Affinity: a natural liking for or attraction to a person, thing, idea, etc.
Bilious: peevish; irritable; cranky.
Cognate: Adj.: allied or similar in nature or quality.
Corollary: an immediate consequence or easily drawn conclusion
Cul-de-sac: any situation in which further progress is impossible
Derring-do: daring deeds; heroic daring
Divination: perception by intuition; instinctive foresight
Elixir: a panacea; cure-all; sovereign remedy
Folderol: foolish nonsense
Gamut: the entire scale or range
Hoi polloi: the common people; the masses
Ineffable: incapable of being expressed or described in words, -not to be spoken because of its sacredness; unutterable
Lucubration: laborious work, study, thought, etc., especially at night - The result of such activity, as a learned speech or dissertation
Mnemonic: assisting or intended to assist the memory
Obloquy: censure, blame, or abusive language aimed at a person or thing, especially by numerous persons or by the general public
Parameter: characteristic or factor; aspect; element
Pundit: a learned person, expert, or authority
Risible: causing or capable of causing laughter; laughable; ludicrous
Symptomatic: of the nature of or constituting a symptom; indicative
Volte-face: a turnabout, especially a reversal of opinion or policy
I have put these words up as a starting definitions to get the more accurate definition of each word, some words like symptomatic are extremely shaky even though I did my best to give each word a good shot. Does anyone have any better definitions for these words?
Anyone find a good defition for parameter?
ReplyDeleteJessica C p4
Affinity: a natural liking for or attraction to a person, thing, idea, etc.
ReplyDeleteBilious: peevish; irritable; cranky.
Cognate: Adj.: allied or similar in nature or quality.
Corollary: an immediate consequence or easily drawn conclusion
Cul-de-sac: any situation in which further progress is impossible
Derring-do: daring deeds; heroic daring
Divination: perception by intuition; instinctive foresight
Elixir: a panacea; cure-all; sovereign remedy
Folderol: foolish nonsense
Gamut: the entire scale or range
Hoi polloi: the common people; the masses
Ineffable: incapable of being expressed or described in words,
-not to be spoken because of its sacredness; unutterable
Lucubration: laborious work, study, thought, etc., especially at night
- The result of such activity, as a learned speech or dissertation
Mnemonic: assisting or intended to assist the memory
Obloquy: censure, blame, or abusive language aimed at a person or thing, especially by numerous persons or by the general public
Parameter: characteristic or factor; aspect; element
Pundit: a learned person, expert, or authority
Risible: causing or capable of causing laughter; laughable; ludicrous
Symptomatic: of the nature of or constituting a symptom; indicative
Volte-face: a turnabout, especially a reversal of opinion or policy
I have put these words up as a starting definitions to get the more accurate definition of each word, some words like symptomatic are extremely shaky even though I did my best to give each word a good shot. Does anyone have any better definitions for these words?
For Parameter i got: Any factor that defines a system and determines or limits its performance.