
Friday, January 13, 2012

Telling Our Story

One of the ideas from yesterday's brainstorm (thanks John Kucera!) was that we should create a brief description of what we're doing that we can post to high-traffic blogs and sites. In order to provide a clear, concise version that we can all support, please comment to this post by answering the questions below. On Monday morning I will synthesize the comments and write a draft for us all to critique. Based on your feedback, I'll write a second draft for us to discuss in person on Tuesday, and then I'll post one more time Tuesday night so that we can all ratify the final version.

Here are some initial questions (feel free to add/tweak):

1. Since this model of learning is new it doesn't have a name yet. What should we call it?
2. How would you describe this model of learning? What are its guiding principles, what tools does it use, and how do participants benefit?


  1. Where is everyone? I'm seriously considering calling the whole thing "Ed"

    1. Hey, hey. Don't do that. Its Sunday, im sure now everybody is finally getting around to checking the blog.

    2. Thanks for talking me off the ledge. I think the name should be something that appeals to everyone. It should pique curiosity and convey a sense of humor while hinting at a path to understanding that blows the doors off the standardized world. It definitely shouldn't stink of bureaucracy or pseudo-scientific jargon/acronyms. You're on the right track when you say "catchy"-- I'd say "catchy with sneaky/cool substance."

  2. Do we want the name to be more on the spectrum of Collaborative AP Digital or on the more accessible, marketable side like.... The Internet School..with a crayon drawn pencil in a hand print or something

  3. Or maybe something like Didactic Social Media... I think it needs to be something catchy and simple though

  4. Since what we have been doing in class has been using the main three ways of teaching (one on one pupil and master, packed 30 kids to a room industrial style, and learning at your own pace and looking at what interests you internet style) why don't we call this thing The Educational Conglomerate? We often get one on one time with you because of the internet use which frees up some time in class for one on one in person instruction in class as well as giving the class as a whole lectures which are further supplemented by the use of the internet and even start conversations like this from the internet and apply them to either one on one practice or classroom discussion as a whole back at school. As far as guiding principles are concerned, the only one that truly comes up in my mind is that this class is not designed to pass a bubble test but rather help shape us for our own individual success. How do we benefit? Well as students we actually get to look into an explore a variety of opportunities that standardized education would otherwise block out completely like what Dale is doing. We get another chance before college to explore the major that all CSU and UC's are making us pick as soon as we enroll as a freshman and see if it truly the major for us. Finally as a teacher you are not only seeing what the future generations is looking into and how they may turn out; but you are also placed on the cutting edge of education as the younger generations look to you to help find opportunities or possibilities they may have not thought of on their own. In other words you get to brainstorm and try this thing out with us for the year we have you.
    Hope this helps in the brainstorming process!
    Jon Hoffman

  5. 1) I believe we should call this the Ap English collaboration project!
    2) I would describe this learning project as an independent leaning process, because you have to be able to complete the tasks that are given to you quickly and effectively, just like college
    Chad Foster

  6. 1) Native's of Social Media? I can't remember what it is exactly called about us being the new generation of technology.
    2)I agree with Chad in that it is an independent learning process because you are using the tools you have to perform a concise answer to whatever happens to be posted online. We are held accountable for ourselves.

  7. I like these ideas because they're matter-of-fact and get the concept across. I'm not sure if the average senior (if there is such a thing) is going to get all excited about joining something that sounds formal. Is there a way to convey these ideas in a creative way?

  8. Ok I am just going to start shooting names with brief explanations now in hopes that one will fit the bill.

    The Crossroads Project- We are now at an intersection where our mandatory education ends and our careers take off. Now we that we have to look at where we want to go, why don’t we look down as many roads as we can before we make the choice?

    The New Game Plan- We are now off to make a living for ourselves but we still need a little help in forming the rough plan about how things are going to work. Need help with the planning? Then this classroom with thirty plus like minded peers will truly help you in the process.

    Towering Heights- The road you have picked is daunting and you do not have any idea in the slightest in how you will make it work. If that is you, then this class offers professional help via ex-UCLA professor, and teaches you how to access almost unlimited resources through the web to make this dream a reality.

    New English, New Rules- If you have been taking your mandatory English 1-3 and have feigned sickness to avoid the dullness and repetitiveness of the lessons then this class will be a bit of a refreshing contradiction to the expected English 4 class. In here you will receive all three forms of education (one on one, thirty plus classroom lecture, and online lessons.) This class will teach you to think outside the standardized box, challenge your perception of reality and the workings of the world, and truly let your intellectual talents blossom. You will be able to use your gifts to help shape the class even as the class refines your talents. If you want to shape the world you live in, then this class will help you start.

    As I was writing these, I realized I was trying turning them into sales pitches. I hope that these titles and their pitches help and by all means modify and adjust them if you think that they could be better. Hope these ideas helped!
    Jon Hoffman

  9. I really like Trenton's ideas. I especially like his title idea of "Socratic 2.0" because that really is what we are doing. This new "thing" we are doing is just one big online Socratic seminar. I also like Dr. Preston's idea of keeping the title casual and fun. It will be more appealing to the average senior. So if we could just combine the two some way I think it will be perfect!

    Briana Stinn

  10. I agree on Socratic 2.0 as well. We are creating a massive socratic seminar online. With all the students participating, a clean name like "Socratic 2.0" would be perfect. I know Brianna just said all of this but i completely agree.

    Nathan Seidenberg

  11. I really like the "Socratic 2.0" idea! I would describe this as students using all available tools to ready themselves for the AP test, and beyond. The skills we learn here, not only help us with the AP test, but also help us learn what we need to, to be successful and intelligent citizens, who use their learning resources wisely. Participants benefit, by becoming "a brain with [insert number here] legs, and are able to bounce ideas off one another, so we have the best outcome possible.

  12. I like Chad's name the "AP English collaboration project" but I agree with Trenton on "Socratic 2.0" and I think that fits well. I would describe the model of learning as students teaching other students the information that they have, but also sharpening their skills.

    Hunter Walker
    Period 3

  13. 1. Ed, simple, why not? Socratic 2.0 is more catchy, but still accurate.
    2. This learning is real time. It possesses the rules of a classroom, but the security of our homes. Since this is largely online, we can easily communicate with all students from all periods via the "home blog."

  14. 1) I like Chad's idea of calling it AP English Collaboration Project. I think that gets the point across in a simple way. People don't have to really read into it to know what we are doing.

    2)I would describe it simply as advanced students teaching other students ways of being successful and learning. Participants have a greater way to learn instead of it just being a one way learning experiment students can have the comfort of communicating with the teaching student in an easier way that in some ways they can't get from a "teacher-student" relationship.

    Max Kuhlman
    period 2

  15. 1. I think "AP English Collaboration Project" is a title that can catch the attention of students; it sums up exactly what we are doing in a few simple words. Projects in school tend to be creative, so that word will draw people in who are looking for something interesting.
    2. This method of learning is extremely beneficial. Students preparing for the AP test have vast amounts of information at their fingertips, accessible with the simple click of a mouse. There will be so many blogs to choose from, that students are guaranteed to find a blog that suits their style of learning. It is more of an independent learning process, so students can take this course at their own speed.

    Arianna Farmer
    Period 2

  16. I liked Chad's idea of calling it AP English Collaboration Project because it is straightforward. I understand we want to make the title catchy but it would be better to have a simple straight forward title that way students won’t have to read into it to know what is being offered.
    This model of learning is like an online Socratic seminar. We are providing information and tools to become more ready for the AP test. But at the same time our audience, which is other students, can add any information they have or correct us by posting comments.

    Lupe Perez per.3

  17. 1. I'm all for socratic 2.0 I think it will really grasp the audience's attention.
    2. I think what we are doing is making a collaborative working group that will help us achieve our goals of learning- whether it's the AP exam, a novel, or what we are genuinely interested in. With this way of learning we aren't constricted with the boundaries of traditional-style learning.

  18. 1. Like most people have already said, this model of learning should be called "AP English Collaboration Project" because the students are collaborating with one another to reach the same goal.

    2. By using the blogs, students from all over the world can participate in the "project" and learn as we move along the last semester to prepare ourselves for the AP Exam. Like Lupe said, students can post comments and other feedback to support each other.

  19. Im all for a name with collaborative or collaboration in it, I just think AP English Collaboration Project lacks the online element. A study group at Panera could be called the AP English Collaboration Project.It's the fact that we are blogging that separates us from just a study group. Also I don't believe the title needs to be concise thesis. I guarantee nobody knew wtf a twitter was before checking it out. Not to mention I still don't know why Wii was chosen for the name of that console, but I own one so I guess they were doing their jobs right. I believe the brainstorming should continue in the direction of catchy and verbally pleasing, I don't think the value of "catchy with sneaky/ cool substance" should be undermined.

    ..also I veto "AP English Collaboration Blog"

  20. I am a fan of the "Socratic 2.0" title. It is catchy and the 2.0 really emphasizes that this is a new technique, and makes me feel as though we are stepping into a new era of schooling. No longer are we just stuck with paper and pen; we have officially entered into the technology pool. I feel as though this title will cause people to check out the site and thus fall in love with this collaborative teaching method.

    Kelli Carrillo p.3

  21. I like the idea of it being called 'AP English Collaboration Poject' but maybe we can make that shorter some how? This will be described as an independent studying tool in order to help many students searching up ways to study for the AP Exam. Also just a way to expand other students knowledge.

  22. I'm jumping on the "Socratic 2.0" bandwagon. It essentially and cleverly sums up our class, and what all of our main objectives are. It makes me think of like us being a class from the future coming back to share the knowledge that we all believe to be effective, and show others our "futuristic" perspective.

  23. "The New Class Room" its simple, gets the point across, and also has a hint mystique behind it.
    Allows Everybody (the whole world) to have the ability to put forth their intellectual thought in almost everything we do. Essentially like a giant class room and we are able to do this through the use of Internet and everybody's participation. Sadly, homework is a bit selective.

    Darin Topham p.3

  24. I like Socratic 2.0 because it's short and sums up the collaboration aspect. Will people know what that means though?

    Kayla McCallie
    Period 2

  25. 1. "The New Classroom" sounds cool.
    2. The blog is a good way to keep track of and document everything going on in the classroom. It also reveals everyone's opinions, not just the handful who speak during class sessions.

    Dannielle Edwards, 3rd.

  26. I was just thinking the same thing as Kayla. I didnt know what a socratic seminar was until this year so if we use Socratic 2.0 I'm not sure everyone will understand it.
    I think this style of learning is very independent. It requires the student to be responsible and self sufficient. By creating this big collaborative working group it allows us to use many brains for one purpose. Which in this case could be preparing for the ap exam. I think it allows us to be more creative because it's different than the typical classroom learning style.

    Nicole Anderson
    Period 2

  27. I think that Socratic 2.0 is the perfect name for this since we are bringing the same concepts just in a new form.
    In this style of learning everyone benefits, the people who are learning and the people who are teaching. We are opening thousands of new doors and getting insight from way more resources that are now available to us. We are taking advantage of the internet and creating something to benefit others.

    Candace Rickman
    Period 3

  28. I think we should use Socratic 2.0 because it is accurate in its meaning of a bunch of AP lit students coming together and sharing their ideas, thoughts, and information on specific topics. I would describe the model of learning as students acting as teachers in the sense that they are sharing and somewhat teaching other students about the knowledge and information they have gained and referencing that information through their resources. We are also learning how to properly use these resources which is important because if we are capable of understanding and using these resources, then our possibilities are endless.

    mariah cooks p.2

  29. I agree with everyone above that suggested that what we are doing should be called "Socratic 2.0" because it is a short catchy phrase and tells a lot on it's own already.

    I would describe this model of learning as independent and dependent at the same time. We do work on our own blogs at home but come into class to put all our brains together to discuss how to better our process of thinking. The tool we use most of the time is 2.0 technology. Participants benefit from this all because they get to learn in many different ways and from different people. The answers will always vary but all the blogs and sources we use to teach will only expand our learning and ways of thinking.

  30. "Socratic 2.0" is a smart, clever phrase that will help us better understand what we're doing and put a name on it so that we can move on from that and delve deeper into what we are trying to do.
    Everyone is benefiting, not just one party. Therefore, it's going to help us learn in a more efficient way.

  31. I think the title should be "The New Classroom" as titled above by Darin Topham. The word socratic is unfamiliar to a lot of students, and I doubt it would be effective in the efforts to become publicized. We are trying to start something new and improved for education, and I believe this title describes just that. The internet can be looked at as just a new classroom with an unlimited amount of information.

  32. I liked the use of acronymn used by Hunter W. and Issac C. so I thought of something else.
    It might sound unprofessional--- very colloquial and something that fits very well with the modern terminology today. Therefore, I came up with..
    S.W.A.G --> Social With Academic Genesis.

    This is a social part of our lives, we communicate with each other and help one out but it's also very academic. Afterall, this is an AP level course. Genesis is an origin or a beginning. This Blogging deal we've started is NEW. It's a NEW beginning/genesis of our world of education through online communcation and community. (Hm, the name does sound a bit stupid.)
    Oh, I thought it was better than
    Prepatory Blog & Junction (PB&J).

    It's simple and catchy persay.
    It seems to be that students are teaching each other and forming a junction and a connection so that can be a highlight of this year's course.

    1. I meant to say Preparatory, not prepatory.

  33. I love the simplicity of Socratic 2.0. It represents the modern take on education that we are participating in. But Mari's acronyms are more common for the range of students/viewers we are reaching out to. SWAG is very catchy and who doesn't know the acronym PB&J? All that matters is whatever catches the eye of the bloggers we are trying to connect with.

    -Kelly Brickey, Period 3
