
Thursday, March 29, 2012

March 29

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Universal Hall" by The Waterboys; "At the Library" by Green Day; "I Am the Sub Librarian" by Piano Magic]

Thinking about this morning's conference made me think about the libraries in my life. I remember grabbing way more books than I could check out when I was a kid. I remember the Bookmobile. I remember taking the AP English exam (!) in my HS library. I remember gawking at UCLA's Powell Library and feeling awed and a little intimidated. And I remember my favorite library of them all, the Long Room at Dublin's Trinity College. What are your memories of libraries, and how do you use libraries (at school or elsewhere) now?

1. Journal
2. Writer's conferences (as time permits)
3. Online conference

Finish youtube vid due on your blog tomorrow, and figure out how to share your mind map if you haven't already done so.

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