
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

online conference tomorrow

We have been invited to participate in an online conference about participatory learning with Buffy Hamilton, the "Unquiet Librarian" (her blog here).

Following is the announcement for the event (copied/pasted from Buffy's blog), which has been organized and promoted by the Digital Media & Learning Hub at UC Irvine. Please comment to this post with any questions or ideas. Because of the short notice, I'm not able to extend invitations for you to get out of other classes, but I'm happy to welcome anyone who gets permission from those amazing, kind, flexible teachers who don't mind.

What and When

Join us this Thursday at 10AM PST/1PM EST for a conversation about participatory learning and libraries at Connected Learning! We’ll be exploring how libraries can cultivate sites of participatory learning to disrupt what Paulo Freire calls the “banking system” of education; we’ll also discuss how to negotiate the tensions that can exist in participatory sites of culture. Full details of how to participate in this week’s conversation are available here! Be sure to check out the archives of previous webinars with Mimi Ito and Mitch Resnick here.

About Connected Learning

The Digital Media & Learning Research Hub is a non-profit research organization that nurtures exploration of—and builds evidence around—the impact of digital media on young peopleʼs learning and its potential for transforming education. We support emerging research on digital media and learning by hosting international conferences, facilitating workshops and working groups, and bringing together researchers, practitioners, policymakers, industry leaders and others working on related projects. The DML Research Hub is based at UC Irvine as part of the University of California Humanities Research Institute, and is supported by the MacArthur Foundation as part of Macarthur’s broader Digital Media and Learning Initiative.

NOTE: Since this mentions Freire I thought you should have some background-- more after the jump (skim it, but at least read the description of the BANKING MODEL and consider how our work disrupts it in a positive way).

[borrowed with gratitude from:]

freire -

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