
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March 6

Yesterday we looked at a structured definition of "remix." Describe how lecture notes can be a remix, and describe how your own creative process is a combination of others' work and your own "take" on it.

1. Journal
2. Remix quiz postponed until tomorrow (Wed 3/7)
3. Work in groups of <4 to explain to each other how you remixed the last two weeks' curriculum on your blogs. Each group should take notes and turn in an "exit ticket" (1 per group is fine) to your period's crate on the back table.
4. Please ask TAs to check your textbooks and create period-by-period list; stow books in your lockers, you'll need them tomorrow.

HW: Get some rest and stay healthy; getting sick sucks. (for those of you online getting the scouting report, I'm sick and won't be there today-- please email with questions and let me know how it goes.)

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