
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Kicking Off 2012 (in 2011)

I hope everyone's enjoying the break!

I'm starting my New Year's Resolutions early:

1. I will not give any more tests with open-ended questions (MAN I hated grading those vocab/lit terms finals!);
2. I will get more sleep (it's so much easier to type on my computer when the screen's not so blurry);
3. I will schedule the meemli sessions so we can test it and get started on your Big Question research.

Hmm. Open-ended tests tell me a lot and sleep is boring. Well, I'll get around to #1 (you hope) and #2 (I hope) soon. But for now I'm focusing on #3. If you are a mentor, or a techie, or you'd like some practice figuring out meemli, or if you're just insanely bored and want to get a head start, meet me on meemli tomorrow (Thursday, 12/29) at 2:00 P.M. After we monkey around with it to get comfortable I will give the group the first chunk of instruction and the outline of what we need to cover between now and the first day of school, and I'll ask for suggestions on the number and duration of sessions needed to get everything done. Then I'll put together a calendar and post it to the blog. See you tomorrow. If you have any questions please comment or email.

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