
Monday, November 28, 2011

Literature Analysis Trivia

Hi Everyone,
Go back over your literature analysis books and think of five trivia questions (not-too-savage and relevant to the theme, title, genre) for each. Please list them in comments to this post.


  1. 1)What is the main theme in Death of Salesmen?
    2)What is the primary tone in Death of Salesmen?
    3)How is the Things They Carried written?
    4)What is the main theme in Kafka on the Shore?
    5)Why do you think Kafka on the Shore is written like edipis rex?

  2. 1. What is the main theme of The Stranger by Albert Camus?
    2. Why did George shoot Lenny at the end of the novel, Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
    3. What do the boys sacrifice to the "monster" in the forest, in Lord of the Flies by William Golding?
    4. What is the tone of The Stranger by Albert Camus?
    5. What does the conch shell represent in Lord of the Flies by William Golding?

    Katie Enstad Per. 2

  3. 1. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding, what tone does the author use? Does it change as the story progresses?
    2. What do Piggy's glasses represent in the story of Lord of the Flies?
    3. What is the main theme throughout Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte?
    4. In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, how does the tone of the narrator's voice reflect the situation he is talking about?
    5. How do the themes of The Great Gatsby reflect the time era in which the story is written?

    -Kelly Brickey, Period 3

  4. 1) What is the main theme of The Namesake?
    2) Who is the main character in The Namesake?
    3) What is the author's tone in Lord of the Flies?
    4) In Death of a Salesmen, what causes Willy to travel so much?
    5) Who starts out as the leader in Lord of the Flies?

    Nathan Seidenberg

  5. Do you want five questions from each book or just five total?

  6. 1)What is the central theme in The Grapes of Wrath?
    2)How is symbolism used in The Grapes of Wrath?
    3)What is John Steinbach's tone in the novel?
    4)In the novel Kafka On the Shore, what is the most dominant literary element?
    5)What role does music play in Kafka On the shore?

    Patrick Fraire
    Period 3

  7. 1.What is the purpose of the symbols used in Like Water for Chocolate?
    2.Identify the theme of The Great Gatsby.
    3.Who is the main character of Frankenstein?
    4.Who was Gatsby trying to protect throughout the story?
    5.In Like Water for Chocolate who did Tita fall in love with?

    edith gonzalez p.3

  8. 1. What is the main conflict in The Road by Cormac McCarthy?
    2. What is the tone of The Kite Runner?
    3. What do the father and son represent in The Road?
    4. What does the "Big Brother" represent in 1984?
    5. What mood does the author set in 1984?

    Patrick Sims P.3

  9. 1) What is the main theme in Tortilla Curtain?
    2) What does the "tortilla" in Tortilla Curtain symbolize?
    3) How does the author set the tone for Dreaming in Cuban?
    4)Based on the novel, would you say Delaney would have killed Candido? Explain.
    5) In "The House on Mango Street," does the name of the street symbolize or have a greater meaning?
    Lupita Perez Per.3

  10. 1. What is the theme in The Aenied by Virgil?
    2. Why are there no “laws” in Oceana in1984 by George Orwell?
    3. How does the use of imagery enrich the storyline in 1984 by George Orwell?
    4. What is the major conflict in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley?
    5. What is tone in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley?

    Jon Hoffman
    Period 2

  11. 1.How is structure in The Color Purple a major technique in understanding the author’s tone?
    2.What is the tone in the novel Buried Onions?
    3.What is ironic in the novel Of Mice and Men?
    4.What is the theme of Wuthering Heights?
    5.Compare the tone in Wuthering Heights and in The Color Purple.

    Jessica Manriquez; Per. 6

  12. 1.What is the theme in Of Mice and Men?
    2.Why does Curly start a fight with Lennie in Of Mice and Men?
    3.What is the tone in Catch 22?
    4.How does Meursault come to peace in The Strangers?
    5.What does Yossarian do to try to stay out of he war in Catch 22?

    Mitchell Edmondson P4

  13. 1. What was the point of Huxley writing Brave New World?
    2. What is the explanation behind the title of Slaughterhouse-Five?
    3. Why are the topics behind Sophie's World necessary for the public to read?
    4. What is the tone of Sophie's World?
    5. Why did "the Savage" kill himself in Brave New World?

    Dannielle Edwards, 4th.

  14. 1. In "The Color Purple" why is it that Celie's husdand is refered to as Mr._____?
    2. What is the main theme of "The Cherry Orchard"?
    3. What role does the cherry orchard play in that novel?
    4. Why did the author choose to tell the story of "The House on Mango Street" in vignettes?
    5. How is denial portrayed in "The House on Mango Street"?

    Annais Acosta
    Period :6

  15. 1. What is the main theme of The Sun Also Rises?
    2. What is the author's tone in The Sun Also Rises?
    3. Where is The Namesake taken place?
    4. What is the problem that Gogol with have to grow up with in The Namesake?
    5. Why is the relationship between Willy and Biff seem damaged in Death of a Salesman?

  16. 1. Where does the Loman family live in The Death of a Salesman?
    2. Who or what does Willy represent in The Death of a Salesman?
    3. Who wrote The Great Gatsby?
    4. What is one symbol used in the Great Gatsby?
    5. Who is Hester Prynne's daughter in The Scarlet Letter?

  17. 1. Does anything about the diction or syntax support the tone or theme in The Sun Also Rises?
    2. Describe Papa's outlook on (tone) things. (in The Sun Also Rises)
    3. Describe a few metaphors with in the novel of All the Pretty Horses.
    4. Did the culture or time period affect the struggles seen by the three men in All the Pretty Horses?
    5. Describe, in depth, the theme of Wuthering Heights.
    6. Did the weird chronological order of things affect how you read the story or percieved the ideas of the novel?

    Shannon Murray
    period 3

  18. 1. Who was the main character in Like Water for Chocolate?
    2. Why was Tita forbidden to get married in Like Water for Chocolate?
    3. What did the owl represent to Ultima in Bless me Ultima?
    4. What style is the book The Color Purple written in?
    5. What was the purpose of Cecil referring to her husband as “Mr.___” in The Color Purple?

  19. 1. Who was Huck's partner in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?
    2. What is the definition of Catch 22?
    3. What is the theme of Slaughter House 5?
    4. How does Huck feel about slavery?
    5. What is the main conflict of Catch 22?

  20. 1. What is the significance of the setting of The Scarlet Letter?
    2. Do you believe Hester would have had an affair even if her husband had made it to America?
    3. Why do you think Hester came back to America to resume her old life style in the end?
    4. If Dimmesdale had confessed that he was Hester's lover do you think he wouldn't have tortured himself so much?
    5. Do you think that Hester wearing the letter "A" on her clothing gains her respect in the community or makes people look down on her more?

    Kristen Frias

  21. 1.) What is the writing format/style The House On Mango Street written in?
    2.) Does the protagonist of The House On Mango Street ever leave the neighborhood she dreaded?
    3.)What happens to Fiers at the end of The Cherry Orchard?
    4.)What is the most prominent symbol in To Kill A Mockingbird?
    5.)What point of view is To Kill A Mockingbird written in?

  22. 1. Where does the majority of the novel Grapes of Wrath take place?
    2. Who would you consider as the protagonist(s) in Grapes of Wrath? The family or Tom Joad?
    3. In the Great Gatsby, what is the main plot amongst all of the minor plot?
    4. What is the theme of The Great Gatsby?
    5. Who is Gatsby? What is his background?
    Kelli Carrillo p.3

  23. Catch 22
    1. Explain what a catch 22 is and provide an example
    2. How does the loss of religion relate to the theme of Catch 22?
    3. How does the never-ending number of missions lead to a depression and how is it an example of a catch 22?
    4. How does all of the white soldiers being in white unite/divide them as individuals?

    Kaley Jorgensen
    Period: 2

  24. 1.What are the three main stages that occur in Never let me go by Kazuo Ishiguro?
    2.What is the main idea of Kafka on the Shore?
    3.Who are the main characters in Kafka on the Shore?
    4.What is the gist of the plot line in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck?
    5.What is the setting in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck?

    Jolissa Jiles

  25. 1. What was the moral of The Picture of Dorian Gray?
    2. Is it worse to corrupt, or to be corrupted?
    3. What was the tone of Catch-22 and how did it help enrich the story?
    4. What was the moral to the madness of Kafka on the Shore?
    5. What was one major literary technique that was used in Kafka on the Shore?

    Savanah Lyon
    Period 2

  26. 1) What is the theme of Atonement?
    2) What does the main conflict in Atonement suggest about innocence and ignorance?
    3) What foreshadowing is used in Kafka on the Shore?
    4) What is the overall tone in Death of a Salesman?
    5) What's ironic about Kafka on the Shore?

  27. 1. In The Kite Runner, how does Amir redeem himself?
    2. What is the theme of The Great Gatsby?
    3. What is an example of symbolism in The Great Gatsby?
    4. What is the tone of The Kite Runner?
    5. In Kafka on the Shore, why did Kafka leave home in the first place?

    Cayla Salazar Period 2

  28. 1.What themes are most present in "The Color Purple"?

    2. How is the struggle of Antonio in the novel "Bless Me, Ultima"?

    3. How does the pursuit of the "American Dream" affect Willy Loman's life and family?

    4. How is "the Allegory of the Cave" similar to "the Color Purple"?

    5. What is the main theme in the novel "Death of a Salesman"?

  29. 1.What is the theme seen in Like Water For Chocolate by Laura Esquival
    2.If you were in Esperanza's place would you want to leave the house on Mango Street with such big desire?(The House on Mango Street)
    3.How does Sandra Cisneros use of allusions throughout the novel help the reader get a better understanding of the story?
    4.In Like Water for Chocolate what are the tones and why are those the tones?
    5.What is the tone in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck?
    6.Compared to Like Water for Chocolate how have families marriage routines changed for the better or worse?

    -Marie Alvarado

  30. 1)What is the symbolism behind Dean's "madness" in "On the Road"?
    2)How can the struggle between McMurphy and Big Nurse in "One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest" be applied to a variety of themes?
    3) What is the main theory behind Raskolnikov's murder of the pawnbroker in "Crime and Punishment"?
    4) How could Dean and Sal's relationship in "On the Road" be seen as symbiotic?
    5)How did the Chief serve as way to gauge the impact of McMurphy on the men in the ward?

  31. 1) How do the characters in Broken For You develope and change throughout the book?
    2) What significance does glass play in the overall theme in Broken For You?
    3) How does the author's tone help to characterize Holden in Cather in the Rye?
    4) What does Holden mean when he says people are phonies...and why is that ironic for him to say?
    5) What did the conch shell symbolize in Lord of the Flies and how did that relate to the theme?

    Nicole Anderson
    Period 2

  32. 1. What force drives the story in Snow Falling on Cedars by David Guterson?
    2.What do you think of the young relationship between the Japanese woman and White journalist's son?
    3.Why would Hemingway title the book, The Sun Also Rises?
    4. What does the title of The House on Mango Street have to do with the story?
    5. What is the climax of Snow Falling on Cedars?
    6. What is the main idea of The Sun Also Rises?

  33. Daniel Gonzalez Per.2November 28, 2011 at 9:22 PM

    1. How did Jay Gatsby get his fortune in "The Great Gatsby"?
    2. How does Huck change over the course of the novel "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"?
    3. What is the theme in "The Crucible"?
    4. Who was Jim in "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"?
    5. What was the theme in "The Great Gatsby"?

  34. 1. How is the theme of Daisy Miller influenced by culture?
    2. What does purple stand for in The Color Purple?
    3. How does the syntax in The Color Purple create characterization?
    4. What is the tone of Daisy Miller?
    5. In Broken for You, how are the characters broken?

    Candace Rickman
    Period 3

  35. 1. What was the theme of "The Cherry Orchard"?
    2. What was Esperanza conflicted about throughout the story? Did she ever solve her dilemma or achieve her goals?
    3. Why did the house on Mango Street have so much affect on Esperanza?
    4. Why did George end up killing Lennie?
    5. Did George have the right to kill Lennie and help himself that way?

  36. 1) What is the theme of "The Piano Lesson"?
    2) What does significance does the piano have throughout the novel?
    3) What does the conflict with selling the piano reflect on how the culture was respected during that time era?
    4) Describe the main character and his opinion and thoughts on the piano.
    5) What is the tone used throughout the novel? Does it help the reader understand the story more?

    Adriana Zamudio
    Period 4

  37. 1) What is the theme in "Bless Me, Ultima"?
    2) How was the life of the owl tied to the life of Ultima?
    3) Why was Antonio so excited to receive Communion?
    4) At what moment did Antonio lose his innocence allowing Andrew to enter the brothel?
    5) How is Lupito asking Antonio for his blessings significant?

    Nancy Rubio
    Period 2

  38. 1. What is it that the boy and his father want to reach in The Road?
    2. Why does George have to kill Lennie in Of Mice and Men.
    3. What is a possible theme of Death of a Salesmen?
    4. Why is the tone of The Road so hopeless?
    5. What does the coast represent in The Road
    Drew King P.2

  39. 1. What was the theme of The Stranger?
    2. Why was Meursault sentenced to death?
    3. What did Meursault think to myself right before he was killed at the ending of the book?
    4. Why did the father and boy in The Road decide to travel to the coast?
    5. What happens to the father at the end of The Road? What does his son do as a result?

  40. 1. How does guilt relate as it bites and nips at the characters in Pillars of the Earth and A Brave New World.

    2. How does Sophie's world relate to Plato and Sartre?

    3. What is the theme of Sophie's world?

    4. What do you think Sophie's World wants you to think about when you think of children and young adults?

    5 Why does John kill himself in A Brave New World?

  41. 1. Give an example of redemption in the novel, The Kite Runner.
    2. Why didn't Amir consistently try to help Hasaan in his various struggles?
    3. Where does The Kite Runner take place? (setting)
    4. What would you say is a major source of conflicts in the book, Wuthering Heights?
    5. What themes are present in the novel, Wuthering Heights?

    Sarah Rayburn period 3

  42. 1. Why does Dr. Victor Frankenstein shift his emotions when he crates life? At first he is gleeful but then is stricken with fear, why may this be?

    2. Isolation is constant motif in the novel so why is it so frightening when Frankenstein shows an urge to be accepted?

    3. The rejection Frankenstein constantly faces sort of develops him into more of a connectable. Haracter rather than a monster so why is it that we can connect with him yet we still regard him as an abomination? Can it be that we are introduce to him as a monster thus causing him to not be seen as anything else?

  43. 1.) What is the theme of The Grapes of Wrath?

    2.) How do the themes of "The Grapes of Wrath" and "The Great Gatsby" differ, how are they the same?

    3.) How did the mood affect the story throughout The Joads journey to California?

    4.)What is so fascinating about Gatsby? In what ways does he exemplify the "American Dream"?

    5.)What is the significance of the "valley of ashes" in The Great Gatsby?

  44. 4. What is a major theme in 1984 and how can it relate to us?

    5. When Frankenstein demands Dr. Victor to create him a wife, Victor ultimately rejects the demand thus causing Frankenstein to feel anger and an urge for vengeance. Vengeance is a human emotion so when Frankenstein feels this is he human or a replica of what he has witnessed? Does he really feel it, does this make him human at the end, does anger and hate make him human

    Carlos Cruz per.3

  45. 1. Why was Sir Walter forced to leave his home?
    2. What was the third Elliot daughter's name?
    3. What was Captain Wentworth's relationship to Admiral Croft?
    4. Who persuaded Anne not to marry Captain Wentworth?
    5. What virtue did Anne claim for women in her conversations with Captain Bennick?

  46. 1. Is the aspect of "doners" and "carers" reflective of us in life? In Never Let Me Go
    2. "what makes us human?" ^
    3. What is the theme for Of Mice and Men?
    4. Does the title reflect the characters?^
    5. Who suffered more, George or Lennie?^

    Cambria Leach P. 2

  47. 1. What is the theme Salinger was trying to convey?

    2. List 2 characters that Holden encounters that portray or help better understand the theme of the book.

    3. Is Holden's isolation due to him being anti-social and cynical about life or is it his lack of any support from peers/family/teachers/etc? Both?

    4. Explain what Holden means when he says he feels like "the catcher in the rye"?

    5. What does Holden's red hunting cap symbolize? How does this tie in with the theme of the book?

  48. 1.) In "The Namesake", by Jhumpa Lahiri, why do you think the initial nickname of their son which was "Gogol", became is his official birth name?

    2.) In the Namesake, why do you think most of the plot outline was focused on Gogol and him reflecting on his past?

    3.) In Misery, why do you think the author chose to write in third person?

    4.) In Needful Things, why do you think the author was especially descriptive in this novel?

    5.) In Needful Things, do you believe there was an underlying theme that was different than the one i came up with which was 'Human greed and the things people will do for personal gain.'?

  49. 1. In "The Cherry Orchard," what was the symbolism of the character Fiers?
    2. What is the significance to the title "As I Lay Dying"?
    3. In the novel mentioned above, what causes the children to question their roles here on earth?
    4. How did Holden Caulfied alienate himself from the rest of the world?
    5. How is the author's tone portrayed in "The Catcher in the Rye" in accordance to the theme?

    Arianna Farmer
    Period 2

  50. 1) What is the major theme in The Sun Also Rises?

    2) What was ironic in the Sun Also Rises?

    3) What are the two different tones used by Hemingway?

    4) What is the Themes in Death of a Salesman?

    5) What are two of the literary techniques in Death of a Salesman?

    Max Kuhlman period 2

  51. 1. What was the them of The Trial?
    2. What were Cody and Ezra's relationship like in Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant?
    3. How did Cody, Ezra, and Jenny view their mom and how she raised them?
    4. Why was Willy so disappointed in Bilf in Death of a Salesman?
    5. Is The American Dream really all that it is cracked up to be?

  52. 1. What is the theme of Of Mice and Men?
    2. How do the conflicts arise in Wuthering Heights?
    3. What is the significance of the title, Invisible Man?
    4. What is the significance of social class in Wuthering Heights?
    5. What is the symbolism behind Candy's dog in Of Mice and Men?

    Kayla McCallie
    Period 2

  53. 1. What is the significance of Cold Mountain?
    2. What does Ada represent to Inman?
    3. If Inman represents 1847 society, what does the Civil War represent?
    4. Why can't Inman identify with his society?
    5. Did Ada or Inman find their sense of belonging?

  54. 1. Name one of the themes from Of Mice and Men.
    2. What was the symbolism of the picture of the woman in furs in Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis”?
    3. Briefly describe how the tone of “The Metamorphosis” correlated to one of the story’s themes.
    4. Provide an example of the “American Dream” in Of Mice and Men.
    5. Why did the men want to kill Lennie in Of Mice and Men?

    Kari Griego
    Period 4

  55. Jojo Relyea
    Per. 3

    1. Name one theme from Lord of the Flies
    2. What was the symbolism of the conch shell?
    3. May the characters represent real people or soceity at a certain time?
    4. If so, how?
    5. What was the irony involving the "monster"?

  56. Sophie's World:
    What is the theme of the novel?
    Why is Hilde's birthday significant?
    What is the plot twist in the novel?
    What is the tone of the novel?
    Why is it that Alberto taught Sophie about philosophy?

    The Shining:
    How does this story fall into the horror genre?
    What is the theme?
    What is the significance of Tony?
    Was it isolation that drove Jack mad, or was it the ghosts?
    Can Danny's visions be seen as a type of foreshadowing?

  57. 1) What is the theme of The Stranger?
    2) How does The Strranger relate to existentialism?
    3) How does the tone of The Stranger relate to the main character
    4) What is George forced to do to Lennie at the end of Of Mice and Men?
    5) What does Of Mice and Men show about the American Dream?

    Paul Hurd

  58. Invisible Man
    1) What was the main theme of the novel?
    2) What was the Brotherhood and what did they want from the protagonist?
    3) For the main character, what does the manhole represent?
    4) What tones are used throughout the novel?
    5) Why does Dr. Bledsoe betray the main character?

    1) Why did Yossarian try to stay in the hospital?
    2) Every time Hungry Joe was close to the madatory mission flights, why did the Colonel raise the number of mission?
    3) What is the major theme Heller is trying to convey?
    4) How do you react to Yossarian's decision to not betray his fellow companions?
    5) What is the tone of this novel?

    Heart of Darkness
    1) Can you relate Krutz to Herman Cortes? What charateristics do they share?
    2) What is the theme of Heart of Darkness?
    3) Is Marlow's decision to lie to Krutz's Intended justified?
    4) How does the author create the tone of novel? Directly? Indirectly?
    5) Does imperialism always result in violence? Support by using references from the book.

  59. 1. What is the main theme of The Stranger by Albert Camus?
    2. Why did the author of the Memory Keepers Daughter use photographs and not videos?
    3. What is the tone of The Stranger by Albert Camus?
    4.What is the main theme in Kafka on the Shore?
    5.Why do you think Kafka on the Shore is written like edipis rex?

  60. 1. Why is the novel called The Awakening?
    2. What is/are the tone(s) of The Awakening by Kate Chopin?
    3. Why did Edna learn to swim in the first place?
    4. What is the major theme of The Awakening?
    5. What does the water or ocean represent?
