
Thursday, April 5, 2012

April 5

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Ballad of a Thin Man" by Bob Dylan (which you can mentally remix by substituting "Preston's Class" for "Mr. Jones"); "For What It's Worth" by Buffalo Springfield]
Read the following excerpt from David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest and describe how Wallace uses literary elements to describe a large theme through one character's seemingly casual observation.

What's interesting to Hal Incandenza about his take on Struck, sometimes Pemulis, Evan Ingersoll, et al. is that congenital plagiarists put so much more work into camouflaging their plagiarism than it would take just to write up an assignment from conceptual scratch.  It usually seems like plagiarists aren't lazy so much as kind of navigationally insecure.  They have trouble navigating without a detailed map's assurance that somebody has been this way before them.  About this incredible painstaking care to hide and camouflage the plagiarism-- whether it's dishonesty or a [Y] kind of kleptomaniacal thrill-seeking or what-- Hal hasn't developed much of any sort of take.

1. Journal
2. Introspection/reflection
3. Collaboration
4. Innovation
5. Execution (to be clear, in this strange world; this item refers to implementation and not capital punishment)

1. Post your LA #3 notes to your blog by midnight Friday (tomorrow, 4.6)
2. Read Macbeth once all the way through and take notes
3. Have a great spring break-- this is one vacation I will actually want to hear all about!

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