit terms database, online security, weekend work, catch-up suggestions, and SPECIAL ONE-TIME HOLIDAY SEASON OFFERS!

1 comment:

  1. What are these SPECIAL ONE-TIME HOLIDAY SEASON OFFERS that you speak of, DP?
