
Thursday, March 22, 2012

taking care of our own

One of our colleagues needs our help.

A student came to me privately and told me that [he or she] wants to take the AP exam but cannot afford the fee ($57 with waiver). The Peace Club has generously decided to give $25 toward the cause, and Ryan McGinley contributed $5, leaving a balance of $27. I will pay the balance if necessary. I also think this is one of those moments in which a learning community defines itself. I would be grateful if each of you would consider donating a buck or two. If we're short tomorrow I will pay the difference. *UPDATED 6:56* Using the comment thread below to thank people gave me the idea of posting amt. remaining, currently $10. Awesome. I'll post when we hit $57/mission accomplished. Thanks again to those of you who helped out so far.


  1. Thanks for contributing, Rebecca Patterson!

  2. Thanks for contributing, Vince Cruz!

  3. I'll throw in a few bucks. (It'll be in quarters though... That's all I have right now, sorry.)

  4. Thanks Hannah! Every little bit helps.

  5. We did it! Thanks to those of you who chipped in. An anonymous donor stepped in to cover the last $10. That makes $57: mission accomplished.
