
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Kudos: December

Congratulations to the following students on their college acceptances and scholarship wins!

Kelly Brickey (Belmont University)
Chad Foster (Cal Poly)
Patrick Fraire (University of Oregon)
A.J. Franklin (CSU Chico)
Krissy Frias (CSU Chico)
Hannah Hosking (Northern Arizona University)
Max "The Human Apostrophe" Kuhlman (University of Oregon)
Lizzie Level (The Master's College, Mills, Cal Poly)
Sam Moon (Elks Lodge Scholarship)
Jessica Parra (Northern Arizona University)
Patrick Sims (University of Arizona)
Tori Thompson (CSU Humboldt)
Laura Wong (Northern Arizona University)

If I missed anyone, or if you've done something amazing since I posted this, please let me/us know in class.

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