
Thursday, May 24, 2012

May 24

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Beyond Belief" by Elvis Costello; "Message in a Bottle" by The Police]

This week the topic is (still) you. When you began this course of study you became the heroic protagonist of your own story, and now the story is what you're doing. Tell it.  Specifically, for today, what new experiences and skills did you acquire in this course that will help you in the future?  What artifacts have you created that show what you've learned?  How does all this prepare you for whatever's next, and how does it show the value you represent to a network or a community?

1. Journal

1. Prepare for tomorrow's Socratic seminar by finding and reading three online resources about digital literacy.
2. Read these quotes
3. Comment to this post with answers to the following questions: a) what is digital literacy? b) are you digitally literate? c) why should adults trust you to create your own educational paths without being afraid that you won't learn anything if you're not constantly tested to standards? and d) what is your vision of the digital future and your place in it?


  1. a) Digital literacy is the ability to use digital technology, communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate, use and create information.
    b) Yes, I believe I am digitally literate simply by participating in this course.
    c) I think that adults should trust us to create our own educational paths because we have reached a point in our lives where we can see the future ahead of us. We have developed a basic form of wisdom, through our experiences in high school, and are now aware of the consequences that each decision has. If I don't pursue my education, then I won't be successful later in life. However, if I choose to contribute 100% of my effort into the pursuit of higher education, then I, along with every other senior in the nation, know that success will be a result of these efforts. Adults know that we are maturing at a rapid rate, so I believe that they should stand back, without fear, and allow us to flourish in society on our own.
    d) My vision of the digital future is that everything in the physical world will have a place in the digital universe. We have only just scratched the surface of technological innovations, and I know there are much more secrets left to be discovered. Now that I am beginning my studies in a fundamental programming language, I think that I am embarking on an excursion of unlimited educational opportunities. I believe that everyone in this world will eventually know a programming language, because the digital universe is expanding at an immeasurable, exponential rate. It will be a necessity by the time I have a career, I am sure of it.

  2. a) Digital literacy= digital tool knowledge+ critical thinking+ social engagement.
    b) I guess I would be considered a digital literate. Two reasons: I do have some knowledge about technology and I socially engage with others through the net. (blogging, social networking, etc)
    c)Show, NOT tell. Students like us can't TELL them to trust us. We simply prove to them we are capable of completing such tasks. When we have gathered enough evidence to prove ourselves that we are trustworthy, hand over the 'evidence'. Students in Dr. Preston's class should be capable of presenting these (blogs).
    d) I see the digital future coming close by. We're changing slowly but not over night. It will take a while for the world to adjust to these changes. I read in articles that older generations are more conservative than younger generations. That's to be accepted. There's psychological factors involved in how children learn faster/adapt better than older people. (I'm not saying anything...) Anyway, I'm ready for the digital world-- there's no turning back.

  3. literacy is not just being able to use a computer but knowing and understanding the programs and being able to organize and communicate through them.
    2.I believe I am a digital literate I grew up with the internet and surfing the web and understanding the different programming.
    3.Most adults can't and will not trust us to educate our self because they aren't digital literates and weren't taught the skills and values we look for within the web. They just can't understand how much technology has affected us and the different way of learning we know have compared to what they are used to.
    4.The future is looking very good!I believe that the web and technology can only progress and create larger web communities of more well educated students. This will pnly create opportunities for students to expand and grow new skills.

  4. A) Digital Literacy is the ability to understand and use information in multiple formats from a wide range of sources when it is presented via computers.
    B) I would say that I am digitally literate because I am able to use computers to get my information and take the important parts from the huge variety we are presented on the internet. When in need of something specific, I am confident that I will be able to find my information on the computer.
    C) Adults should trust us to create our own educational paths, because if we are able to that, we will create a path that is interesting for us. If there are some guidelines that students must follow, they will stay in those guidelines but do whatever they actually want to do. They will be motivated to actually want to learn and will be more likely to stay on top of their work. Times are different from when they were growing up and innovation is a key to what keeps our society moving on. This would be innovation by letting students use technology in a way too help themselves learn.
    D) My vision of the digital future is that technology will take over the way students learn. I think that homework will be done online, then eventually classwork will be done online and technology will continue to take over the classroom. My place in this vision, is that I was apart of the first class that did a majority of their homework online. With the blogs, we have done something that no class has really done before and this should be revolutionary for classes to come. I'm glad that I could be apart of it.

  5. 1. Wikipedia: Digital literacy is the ability to locate, organize, understand, evaluate, and analyze information using digital technology. It involves a working knowledge of current high-technology, and an understanding of how it can be used. Further, digital literacy involves a consciousness of the technological forces that affect culture and human behavior. [1] Digitally literate people can communicate and work more efficiently, especially with those who possess the same knowledge and skills.
    2. Yes I am digitally literate. I can quickly adapt to any sort of program, build computers, understand technical talk, load operating systems, etc.
    3. The times have changed. For us, we never adapted to technology, we already had it. For them, it is all new. Memorization and standards are something we remember to forget. Once a letter is received we move on and don't think back. One must apply what they've learned in order for it to be of any value. If we can apply and use this knowledge there is no need for tests.
    4. The plan for the technological future hopefully involves me being right in the middle of it. By this I mean designing the technology we have all began to rely on. In case anybody didn't notice... the internet is not going away any time soon. Nor are computers. We may as well use them to our greatest advantage.

  6. a) Digital Literacy- the ability to understand and use information in mulitple formats from a wide range of sources when it is presented via computers.

    b) After this class and all the stuff we did with our course blogs I would have to say yes, I believe I am digitally literate.

    c) Adults should trust us to take control of our own learning because we know what we like and dislike, we know what interests us and what doesn't. Given a chance, we will test the water before jumping in, we will explore our interests and if we find out we don't like it we will move on to the next most interesting thing, but once we find the thing we want to learn we will take off.

    d) Technology will just keep getting better and better. Our lives will become more connected with new technologies and our education will have to adapt. I would like to be at the heart of the digital future, like the next Steve Jobs. Right now we are at the middle, showing the world what students, given the chance, can do.

  7. (a) Digital Literacy- the ability to understand and use information in mulitple formats from a wide range of sources when it is presented through computers.

    (b)I am sure I am.

    (c) I don't think they should just trust us, God knows a whole lot of kids wouldn't participate, but those are the same kids that don't respect it now, why not try something that they could be interested in.

    (d) I am hoping I can further the movement of free college.

    "Education is an undeniable human right that is often taken for granted."

  8. A)Digital literacy is the ability to locate, organize, understand, evaluate, and analyze information using digital technology

    B)I am in fact fairly digitally literate

    C)Adults should trust students with creating their own educational pathways because with this mode of teaching students will gain custom education that was gained specifically to help them be successful in what they want to do, unlike a traditional system where you learn a broad range of info which can range from interesting to completely useless to whoever is learning, then be tested whether they have a firm grasp on what they dont need to know

    D) We are already living in a digital present so it only can be assumed that unless there happens to be an ascetic uprising the internet and our lives will only become more entwined to the point where perhaps we are unreversibly dependent, which not quite be as bad as it sounds. I see myself taking advantage of the opportunities provided by a growing digital culture and make something of career out of it because we both know it will be part of our lives. Btw i peeked at Ryans post above, I'm totally down for a proletariat revolution of the higher educational system where we distribute that ish to the masses on a straight up socialist tip.

  9. a. Digital Literacy is the ability to understand and use information in multiple formats from a wide range of sources when it is presented from computers.

    b. I would say that I am digitally literate. I use the computer almost everyday to get infomation and after using blogs for this class.

    c. I believe that adults should trust us to create our own educational path. We are in that point of our lives where we should makes decisions on our own and do whatever we want to do as a career. Parents can help guide us to that path but should trust us to create our own.

    d. Technology will start to get even better. We will have to adapt to all the new technology.

  10. a) Digital Literacy is the ability to understand and use information from multiple sources when it is presented via computers.

    b) I would say I'm fairly digitally literate, but there is always aspects I can improve on

    c) I believe adults should let us decide on our own educational paths, and although we won't be tested by the typical standardized tests, we will be tested every day. Everytime we fail we will learn something from our failures. We are at the point where we need to take control of our paths.

    d)I think technology is going to grow around us. It is so embedded in our society that it almost becomes a part of who we are. Technology will only progress and we will progress along with it.

    Kelli Carrillo p.3

  11. A) Digital literacy is the ability to locate, organize, understand, evaluate, and analyze information using digital technology.

    B) I feel I am. I do understand fairly well how technology works and use it on a daily basis.

    C) Adults should trust us more because we ourselves are young teens becoming adults. And I feel adults should look at us as young adults and respect our decision makings more in the paths and career fields we decide to choose. Other than God, we of all people should know better than anyone what we feel is best for ourselves. It’s our turn to live and learn.

    D) In the future, I believe digital technology will continue to progress and improve tremendously. People will then adapt to the new inventions and come up with creative ways to do things easier and faster.

  12. a) Digital literacy is being able to comprehend and take in information from different internet resources from computers.

    b) I would like to believe I'm digitally literate, but it's hard to tell which sources are legit and which ones I can't really trust. It all depends on the subject and the source in which that subject is coming from.

    c) We should be able to choose our own paths. Every person is different and there shouldn't be specific "standards" for all students. The whole idea of standards is just another way to make sure kids are at the same level and are normal when, in fact, we all learn at different rates for certain subjects. Determining our own paths is using what we know will benefit us the most and even if we fail at one point or another, we will be able to grow from even the lowest moments to figure out what we need to focus on in future times.

    d) Technology is the new norm for us. I think it's going to continue to rise and eventually, become an essential in the world. We will just adapt to its advances along the road and even the doubters will have to adjust to the 2.0 style of living. Whether or not we like it, technology is growing faster than we can control, so we have to just grow along with it.

  13. 1. Digital literacy is the ability to use and understand different information through the use of technology.
    2. I would consider myself digitally literate because this course has helped me with that. Through the use of all the technology in the classroom I have learned to be digitally literate.
    3. Adults should trust us with our own education because who better understands ones ways of learning but ourselves. We know the ways that best help us learn and what we are interested in. Therefore, we can coordinate our education in a way that we will best learn. They need to trust the student enough so that the student can make their own decision up to a point where it is the best decision.
    4. I think that in the future learning through technology is going to become more common. It will soon become something so ordinary to us all. It will expand to so many places and create possibly a more effective way of learning for everyone.

  14. A) The ability to use digital technology, communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate, use and create information, or a person’s ability to perform tasks effectively in a digital environment... Literacy includes the ability to read and interpret media, to reproduce data and images through digital manipulation, and to evaluate and apply new knowledge gained from digital environments.

    B) I believe I am digitally, literate. My experience in this course, outside sources, and work experience has allowed me to become so.

    C) Adults are paradoxes in our time. We live in a time were our generation is able to comprehend skills and knowledge that is so foreign to our older generation that it seems like gibberish. Standards are not tailored to an individual, it assumes the basic line of knowledge that all should learn at, and that is why it would much better for us to dictate our own curriculum. By educating ourselves we set the standards for ourselves, thus the betterment of our lives.

    D) I believe that the digital future is set to be even more advanced than it is now. That our techniques our parents use now, and think is the "norm" will be things of an ancient era. My place in this time of great advancement is being right there with it, and moving along with it.

  15. a) Digital literacy is the ability to navigate though a high technology word. You are able to understand how it works and are able to use it affectively.

    b) At first I said no, then changed my answer to yes, then switched back to no... So now I'm not so sure... On a certain level I like to think that I am. I grew up with the internet and grew up with developing digital technology to lots of it is engrained into who I am and how I do things. Although, when it comes to different software programs and coding with servers and IP addresses, I'm totally lost.

    c) Adults should trust me because this technology is something that I've grown up with. I am in no way an expert on it, but I am able to find the information I need without "Big Brother" looking over my shoulder and showing me where to click. As far as the "standards" go, those are constantly changing. The standards of learning now are totally different than they were 50 or even 15 years ago. There is no one size fits all way of teaching.

    d) I think that the digital world has a very bright future. I hope that one day this 2.0 way of leaning can be accepted into all schools and will be not only accepted, but embraced. Technology is what the current generation is growing up with and it's the medium in which we need to learn.

  16. a)The ability to use digital technology, communication tools or networks to locate/research, use and create information.
    b)I believe I am digitally literate because not only can I do the basics like use Word programs or go on Google, but I can also download music, use social networks safely, and create movies and power points.
    c)Adults should trust us because they understand the time changes from when they were our age. We have been raised with technology, so they should trust that we will be able to work the equipment and networks to the best of our abilities and benefits. The standards have changed over the years. Our abilities and intelligence can be tested in different ways.
    d) To be completely honest, I’m not exactly sure where the digital future might be like. I mean in just about 20-30 years, we have gone from using huge video cameras to capture only a few minutes of film to being able to hold “36 gigga bites” on a tiny little iPod. I think things are going to be extremely different and the past may be forgotten. One thing is for sure, the use of technology will not be looked down up by any parent because it will be so common to everyone.

  17. (a) Digital literacy is the ability to locate, organize, understand, evaluate, and analyze information using digital technology.

    (b) I think that I am digitally literate, especially after having gone through this course this past year. I have learned how to effectively research information on the internet, and how to decipher which sources are legit and which are fake.

    (c) Everyone completes tasks and learns at different paces. Adults seem to think that when students are given freedom, they slack off and get nothing accomplished. I'm sure a lot of adults must think that the freedom we've been given for the next few weeks in this class is insane. However, I think that the projects that have already been created and the level of excitement that this freedom has generated will prove that strict rules do not have to be held in place for tasks to get accomplished or for information to be learned.

    (d) The digital future is quickly expanding, and there is no choice but to embrace it. Although there are certain assignments that I would still prefer the traditional pen and paper for, I think that in the long run the digital world will make a lot of things easier.

    Arianna Farmer
    Period 2

  18. A)The ability to locate, organize, understand, evaluate and analyze information using digital technology.
    B)Yes, by the sounds of it being digitally literate means you can use google, but I don't think I understand technology to use technology to its full potential like others I know, but I think of myself as literate.
    C)Because with standards everyone will be exactly the same with the knowledge and specializations, in theory, while the other way allows students to follow things that interest them and become fluent and above the standard in what they see themselves using.
    D)I don't know what to expect for the digital future because twenty years ago a computer holding a megabyte was a lot of memory, while now a terabyte is the norm. That is an astronomical increase in just the disk space of computers, if things increased at that rate I think that it could be very different, or it could just stay similar to now. I see myself being in it like I am now, understanding it but now quite being a master of it.

  19. a) Digital literacy is the ability to use digital technology efficiently and effectively.

    b) I'm definitely more digitally literate than I was at the beginning of the year, but I have a lot to learn. I think it was last week that I asked Sugano how to buy apps on my android....-.-'

    c)I feel like most of us are adults already, and people need to stop looking at us as immature children. We can do some pretty cool things if we're given the freedom to do what we want, and learn the way we choose. Some of the projects people are working on are actually really cool, and for once in all my four years of high school, I'm excited to do a project because it's something that's important to me. I'm learning, and for once, I'm enjoying it.

    d) The digital world is always growing, and I'm going to have to keep learning to keep up with it. That's about it.

    Marissa Tajalle

  20. p3
    a)Digital literacy is the ability to absorb, comprehend, and analyze information found through digital technology.

    b)It would be pretty hard not to be digitally literate after a year in this class, but there's always room for improvement, and I'm no exception. I can say that I am comfortable in my current level of literacy. I can also say that there's more to learn.

    c)Adults should realize that despite our youth, students have the know-how to gauge their individual learning needs and speeds. Its obvious that people progress at different levels, so shouldn't it be obvious that holding everyone to the same standards is a little insane?

    d)My vision of the digital future is something that is embraced in schools as a tool that will better prepare the youth for reality.

  21. A) The ability to use digital technology, communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate, use and create information
    B) I think that I am digitally literate because I can go and research and find which websites are credible and which are not. I don’t think I am the best there is out there, but I feel comfortable going online to find out information.
    C) Adults should trust us because if we are online we can look up anything that we want to in an instant, to research any topic that we want to. We get to choose what it is that we want to, not having to be tested to see if we are on the correct path, with everybody else. We can see what topics interest us and possibly pursue them as a career.
    D) To me the digital future will merely contain more technology. Things will keep getting faster, getting smaller, and being able to do more. Who’s to say that there won’t be some sort of new development or breakthrough in the digital world that’ll change the world forever? My place in the digital future is the same as it is now. I can navigate my way around most technology, but I’m not an expert at it.

    Mitchell Edmondson P4

  22. 1. Digital literacy is the ability to locate, organize, understand, evaluate, and analyze information using digital technology.

    2. I am digitally literate. I am not fluent in hardware or computer-speak, but I can use multi media platforms to express and convey my ideas pretty easily. If I do not know how to get something done, I have resources, search engines, and some data bases that are at my fingertips to gain knowledge on what I do not know.

    3. Adults shouldn’t worry about us messing up and not learning anything because we can and they have done that using the standards put in place. The most we can do is fail and end up as a bum, but by removing superfluous standards we are removing the glass ceiling that stops us from reaching the heights of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and even Mark Zuckerberg have reached through ingenuity.

    4. The digital future is a toss up between 1984 like prison surveillance/censorship and a new frontier in which ideologies can become realities by expanding and inventing new technology. I plan to be a pioneer in this new world of information technology and will do everything in my power to make sure there are a sufficient data, research, and innovations to defeat the current system which favors the 1984 reality.

  23. 1. Digital literacy is the ability to not only use but comprehend the tools that you are using. Understanding and connecting with them.
    2. I believe I am literate because I can sift through the credible and non credible sites I visit. I however do not think I am the best at detecting false information
    3. They should trust us because there is information on anything and everything we could possibly want to pursue.
    4. I believe the only way to expand is to become more comfortable using the devices we have available to us.

  24. 1.Digital Literacy is the ability to effectively comprehend and use digital media.
    2. I believe I am digitally literate and have become more so during this course because we are dealing with this stuff every day.
    3.Adults should trust high school students with creating our own educational paths because so far, we have been successful. This is the wave of the future, so it is illogical to fight for the tools of the past instead of learning how to use the new tools of the future.
    4. Because I want to go into broadcast journalism I know that I will have to adjust to instant news. Currently, social media sites are delivering information quicker than major television news stations. I will have to adjust to my new job title.

  25. 1. Digital literacy is basically the ability to use technology, communication tools, or networks to locate, evaluate, use and create information.
    2. I do think I am a digital literate but mostly because of this year. I feel like technology and being online is my home now. I'm so comfortable, I know what filter bubbles are, and how to detect credible vs. noncredible sites.
    3. I don't know why adults are so skeptical but I feel like if they just gave us a chance they would see results. You never know until you try, and this class should be the perfect example of how it makes learning more interesting and fun. If you give students something they are passionate about to work on.. you will see results. We didn't need a standardized test to prove we learned stuff this year. Just look at our blogs and everything else we've accomplished. I don't understand why adults are so against this way of learning when everyone keeps saying this is the future.
    4. I truly think the future will be more digitally involved. I think it will make its way to more schools eventually. I would like to stay apart of the online community in the future and hopefully share some of the things I've learned this year with other people.

  26. 1. Digital literacy is the ability to use and comprehend technology.
    2. Yes
    3. Students will learn if they want to learn. They don't need someone to tell them what to study.
    4. The digital future is robots doing all of the research for humanity. My place in the digital future is telling a robot what to do for me.

    Paul Hurd

  27. a) Digital Literacy can be defined as: the ability to locate, organize, understand, evaluate, and analyze information using digital technology.
    b) are you digitally literate? Yes, I would consider myself a digital native since I've known how to use a computer since I was 3.
    c) Adults should trust us in paving our own education paths because with all of this technology there is information constantly flowing all around us and what peaks our interests is what will lure us into learning more. Like we discussed in the seminar: whatever we feel passionate about is what we will put effort into.

    d) My vision is seeing the world way more connected than it is now. More people will be digitally literate, making life easier but simultaneously sort of complicated since it requires more technological knowledge. But the internet definitely will open doors and bring people together. I still have to figure out what my role in the "digital world" will be. I guess you could classify me as just a "tourist" at the moment.

    Kayla McCallie
    Period 2

  28. a) Digital literacy is the ability to find, evaluate, utilize, share, and create content using digital technology, as well as the internet."
    b) I would consider myself somewhat digitally literate. There is no doubt in my mind that I can find, evaluate, utilize, and share content online and using technology, but the creating content I still struggle with, though this class has helped me immensely with that.
    c) I think adults should trust us to choose our own educational paths because no one knows what suits our minds better than us. The internet and other digital technologies have only reinforced our sense of self-assurance when it comes to our future. We've grown up in a time that has allowed us to see that the sky isn't even the limit anymore; infinity is. We've been shown that we can do just about whatever it is we set our minds to (not to be a cliche or anything) and with all of the resources at our disposal these days, and all of the off-the-wall opportunities that pop up, there is no reason that they shouldn't trust us to make our own decisions about our future.
    d) I hope to see that our digital future comes with all of the opportunities that we believe it should have. I could also see, like many others have said, the digital future turning out to be something similar to 1984, which worries me a bit. I almost feel like the digital future will take away from family values and social systems that have been part of life for a really long time. I see myself using technology when I have to, such as computers and cell phones and such, but I hope that technology and the digital future does not take over my life. I would love a life free of the complications that come with a digital future.

    Shannon Fahey
    Period 4

  29. a) Digital literacy is the ability to navigate the internet and all digital technology.
    b) I would consider myself digitally literate to a point. I don't think that I'm amazing when it comes to technology, but I know how to navigate the basics and I am continuously learning.
    c) I think that adults should trust us to create our own educational paths because things are not the same as when they were our age. They did not have all the technology that we are have at their fingertips. The world is evolving, so it makes sense that the way that we learn is evolving as well.
    d) My vision of the digital future is strange. At some points I feel like can we find a way to become more technologically advanced. I know that there are ideas out there, but do we have the means to make these ideas a reality. I think the only place for me in this digital future is as someone who enjoys the result, I honestly can't see myself helping to further technology.

  30. (a)"Digital literacy is the ability to locate, organize, understand, evaluate, and analyze information using digital technology. It involves a working knowledge of current high-technology, and an understanding of how it can be used. Further, digital literacy involves a consciousness of the technological forces that affect culture and human behavior. Digitally literate people can communicate and work more efficiently, especially with those who possess the same knowledge and skills."

    (b)I can be digitally literate if I'm working on something that I enjoy and requires the use of technology.

    (c)The way we are currently being taught in standard classes doesn't demonstrate how much we have learned. In order to better understand the world around us we are supposed to evolve with the technology in unison. The adults should trust that we will be doing this for our own success and future; if not, the people who aren't interested in learning at all won't put forth the effort and will easily pointed out from the rest of the group.

    (d)I think that our digital future is hard to picture because there are so many endless possibilities that may not be able to be described. Everything will have transformed altogether into something so different and indescribable that even the names of the machines will be completely different from any past items. I see myself keeping up to speed with the rest of the world. I like being able to relate to others and knowing what they are talking about so it may help.

  31. A) Digital literacy is the ability to locate, organize, understand, evaluate, and create information using digital technology.

    B) Yes I am digitally literate because I have the ability to do all of the above and I have grown up using digital technology.

    C)I realize it is difficult for adults to trust this generation with taking our own paths towards education. I think the best way to show that we are capable of successfully doing this is to participate in online learning communities, like our class blog. This allows anyone to see how effective this form of learning can be.

    D)Whatever the digital future holds, I see myself participating in it. Growing up in the digital generation, I am comfortable with adapting to new technologies. I also think that the digital future will have a heavy technological influence in education.

    Patrick Fraire
    Period 3

  32. A) Digital Literacy is the ability to find, share, and learn from technology.
    B) I would consider myself digitally literate. I'm rely on the internet and other technology for a lot of information and help. I know which websites to trust, and which to disregard.
    c)I think adults have such a hard time accepting us being so involved with the internet because they don't understand themselves. Most technology these days is completely knew to adults and that scares them. I think we can help these adults by showing them the benefits of the internet like our course blog and own personal blogs.
    D) I'm not sure what our digital future is, but I do plan on being a part of it. The internet is such an amazing way to connect the entire world together and I think in the future it will be an even bigger part of our lives.

    Briana Stinn
    Period 3

  33. 1. Digital literacy is the ability to not only use but comprehend the tools that you are using. Understanding and connecting with them.
    2) I would say I'm digitally literate because of all of the technology we have used in here, but there are always aspects I can improve on throughout my life.
    3) I believe that adults should trust us to create our own educational path. We are in that point of our lives where we should make decisions on our own and do whatever we want to do as a career. Parents can help guide us to that path but should trust us to create our own.
    4) My vision of the digital future is that technology will take over the way students learn. I think that homework will be done online, then eventually classwork will be done online and technology will continue to take over the classroom. My place in this vision, is that I was apart of the first class that did a majority of their homework online. With the blogs, we have done something that no class has really done before and this should be revolutionary for classes to come. I'm glad that I could be apart of it

  34. 1) Digital Literacy- the ability to understand and use information in mulitple formats from a wide range of sources when it is presented via computers.

    2) I believe I have always been digitally literate. But after taking this class its a whole new level.

    3) Adults should trust us when we make thee new decisions for ourselves because its part of the learming experience. When we have to depend on ourselves without being watched over 24/7 we learn responsibility at a whole new level.

    4) My vision of the digital future is a place where we work hard to reach our goals and be successful but in a whole new way where opinions are accepted more easily because our learning enviroment involves our peers in a more trusting way where its okay to share and not be judged.

  35. A) Digital literacy is the ability to understand and use the technology and information found on the Internet.

    B) I have always been Digitally literate . There were some things that didn't make much sense to me, but after this course it's all clear.

    C) there is no reason for adults to not trust us. We are the generation who has been exposed to the Internet since the beginning of our life's. We have the most experience with this tool and we are not as immature as we are portrayed.

    D) My vision for the internet in the future is that it will fix the economy. Not suddenly, but given time it will create new career opportunities.

  36. 1. The ability to successfully navigate the complex interworkings of the interwebs.
    2. I am indeed digitaly literate.
    3. Students learn what they want to learn. If they have a passion for it they will pursue it.
    4. The future is clouded by the dark side! However my place will be at the head table of knowledge!! Drinking from the challace of digital literacy
    -matt sagisi p 2

  37. 1-Digital literacy is the ability to make good online choices and manipulate it to work for you. *Digital literacy* is the ability to locate, organize, understand, evaluate, and analyze information
    using digital technology.
    2-I consider myself to be digitally literate. I have used the computer and the internet since I was a child and I know my way around it pretty well. I know how to make it work for me and how to figure out things I don't know how to do.
    3-Adults should trust students with the internet. I believe students will be more successful when given the freedom to use the internet because we know how it works and it has become a part of our everyday lives. It will cause better learning than traditional methods when provided with the right resources.
    4-Technology will only continue to grow. I see myself taking advantage of the growing features in the future and continuing to learn and embrace it in order to be more successful and communicate better.

  38. Digital Literacy is exactly what it sounds like; the digital equivalent of being literate. Being able to understand, interpret, analyze, and reiterate what is understood as "digital". I believe all of us here are digitally literate, but certainly not experts. Parents will inherently tether control over their kids, and it's nearly impossible to avoid. But it should not interrupt, if anything, the education of their children. I hope the Digital Future (with a capital F) is a lot like Neuromancer...

  39. A) digital literacy is the ability to comprehend and analyze digital information efficiently and practice those skills with minimal effort.

    B) I believe that I am digitally literate. From my blog to daily uses of my computer, makes me believe so.

    C) I think that adults should trust us in our quest for self improvement. They hold on to old fashioned education ideas and we now live in a time were those are irrelevant. With ourselves leading our own standards we can better educate ourselves.

    D) I see an even bigger technological advancement an I see myself moving right along with it.

  40. 1. Digital literacy is the ability to locate, organize, and analyze information using digital technology.
    2. I consider myself digitally literate. I have developed these skills throughout high school when asked to use the Internet.
    3. We should be trusted to create our own educational paths because we would be more motivated to do it. We are far more digitally literate than adults, they should let us use those skills.
    4. My vision of the future is that it keeps becoming more digitally developed. Soon, it may be a prerequisite for jobs and will be needed in everyday life.

  41. a)Digital literacy is the ability to locate, organize, understand, evaluate, and analyze information using digital technology. It involves a working knowledge of current high-technology, and an understanding of how it can be used. The resources also affect culture and human behavior.

    b)I do find myself digitally literate because I use the internet as a research tool for everything. Also with the blogs I feel like we are all one big digital literacy since we provide resources and learning tools.

    c) Adults should trust us to create our own educational paths, technology is at its finest in our generation and we our in the midst of it learning and growing up with/living it. A lot of adults though aren't familiar with some of these learning tools and that may confuse them. As long as they see what were doing and how we are using the internet to our advantage in an amazing way, they would be more lenient and appreciative.

    d) My vision of the digital future that the internet,and all technology will be a way of living, it will be apart of our everyday lives. It will change the way our future generation will learn and how they interact. I hope to be a part of it, I'm not sure how, maybe just keeping up to date with new discoveries but I know the blogs have been coming a long way and are apart of the beginning.

    Alaysia Navarro
    Period 4

  42. A)Digital literacy is the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information requiring both cognitive and technical skills.

    B) By taking this class this year, my knowledge of using technology has improved to a whole new level.

    C) Adults should trust us with the expanding network of digital literacy. We grew up in this generation and we know far more about technology than adults do. They are just afraid that we are becoming too dependent on technology that if something goes wrong, everything would collapse. As long as we prove ourselves that we are capable of handling the situation, then they should, at least, give us a chance.

    D) In the future, I believe that everyone would be a digital literate and our educational system would revolve around it instead of the other way around. I dont know if this is going to be beneficial or consequential, but we need to do our best to work as a team.

  43. 1.Digital literacy is "the ability to locate, organize, understand, evaluate, and analyze information using digital technology."

    2. I can be digitally literate if i have the ability to work on an assignment/project using digital media or tools.

    3. The way we are taught right now, doesn't neccesarily show how much we have learned and improved. In order to measure our successes as a whole, improvement using digital tools should be something that each of us uses as a whole. Our elders should respect the fact that for those of us that do want to learn, we are doing this for our own benefit. Those of us who don't reall care about it can be easily recognized from the group.

    4. Our digital future can't really be described because there are so many people creating these tools with so many different ideas that the possibilities are endless. I can see myself staying technologically advanced and keeping up with the digital trends that are set. I like being able to keep up with all of the advances so that if any problems or misinterpretations occur, then i would be able to help problem solve.

    Sarah Rayburn
    Period 3

  44. a) Digital literacy can be defined as the ability to locate, organize, understand, and analyze information using digital technology.
    b) I think that I am because I use the computer and other technology daily.
    c) I think that adults should trust us. When we make our decisions, they can help us, but it should be on us. Adults can give opinions and such, but they should trust us to make the right choice with education. Even though it is hard for adults to trust this generation, i think by showibg them we can be trusted will help.
    d) In the future, I think that the digital technology will continue to move forward. There will be New technology in the future, more advanced and the people will be more skilled in the technology.
    Chelsey Soriano

  45. A) Digital literacy is the ability to operate, analyze, and comprehend the work dine with a digital tool.
    B) I don't think I am completely fluent when it comes to digital literacy because being a part if this class has given me some knowledge but there are some things that I am still unable to understand.
    C) Adults need to be able to trust us because as we emerge into adulthood we need the chance to be able to prove to them just how far we have come. Just in this one year our brain capacity has expanded more than it has the last 3 years. So now all we need is their trust to show them what the advantage of having technology has given us to help the future.
    D) My vision of the digital future is that technology will be the way of anything and everything. With the way technology has advanced things already it can only make you nervous of what else there is to come.
    Gabby Cuevas per 2

  46. 1) digital literary is being fluent in Internet lingo and other research. To comprehend information the internet gives you and to be able to put it into everyday language.
    2) I think that I'm fluent in digital literacy, but there I still more to learn about.
    3) the future is that more things in life will be reliant on the Internet. We already use it for many daily life events, but I believe it will be used more so.

  47. A) digital literacy is the ability to locate, analyze, and understand information that you find by using digital technology.
    B) I believe I am digitally literate. Although I also believe that there is still room for me to learn more and become more advanced with digital technology.
    C) Adults should trust us after all students are the ones who cause revolutions or movements that change the world. For instance tiananmen square, the occupy wall street protest, and/or the civil rights movements. Adults all ways think they know better, sort of arrogant, and are greatly influenced by past traditions. Where as students grow up with changing times and are easily able to adjust to it simply because it is the "norm".
    D)the future is here and its only going to keep advancing, this is just the beginning. Soon it is expected to have a super computer that surpasses the human brain, even though we don't really know the capability off the human brain yet it's just a speculation. With this up coming new era new jobs are being created, some lost, but it offers up the opportunity for growth.
    -Darin topham

  48. 1.) Digital literacy is being able to use technology, such as the internet to communicate, reasearch, and analyze information.
    2.) I do think that I am ditigally literate. This class has helped me get to that point. Before I was only able to do basic things. I now feel more knowledgeable and that I can accomplish much more on the internet.
    3.)We need to be given an opportunity to show that we can handle technology in a responsible manner. I feel that everyone who has participated in this course has already proven this.I think that everyone who has taken his class can agree that we have all learned a lot during the course of the year.
    4.)I know that everything will be far more advanced in the future, in ways that I cannot predict. I do plan on keeping up with the advancements of technology and not falling behind like many elders already have. I see it being incorporated more into education and many other different aspects.I see myself using the digital technology in a useful form but not contributing to the development of it.

  49. 1. Digital literacy is being able to locate, organize, understand, evaluate, and analyze information using the internet.
    2. I believe that I am digitally literate because of the fact that I have always grew up using the web and today in this English course my understanding of the internet has expanded way more.
    3. I do think that adults should trust us with creating our own educational paths. In this course we have learned so much that now we can easily just start to get more and more better at it as long as we practice and start exploring more. We students do have the capability to do or learn things that adults already know.
    4. Technology in the near future is gonna expand greatly. There will be many new technicological advances and I'm pretty sure a great amount of people are gonna start using it. I know that I will be a great part of the crowd using technology, I already started and I know I will continue using it.

    Marisol Zepeda
    Period 6

  50. 1. Digital Literacy is the ability to use digital technology, communication tools such as internet to locate, evaluate, use and create information.
    2. I believe I'm digitally literate by staying in this course. Digital Literacy takes huge part of this course. We have our own course blog, share our information with orhers through the internet.
    3. Adults should trust us with creating our own educational paths. We know what we are doing, this course helped me alot. Now I am very comfortable with technology. Adults should understand that our generation is way different than their generation. We have been growing in this and without digital literacy, we have hard time doing our work at school and our daily life.
    4. I am sure that in near future, technology is going to expand more and more. Internet will be better as day goes. Technology is getting better fastly. We learn so many things from one thing so it is easy to make one thing more advanced.

    Yunjoo Lee
    Period 6
