
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 29

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Voice In My Head" by the Dixie Chicks; "Voices In My Head" by Dr. John]

Assuming that an author's main purpose in writing is to convey an idea, what have this semester's authors told you? Choose 3-5 works you've read for this course (this may include summer reading, literature analysis novels, plays, articles, essays and poems). For each, briefly describe what you think is the author's primary message and purpose for writing. Do this WITHOUT summarizing the plot or falling for the old "writers just want to entertain or get rich" nonsense.

1. Journal
2. Notes on Big Question research
3. Sartre/Existentialism
4. Plato/Democracy

1. Begin studying for vocab/lit terms finals (if you haven't already)
2. Share your BQ research plan (topic/fields/places/resource types & quantities) in a comment to this post


  1. To further my research I plan to first you wikipedia to get a taste of what metaethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics are. Then I plan to use to help give myself a better feeling of ethics. Finally I plan to use the research I obtained to answer the my question: What factors influence our ethical decisions?

  2. To research my big question, I plan to look at it in different perspectives. I will take the psychological route first to discover how the conscious functions and how the mind connects to certain aspects in a person's life. To do this, I may have to find specific psychology sites or books for a variety of resources. Wikipedia will also be very helpful in my search just in case I run into complex concepts. I may also look into the scientific path of thought for the physiological connections of the conscious. Perhaps my research will even intertwine with physiological psychology and I will end up using those resources.

    -Kelly Brickey, Period 3

  3. To further my research I plan to first use wikipedia to get a taste of what organizations like the Peace Corps, ADRA, and Mercy Corps do. How they help those in need and what I can do to help the people that are not talked about in our society. I then plan to go to the Peace Corps and others organizations like the Peace Corps websites and fill out the applications so I can broaden my understanding of how everything works and the processes the people who volunteer go to. This I believe will help me answer the question, How can we as a society
    collaborate to help the people who are in need?

    Lizzie Level P.2

  4. For the big question research, I will search how the language of English first came to the United States. First I plan to just type the question and see what websites and information comes up. Then when I find something interesting to research or look more into, I will use a variety of websites to come to a conclusion. I will also look what other languages were in the USA and why didn't those languages become the official language of the United States.

    Chelsey Soriano Period 3

  5. How do we know how much potential our brains have for:
    -info processing

    How will we discover the brain's capacity and true potential?

    To start my research for my big question i will start by researching the human brain, its parts and their functions. Then i will focus on the parts of the brain that are responsible for memory, info processing, and creativity. This should be enough to prepare me for my second part of the question, which i believe will be a little harder to answer.

  6. How does music affect the mind and/or thought processes?

    I don't really know how to start tackling this subject.

    I plan on asking people who are in the music business what they think. People such as musicians, band directors, etc. I also want to look at it at a anatomical level. I want to talk to people who specialize in the study of the mind and ask them about their thoughts on the subject. I also really want to talk to people my own age, the youth, and see their opinions on the matter, since our generation is known for being music obsessed.

    I'm not sure of what to do other than this yet.

    Jessica C period 4

  7. I'm agreeing to comment above, Jessica C's. I don't know where to start but I do have a general idea such as 'typing the key words on a search engine...'. Typical things like that should do the magic. If not, I'll keep searching until I get my answer. Who knows, maybe I'll stumble into a new world of unexplained questions and answers.

  8. I think I'll start off asking people I know, such as Mrs. Dirlam or Mr. Sugano. Mainly asking people with musical knowledge, and try to go off from there along with using a search engine. Who knows, it could dig deeper in me as a musician.

  9. I will further my research by starting on the internet and seeing what information that I can find. I will check multiple websites and see if the information that I am getting is credible. I will also go to the library and see if there are any books on my subject, and if so, see what information that I can get from them. Also I will check encyclopedias and see what I can find.

    Mitchell Edmondson P4

  10. For the big question research, I plan on using google as my first resourse. I will type in my full question and see what kind of websites will pop up. If the websites do not help me, i will use a different search engine or change up the wording of what I am searching for.

    Patick Sims P.3

  11. To research my big question, I plan on asking people their opinion about why they think entertainers and athletes get paid so much more then our public servants.  If I get some good ideas then I will use that to start my search online. When I start searching online I will use multiple search engines and search my question.  I will use different wording when I search so I can compare the results I get.  Hopefully their isn't much of a difference so I will have information that I can use. 

    Hunter Walker
    Period 3

  12. My first approach will be to research the psychological side of anxiety, dealing with human rationale and sensations like fear. To gain a fuller understanding of how anxieties (literally) affect the human mind, I want to research the chemical components-- what physically goes on inside those peoples' heads. Ny final approach will be to take a look at examples of how peoples' lives could be affected by anxiety disorders and the different ways experts have proposed overcoming them.

    Just like many of my colleagues, most of my research will be done online. I find duckduckgo favorable over google because it greed a wider range of resources. I intend in getting most of my information directly from scholars and experts and the like, not just random articles that pop up on the list. The results of past university studies will probably be helpful as well (if applicable).

  13. Im going to start my research on conspiracy theories by first looking up some popular conspircay theories and seeing where they lead me. I will then look at websites about mythology and the corrolation between the two in explaing things we as a society find hard to understand. Then I will look at the psychology behind what makes us believe certain things. And I'll wrap it all up with the credibility and popularity of some theories. I plan to use online research checking out some sites and seeing where they lead me
    Brynn Greenelsh P.2

  14. Kari Griego, about the anxieties...
    period 4

  15. Question: Are children of teenage parents most likely to become teenage parents themselves, and if so why?
    I am going to conduct my research by starting off in Wikipedia and following the websites it offers for me. I will make sure that the information is valid. I will also try to interview a sociologist who has studied this topic. I will also look at the statistics rates that are out there. I have checked out some books from the public library that talk about teen pregnancy so I will also look at those as well.

  16. BIG Question: How do investigators collect evidence and apply the scientific method to topics outside the mainstream such as paranormal activity?

    I started looking for some possible books to use for this research a few weeks ago so I already have a sense of what books I will be using. I am relying on the library quite a bit. The books are mainly on the different strategies used on how evidence is gathered for paranormal investigations. I also collected a few websites on how several "ghost hunters" collect their evidence. I will also be depending on the internet to research if and how the scientific method is applied to paranormal activity.

  17. How is emerging technology enabling us to use all of our senses to experience and think about concepts and objects in remote locations?
    I have started my big question research by visiting two helpful websites.
    The technology reviews website provides information on how emerging technologies function and how they can benefit society. I found this statement on the NASA website, which directly connects to my big question.
    "For humans, having an "eagle eye" or the "nose of a blood hound" is only a metaphor, but NASA technology is helping humanity push beyond its limits to experience the universe in entirely new ways."
    I plan to read expert opinions on the future outlook of technology and also what senses the new technologies will appeal to.

    Patrick Fraire
    Period 3

  18. For my big question, I first have to come up with a definition of "good" and "bad". I will devise a definition for this based on personal experiences. Other than researching my question on google and other search engines, I'm not quite sure how to approach this assignment, especially with the question that I posed. I think that it will end up being an opinion based research project rather than one that is based on fact.

  19. To further my big question research i'm going to do the obvious (and restated above) and search for thing's that effect peoples desire for something. Also, I'm going to ask people about how compelled they feel to get something when someone they look up (i.e. Actor, singer, entertainer, etc) flaunts it around on T.V as opposed to their next door neighbor getting it and showing it to them. Maybe the desire for something is more based on influence then anything else...
    Noe Bernal
    period 2

  20. My Big Question:
    What is a black hole and how are they created? If anything, what lies on the other side of a black hole?

    For my big question, I plan on reading a lot of theories of the universe (i.e. "On The Shoulders of Giants"). Also, I'll research the formation of black holes and their capabilities/purpose online to compare and contrast with my reading. If I am given the opportunity, I would like to talk to someone - face to face - to gather even more information.

  21. Since I want to know how the discovery of language came into existence and how we’ve come to learn and become very fluent in our speech, I might start by using the open directory reference to get various reference sites. I will still use Wikipedia, Columbia encyclopedia, and as well to look up the history of language and how it was originated. I would then search on a person’s ability to withhold a great extent of information over a long period of time. Hopefully by then I would have all my pieces together to be able to answer my question “How does language develop over time?”

    Jolissa Jiles

  22. Question:What environmental, social, and psychological factors lead to the development of a serial killer?
    In order to answer my question I will first have to find out the definition of a serial killer. From there, I plan to use helpful sites like to understand the mind of a serial killer. I plan to compose a list of the most infamous serial killers in order to compare their upbringings and backgrounds. This will hopefully help me make some connection between the environmental, social, and psychological factors, and how that can lead to the production of as serial killer.
    Kelli Carrillo p.3

  23. Topic: Do mature movies,games,music, etc cause violence in reality? To what extent? I started on Wikipedia's article on Media Violence and have already located other articles with credible research. For the most part these articles clash. I am going to have to go to the library to further my understanding.

  24. My Gameplan for researching my Big Q is to begin on the internet. I’m thinking that searching for the actual question will give me the best place to start from. After that I want to try and find philosophical works that delve into the way the mind works either in the library or online. I plan on also looking at online dissertation-type thinking from the younger generation…and maybe look at personal statements of charities, nonprofit organizations, and other related programs.
    Emily martinez p2

  25. My research plan for my big question about different languages is to look at different articles written on this topic to find out other people's opinions on different languages and how they effect multicultural relationships. Then I want to look at how different languages were originates in different parts of the world. Lastly I want to get a sense of how the part of the brain works that deals with language and why it's harder to learn a language when your older.

    Kristen Frias
    P. 2

  26. Generally, my question is how does one achieve greatness. I am refining it to individuals who have been underdogs, but overcame adversity to win in the end. I am going to research certain people and instances under the categories of athletics, academics, and political leaders. I will use the public library, and of course internet.

  27. My big question that I am researching is to what extent do our surroundings, how we were raised, and our genetics determine our sexuality?
    I'm planning to look for medical research on how gentics may or may not determine our sexuality and other medical theories.
    But then I also want to take another approach with questions such as can a traumatic experience change us like being molested by a certain sex? Or if we come from a conservative town?

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. For my research question, I plan on focusing on the phycology of relationships. I plan on researching the differences between relationships of past generations, (and motivations that existed for those relationships) as well as present day relationships and their motivations. I will try to find similar questions that have been asked, and attempt to research factors that may be caused by the unrealistic standards and endings of "classic love stories" and fairy tales. I plan to use the internet, including articles and essays that may prove to be valuable sources.
    November 29, 2011 8:56 PM

  30. My research question, is whether or not using the internet is addicting. To start, I will research any studies that have been done on the nature of the internet. Articles testing people and observing their usage of the internet would probably be beneficial for my research.

    Nicholas Lycan
    Period 4

  31. I am planning to look into meditation websites to see what conditions are typically needed to reach enlightenment and the branch off into the chemical and scientific study of enlightenment to get an understanding of the brain chemicals involved; looking at all brain and physical symptoms and processes to see how close enlightenment and reaching enlightenment can be obtained scientifically. I will also look into books such as Beyond Boredom and Anxiety: Experiencing Flow in Work and Play by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Hindu, and Buddhist doctrines as well as the Katha Upandishad from sophomore year in Honors English to understand the philosophical side of enlightenment as well as the reasons and purposes people have traditionally sought and achieved it. This is all done to answer my question: how can people reach the conditions under which people achieve a state of mind that enables them to perform at high levels in circumstances others might consider stressful and what are those key conditions to begin with?

    Jon Hoffman
    Period 2

  32. My big question is: What Does the Penn State scandal suggest about cultural values and media coverage in 21st century America?

    I plan to research things like cultural values throughout America's history and the details of media coverage. With the media coverage I hope to find out information like how the media decides what kinds of news and information to the public.

    Sarah Rayburn
    period 3

  33. My question:
    Is happiness something that is achieved overtime or is it something that is within all along?

    I plan to look at what happiness is to people to start, because this question is vague and needs to be narrowed down so I can get a detailed search. I will interview people asking them my big question and then I will put together a collage of answers and try to make sense of it all. The hard part is going to know when to stop searching for the answer. Like many philosophers have said, some questions will never have a right answer and we should give up. I am going to try and work around that idea and get as much information I can to form an answer that appeals to everyone.

    Kaley Jorgensen
    Period 2

  34. Question-- Are there qualities in our individual and cultural understandings of success that set us up for failure?

    First I plan on coming up with a concrete idea of what defines success and failure. Then I will look into the lives of successful people for things in their history that may help with my question. I will also look at research studies that have been done and compare them to other instances.

    Candace Rickman
    Period 3

  35. My Big Question: What will happen to the world after all humanity is gone?

    To my belief, the best way to research this question would be to look back at the ancient times and learn more about the inferences they made for the future of this planet. I am going to take on this question as both a religious aspect as well as a scientific aspect. In order to get input from both views I will look for predictions that scientists have made according to their observations of the planet. I think I will be relying a lot on media and what has been discovered throughout the years that has been recorded.

  36. My big question is why do people have deja vu? I will first try determine whether it is an actual physiological experience, or if it is all in the imagination. I will research if there is anything that it is linked to it, or that possibly triggers it.

    Cayla Salazar Period 2

  37. My big question is What is the nature in history of secret societies? & is there other type of life form out there other than humans on earth?
    I will first set out to research the most "talked about" secret societies that have been under speculation for a while and try to find more about the societies I am intrigued about such as Area 51 and the illuminati. who made them up and why do they exist? i want to discover more and research on why they are so secretive if they have 'nothing to hide'. I will do so by looking up interviews by government officials and trusted websites with further assistance.

    Alaysia Navarro
    Period 4

  38. Mine is on insanity, so clearly I am going to be insane in its.... Composition, per say...

  39. My big question is what environmental and genetic influences create the young adults we are today? I will take a more scientific approach and research how a child's brain develops, and then branch off into what environmental factors influence how the brain develops. Topics of intrest are child psychology, brain development, genetics, ect.

  40. I plan on doing a lot of research through websites, and from there if any really relevant books come up I'll check those out at the library. If I'm left with any loose ends or reasonable questions I'll see if there's anyone I can email to clear things up for me. I'm trying to learn how humans gained the capacity for self-reflection. I'm following this concept in a purely scientific way, following evolution to discover where during this process we developed reason or if to our knowledge it is innate.

    Dannielle Edwards, 4th.

  41. My big question was emotion. What is it and how does it affect certain people and make them react differently? For my research I was thinking of breaking it down into sections. Chemistry, psychology, and anthropology. I will start by visiting multiple online webstites for information, and hopefully find some helpful books in the library. I was also considering talking to my developmental child psychology teacher and possibly adding an interview with her to my research paper. I might also go into depth on a few specific emotions such as love, jealousy, anger, and happiness. I'm looking for a lot of different view points. I want it to be informational but also diverse.

    Nicole Anderson
    period 2

  42. My big question is How powerful is the human brain. I plan on researching my question with more then 10 resources. If my hypothesis is correct then no one will actually no the extent of its powers, but there will be at least evidence of the brain completing things outside the "norm."

  43. My big question is "Where do trends come from? Why are they so influential and popular in our society?"
    I will begin with finding out what exactly constitutes a trend by using various search engines and definitions.
    I will explore the different kinds of trends and interview people about how they perceive trends and what they think of trends themselves.
    If you have an suggestions or input of this topic, please do not hesitate to comment on my "Big Question" post on my blog.
    Shannon Fahey
    Period 4

  44. I first plan to wikipedia "music" and get a universal meaning and definition of it. Then I will look at all the different music trends that have arose over the years; pop, rock, jazz, country, heavy metal, hip hop etc. and focus in on the groups they targeted and then look into what made those groups of people so attracted to that genre of music. Also I will look into what makes people attracted to certain beats or songs psychologically and what is going through their minds when they listen to songs, also giving my own personal experiences.

    Max Kuhlman
    period 2

  45. My Big Question is: :Why is there a school dress code and why do teachers feel they should control students appearance?"
    First I am going to research where a dress code all began and why. The I'm going to look into why school administrators want to control students' appearance. I'm curious as to what the school feels the main purpose of having a dress code really is.
    I am going to look into articles and news feeds about the effects a dress code has had on schools around the country.
    Lupita Perez Per. 3

  46. To start the search to the answer for my big question I am going to go talk to some teachers at Hancock that study the brain and how children's brains develop compared to an adults. I want to use the internet to get information until I have done research with outside sources or I will not get off online sources after.

    I plan on going a lot to the public library to do independent reading and learning as well. I don't want to depend on everyone to get my information.

  47. I plan to start by simply using google to see what effects music can have on people, then I will expand my search by possibly going to the library and doing research on the body and brain. Doing so will help me see what things can stimulate the mind and body and hopefully I can find a book detailing what kind of effects music has on people. Afterwards I will most likely see if music in general affects us or if certain genres have certain effects on us. This is all I have so far, but I will most likely expand this plan once I actually start my research.

    Nancy Rubio
    period 2

  48. For my big question research I have checked out several books on dreaming from the library and I also plan to visit wikipedia for a start. Then I will go to duckduckgo and from there visit many sites containing information that I will write down.
    Tyler Stewart Period 3

  49. To research my big question I plan on asking people who are knowledgable on the subject. I plan on talking to people and asking their opinions. I want to find opinions on both sides of the argument so I can compare them. I would also like to ask someone who doesn't have an opinion on the subject so I get at least one unbiased opinion. Aside from the all the questioning I will also research the exact question and try to get in touch with someone in the music industry who might have a good idea.

    Nathan Seidenberg
    P. 3

  50. To start my research question I plan on simply starting off with google searches but furthering my studies through magazines and other searches of beauty from other countries to compare and contrast my findings. I will use the Internet along with the library
    Chelsea Stevenson
    Per. 4

  51. My Question:
    In 20th century, how does race matter? Is there any lesson we learn from racism to work more collaboratively? How can we share/emphasize the things we have in common more than the things that distinguish us?

    I plan to begin my research by typing my question on Google. I briefly did it to make sure there were credible sources and there were. To further my research, I will ask people what their intake are on this topic. As I gather more information through multiple methods, I will have a clear understanding on the question.

    Samuel Moon
    Period 6

  52. First I would begin with information or comments to my blog post. I would that information to start off and research the author and their perspective on the topic. Next I would google my topic and get a sense of other peoples ideas. I would look for reliable authors and check to see if their information is up to date.

  53. When I begin to research my big question I will start with searching my question and different aspects of my question on google, dogpile, and duck duck go. I will also use the library to search for actual books on the universe and its impact on our world. Some websites I've already found include:
    The cornell sight can even have an astronomer personally help answer a question that I have.

  54. I will search my big question through search engines such as google, dogpile, and duckduckgo. I will use credible sources and make sure they are credible by checking the sources from which they got their information. I will look for mostly websites that end with .edu because I know that they will have the most credible information.

    Paul Hurd

  55. To Further my research I will look at different magazines and what is being publicized about artist and how their troubles under the law differ from what is said to be the law for that particular ceime or violation.Along with looking online for credicle resources that talks about the unjustice that takes place today in society. The unjustice of how some are more vunerable to laws. In which equality for all doesn't play a role.
    Edith Gonzalez p.3

  56. I plan to do a lot of my researching through the internet, but also through books and research on human reactions and genetics. My question being, is there a genetic quality or environmental factor that makes someone more prone to violence?
    Miranda Perez 3rd period

  57. To become successful on my research, I plan on first using the sites that are given to me by Dr. Preston. After I will start researching on Google, Dogpile, and Duck Duck Go to get even more information. I will make sure that the info that I am trying to obtain is accurate and written by someone who is professional.

  58. My topic is unlocking our brain's potential and how we can optimize its capabilities. I will look up reliable research done on the mind from recent and past studies (probably through duck duck go). Also theories on how to harness the brain to use more of its potential. In addition, I will go to the library and see what books I can find on the brain and how much of it we actually use.

    Cambria Leach P.2

  59. To expand my research on my topic I will read books about sociopaths and their journals and compare it I journals written by bright minds, then I will compare them. I honestly find this a good method. Another thing is speak to smart people and if lucky, I will talk to sociopaths or prison inmates.

  60. I plan to start off by looking at the comments that were left on my blog. The most used tool will most likely be the internet. I'll also refer to the works of Gibbons and Diamond about civilizations. The Santa Maria Library would be a good source too. Studies on past civilizations would be very helpful to be able to compare the U.S. to.

    Matthew Giddings p.3

  61. Going to first research on different areas where certain dialects have developed and the sort of people how live in these areas off of the internet or in books available concerning sociology.

  62. So, I know this post is late but I am posting it anyways.

    My Big Question:
    How do genetics and environmental factors lead a person to become close-minded or open-minded?

    I will go about researching this by using multiple search engines such as: duckduckgo, google, and bing. I will research what types of fields this delves into. I’m thinking psychology would be one field, so I will start with that. I will also ask the school counselor and see what his opinions are since he talks with various, diverse people everyday.

    Kayla McCallie
    Period 2
