
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May 30

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: by request]

For these last few days, your journal is actually YOUR JOURNAL.  Take notes on the conversation in your head.

"Those first few songs I wrote, I was just taking notes at a fantastic rock concert going on inside my head."
-Jim Morrison

***NOTE: Today I will be hosting orientation for next year's course in the room at lunch.  Anyone who wants to play is welcome.  If your group needs a place to meet please see me.

1. Journal
2. Schedule for the rest of this week & next

In education there are many words and phrases whose contexts and connotations have spoiled their use outside the classroom (e.g., it's hard to imagine a military or corporate leader asking a team member-- without sarcasm or irony-- why s/he was "tardy").    Tonight you probably have things to do on your project.  This is imaginative, innovative, next-level stuff: what can we call it besides "homework"?  Please offer your suggestion in a comment to this post.


  1. You can simply call it education. That's all we are really doing - educating ourselves in areas that are important to us. For example, instead of saying "work on your homework" you can say "continue your education".

  2. In England they call it "coursework" that sounds less annoying than homework, schoolwork, or classwork.
    And we call it the "course blog" so...

  3. All of the work we are doing is great. It's all creative and brilliant in different ways. I don't think it should be called "homework" because homework has never been something that any of us have wanted to do, and this is completely sparked by what interests us. Let's call it whatever we want? How about instead of "homework" we call it something simple like "innovative creations"?

    Matthew Giddings p.2

  4. We can substitute "homework" with "discovery." When students think of homework, they have negative impressions since it means more work and less fun. However, if we change the name to "discovery", I believe students will be eager to learn new concepts.  Dr. Preston said that we discover new things everyday so this name might be a good option!

    Samuel Moon
    Period 6

  5. Let us just call it....... Student affairs. Work at a business is called business affairs, work anybody does is our affairs... So student affairs. More relaxed, less stressful.

  6. Homework could be called individual growth or development. It's something that you do by yourself (usually) and by doing it you're developing different skills and growing in a certain area of study. I think that we should refer to the journal as self reflection or even "Dear Preston..." Letters. That's what always came to mind whenever I wrote one.

  7. I think that instead of homework it should be named creative research. It fits the ame because when doing your homework you us online sources or textbooks for help or explanations.

  8. I'm not creative enough to think of another word. But I second Jojo's idea for sure!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I'll just throw out a few that comes up on the top of my head.

    -obligation (I think this one makes sense since obligation is like a responsibility...)
    -preparatory work/assignment
    -student task

  10. "outro work" "unfinished business" "later learning" "follow up work" "our afternoon write" I don't really know, just a couple of simple names that popped into my head.

  11. I'm not creative enough right now to think of a name, but I like Hannah's idea. The individual growth one.

  12. Well, I'm not sure with any other names besides the usual "homework". I like Jojo's idea on the name "coursework". Now, students can go on the blog and "turn in" their assignments anytime, anywhere.
    For example, Alex, Jojo, Sam, (basically the first couple of comments), did the "homework" at school.

    Chelsey Soriano
    Period #3

  13. This is the most difficult assignment all year...

  14. I don't think any complex or flowery sounding name is needed really, it's just us learning. I agree with Alex in just saying we are going to continue our education.

    - Salvador Ramos
    Period 2

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  17. I think that the word "homework" is very self explanatory. I know that people believe that the overuse of it through out all of schooling has made it so negative for students but we need to realize "homework" will always be there as long as we are attending a learning institution. Whether it is completing assignments given to us by teachers or taking some time to further research on something or studying on our time. It is all extra work to expand our knowledge outside of the institution.

    Marie A.
    Period 3

  18. We should just call it out ambitions

  19. I like Jojo's idea of "coursework." It is more relevant to this class because we can do the assignments at home just as easily as anywhere that has internet.

  20. I like Edith's "Creative Research" idea, but I can't really come up with anything on my own right now...nothing comes to mind.

    Marissa Tajalle

  21. Assignment, task. Simple, self explanatory but vague enough to describe anything that you are given to complete in X amount of time whether it be you creating the deadline or someone else.

  22. I like the idea of coursework. Chalk Talk could be cool, a little old school for the new school...

  23. I am not able to think of something right now, but I really like Jojo's idea also. "Coursework" sounds more reasonable.

    Jessica Manriquez; Per. 6

  24. Creative Research sounds good to me. I couldn't think of much by myself on it because it doesn't really matter to me what it's called.
    Tyler Stewart
    Period 3

  25. "Stupid SHit" is a good name instead of homework.

  26. I think creative research is a good name.

  27. We should call homework extended learning or simply learning

    Paul Hurd

  28. We should call it extended lear.....OH DAMNIT PAUL!!!

    -Matt sagisi

  29. I agree with jojo. I think coursework would fit with the class really well

    Nicole anderson
    period 2

  30. I like the term course work. It is fitting because the possibilities in this course are endless, and it seems more focused and interesting than homework, which i assume to be dull and generally pointless.

  31. I dont have a suggestion, but I really liked Cambria's sugggestions, "unfinished business" and "later learning." Unfinished business just fits, and its funny.
    -Miranda Perez
